
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => What Once Was [LotR CODA] => Topic started by: tomcat on Mar 27, 2008, 04:54 AM

Title: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Mar 27, 2008, 04:54 AM
Kori moved to sit at the small table in the room that he and Nori shared. The room was quite confining, but this did not prove to be an issue for the Dwarf after his many years in tight places under the earth.

They had only two so far. Not the results the craftsman had expected, or desired, but they would have to make do. Kori only hoped that there would be enough recruits to make the quest something they would survive.

He looked at the door again, waiting for Nori to enter with their 'guests'.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Mar 27, 2008, 06:47 PM
The halfling could be heard before the latch on the door could be turned. The laughter and back clapping sounded like a happy gathering was on its way up, but the conversation was heard to be a bit one sided. Beer in hand Gumbo entered the room and looked at Kori smiling he bowed again to the dwarf, "At your service and your family! Food I hope is on its way, no enterprise is worth starting on an empty stomach."
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Mar 27, 2008, 07:33 PM
"Harrummph!" sighed Kori at the sight of Gumbo. He nodded, "Aye, we shall have food."

Nori gestured to a seat for the Hobbit and Gumbo gladly took it. The elder craftsman spoke again, "We shall commmence when the other one comes in."

[OOC:] I like this hobbit!   ;)
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Mar 28, 2008, 06:01 AM
Gumbo took a seat at the table and with both hands sipped from his beer. "Master Kori, I can see that my joviality is somewhat disturbing to your dwarven temperament, but I assure you my words are true and so there not be any doubt, before we begin and the others arrive, of my sincerity..."  Gumbo rolled up the sleeve of his shirt to reveal a long jagged scar, "this wound I received in the Battle of Azanulbizar, while I stood behind my master Groin of the Line of Durin, before the gates of the pit. I can recall no tales of closer kinship between my people and yours than exist between myself and Groin. I tell you this not out of bravado, but ask any of your kin whom you trust and my story will be proven and my trust assured. I will not start a quest with suspicion of my character from a dwarf when I have done much to prove otherwise." Gumbo smiled a rogues smile and rolled his sleeve down, "I have spent the last six months spying out the liar of the vile Smaug and have come no closer to finding a way in never mind driving him out." 
     Gumbo dropped a small piece of charred slag on the table, "what it was I cant say, but what it is is the result of the dragons ire. A small token I found in the ruins of Dale, the closest I have been able to come. My first thoughts were that you were aiming for the Lonely Mountain, but now I am not so sure. Something about you says an older wrong needs to be addressed, I'll offer my services to you again when I've heard the particulars."
     Gumbo laughed, "I hope my seriousness has not harmed my reputation, now where are the others and the cheese and sausage, I hope my hint towards the smoked fish was well received!"
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Mar 28, 2008, 11:44 AM
A subtle look of respect crossed over Kori's face and then that of shame. Both disappeared just as quickly and the old Dwarf replied, "Well spoken and forgiveness asked for my rudeness. You character is not questioned, not by me or my household, but for one who has known shame so long, I have lost ability to trust outside my own." Kori continued, "Your presence here was requested by me and I have been none to cordial, so forgive me Master Gumbo."

The old craftsman stood and bowed to the diminutive Hobbit and then went on, "I have heard of your land far off... near the Blue Mountains of my kin. You have traveled far. Your experience has given you great insight for it is not the realm of Thráin I that we seek but one house much older and greater."

The two Dwarves and Hobbit looked up as the large man, Beren, entered the room. Nori gestured for him to have a seat, and having only just begun his tale, Kori continued from where he left off.

"I have asked you here today to aid me in a quest of great import to my family. I am Kori, son of many sires back to Tori, who himself was of the son of many fathers of the line of Linnar, whose people migrated from Belegost to Durin's folk when the world was broken at the beginning of the Second Age." Kori respectively kept the history of his people short, "It was Tori who had failed in a duty that I wish to right... to restore my family's honour... to restore what once was.

"I am looking for those that will follow me unto the realm of Moria, greatest of all Dwarven works, to enter it and find that the vaults of Durin still lie secured; that and to find an item important to my family line. I have little to offer in the ways of coin, but my nephew Nori and I will fully fund this expedition and do promise that those who accompany may take some treasures from our fathers' house in payment for this aid."

[OOC:] Because this is Middle-earth, and honour and right are a theme here, feel free to play on any qualms your characters might have for the taking of others' treasures to be paid (i.e. the treasures that lie in Moria are the heirlooms of Durin's folks). Of course, if your character has no problem with any of this then feel free to ignore.  ;)
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Elrohir on Mar 28, 2008, 01:39 PM
Moria, wow.  What a long ways away,  Beren thinks to himself.  You see great shock come over his face.  "If half the stuff I heard about Moria was correct, that is a magnificent place.  Isn't Moria far away, farther away even then the south edge of Mirkwood?", he asks (You must remember, he has only been as far as the woodland realm).  Beren sits back in his chair for a while, slowly sipping some more ale.  Wow, Moria, he thinks to himself, yet again.  After he comes over his shock, he says, "How do you intend on making such a long and perhaps perilous journey?".  He becomes calm again and waits for the answer.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Mar 28, 2008, 02:56 PM
Gumbo leaned back in his chair as he heard the word "Moria" come from the elder dwarf's mouth. He slowly removed his pipe from his belt and idly began to pack it. Moria
"I have been there before, at least to the gates of pit. I stood there amongst the greatest assemblage of dwarves this age has yet seen, while that gate vomited up more and more Orcs and their foul kin to break themselves upon our line. Dark were the many days of that battle until vengeance was finally had by the House of Durin. the Longbeards were not alone present all the Houses of Dwarves were represented that day. I recall a council that was had when some spoke of reclaiming the hall. A hush fell upon the elders and leaders of the houses, none spoke. It was obvious that the House of Durin would have to attempt this feat on its own, and in the end the wergeld was met and the armies marched for home." Gumbo began to smile as his next thoughts entered into his mind, "Moria...a small expedition could accomplish more perhaps than a great host. I will see this place, and in the ringing halls of the Deeps the spear of Gumbo Bellybottom will strike a blow at the darkness of this world. we may not be able to beat all the devils, but I'll be damned if their allowed to multiple in the reek unmolested from time to time! In and out, a passage in the dark, Gumbo's spear is anxious for such a quest! HAHAha!"
He light his pipe and clapped the young Beren on the back.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Mar 28, 2008, 08:36 PM
Nori doesn't look at his uncle or the others while the pitch is given.  When talk turns to that of his ancestors, their loss, and Moria, he grips the haft of the axe in his hands more tightly.  This and his family are everything to him.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Mar 29, 2008, 05:16 AM
Kori looked to Beren, "I have purchased a small wagon and a team of two ponies. Our supplies and personal gear shall be stowed aboard, and then we shall walk to the eastern gates and then enter. Both my nephew and I have been told the lore of our fathers and know the location of the vaults. It will be a matter of getting safely within Moria and secretly finding our way to this place. I recruit your aid in this... you both seem eager. What say you?"

For the first time, Gumbo and Beren took in the whole of the room. There was no extravagance, but one table behind the warrior-craftsman was laden with seven round, leather scroll pouches. The man of Laketown was reminded of the Elf that sat alone in the common room with his many books and parchments.

[OOC:] Telcontar, when you italcize your dialogue, does that mean Gumbo is quietly thinking to himself, or speaking out? Let me know...

BTW, he's one worldly hobbit. ;) How old is he and to what assemblage is he referring too? Lastly, can you accept my invitation to the campaign on the RPG Profiler? Just click the EDIT link by your character's name and then select accept on the invitation. Thanks!
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Mar 29, 2008, 05:32 AM
OOC: I messed up the italics function. Only one word was supposed to be italics and that was Gumbo thinking about moria. Gumbo is 50 years old and i put his background in the notes section of his character sheet on the profiler. What Gumbo is referring to is the aftermath of the Battle of Azanulbizar and suggesting that some were beginning to put forward the the idea of marching the host into Moria and reclaiming it. However the Dwarves of the other families were not willing to do this after almost nine years of war the death of Azog was enough for them.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Apr 01, 2008, 06:17 AM
Gumbo looked up from his pipe, "indeed Sir, I am at your service. Now, as for plans...What is the route you wish to take? What of the wagon and draft animals when we enter the mine? Is there a stagging point that we can use close by that  offers some security?"

OOC: Tomcat, I'm going to use my realm knoweldge to try and figure out if there is a settlement of Woodmen or some other sactuary that is relatively close as a last supply point and place to store the wagon and or hire a couple of teamsters.
Realm: Anduin Vales Roll(2d6)+3:

Realm: Misty Mountains Roll(2d6)+3:
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 08, 2008, 07:41 AM
Kori became animated with the Halfling's questions - he had waited years to put his plans into action and now he could fully display his thoughts.

"It would seem the wiser to take the road through Mirkwood. Once on the other side, we will trek the long road south along the Anduin River. We could have trouble along this route, but to take the road south around the forest would take much longer." The Dwarf was formulating all logistics in regards to food, water, and money. Along the Anduin, there would be ample water, hunting and roads that would still exist though few have tread them in the recent years. "I can only hope that the Elven-king within the forest will not hinder our passage. I do not believe that he will.

"We will take the wagon to the base of the mountain and then move our supplies with us via our backs. If the mission is a success, it matters not whether the wagon remains upon our exit. If it fails... will it matter to any of us anyway?"

Suddenly the craftsman face twisted in his efforts to remember, "Forgive me Mister Bellybottom, but my nephew and I were present at the gates of Moria when the battle of Azanulbizar took place... I do not remember seeing or hearing of you."

[OOC:] The latter paragraph is for you to go into more detail of your character's history Telcontar.

As far as your test rolls, the Vales do contain some settlements that could be used as small sanctuaries and staging places.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 08, 2008, 06:14 PM
"He may not hinder our journey but no doubt if he catches wind of our venture, he surely will want proper compensation for passage," said Nori, continuing to grumble about greedy elves and other such unpleasantries under breath.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Apr 09, 2008, 06:01 AM
Gumbo smiled at the last comment by Kori, "Don't recall seeing a Hobbit do you?" Gumbo stood cleared his throat and begin to sing,

In the dimness of the shadows
Where we hairy heathens warred,
I can taste in thought the lifeblood;
We used sling before the sword.

While in later clearer vision
I can sense the coppery sweat,
Feel the pikes grow wet and slippery
When our Phalanx, Azog met.

Hear the rattle of the harness
Where the Orcin darts bounced clear,
See their Wargs wheel in panic
From the Dwarves leveled spear.

Still more clearly as a soldier,
Can I see the Legion close,
As our third rank moved in forward
And the short sword found our foes.

Once again I feel the anguish
Of that blistering treeless plain
When the Orcs showered death bolts,
And our discipline was in vain.

I remember all the suffering
Of those arrows in my neck.
Yet, I stabbed a grinning savage
As I fell upon my back.

Once again I smell the heat sparks
When my Dwarven plate gave way
And the lance ripped through my entrails
As on Nanduhirion field I lay.

In the windless, blinding stillness
Of the glittering Dimiril Dale
I can see the pinions rising
Forward! Náin! we could not fail.

Sitting down again he went on, "I spent many days in the service of the Dwarves during that war, I was but one of hundreds Kori, my small size and in Dwarven armour I am sure I appeared no more than a groomsman to you if you were to see me. I was often called Kuduk by the dwarves, a name for my people in general, but more dwarven sounding. Perhaps that name is known to you? In my youth I met Gróin in the Shire, my home. Gróin was the grandson of Borin, the younger son of King Náin II, and so could claim direct descent from Durin the Deathless himself. As I grew on several occasions visited the dwarves in their halls in the Blue Hills. It was here along with Gróin that the Dwarves first heard of the death of Thror, and his son Thrain, who now succeeded him as Lord of the House of Durin, swore vengeance.  I was swept up with the preparation for war and pledged my support to the House and spent the next three years preparing with the dwarves for the coming war. The war that came was furious in its wrath as you know. For the next six years I was a constant companion of Groin participating in many campaigns and battles of the war. I stood by him and the King during the battle before the gate, and it was here I was struck down at the very arrival of Náin with his kin from the Iron hills."

"I have been to the places that you are speaking about and campaigned there. I agree the passage through the woods is faster and may also be safer, especially if passage can be arranged with the elves. I saw an Elf downstairs, more than likely from the Woodland realm, perhaps he can be convinced to be or 'guide'.  There are wagons that the eastern men use, wains I believe there called. They are often seen in Laketown during market and carrying wine. These wagons can be converted to boats. If we can acquire them we can float down the river and avoid much toil. Also I know of many villages of Woodmen where we could at the least spend a night and at best use as a base and perhaps hire porters within a couple days march to the Dimrill Gate. The journey home is a different beast , but let's get there first."

Gumbo cleared his throat, "now where is that woman with my cheese, and sausage. Talk has made me hungrier and thirsty. Young Master Beren, I saw you speak to this elf do you know him?"
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Elrohir on Apr 09, 2008, 09:36 AM
Beren looks up suddenly at Gumbo, "No, I do not know him.  I know about him though.  His name is Caramir, a keeper of lore.  He comes from the woodland realm, and is a brother to a guard that guards the paths in Mirkwood.  He might want to adventure with us, if he hasn't left already.  When I told him of the adventure, I caught a brief look of excitement.  But it was only a brief look."  He continues sipping at his drink. 
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 09, 2008, 10:58 AM
Kori realized why he had not known of Gumbo's presence at Azanulbizar, for he and his kinfolk had arrived with the vanguard of Nain's force out of the Iron Hills.

His admiration for the Halfling grew even more, "You tell a good tale and sing a good song little master!" It was the first smile the new hires had seen cross the old Dwarf's face. "Nori, perhaps this Elf would be of value on our trip... mayhaps you can go back to the common room and implore his services?"

At the same moment, the lady of the house entered carrying a large wooden platter laden with bread, fresh butter, and a very fragrant vegetable and beef stew pot - following behind her was a young fellow who had four crocks precariously grasped in his two small hands.

Kori gestured where he wanted the food to be set and then returned to business, "The needs of the wagon and team have already been met; I purchased them a week past. As far as your suggestions of river travel... a Dwarfs' feet serves him better on solid rock. Yet, we may make good use of your familiarity of the region and the folks that reside there."

The craftsman made no more comment regarding the hiring of porters or any hands that may require coin. The resource was already lean.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 09, 2008, 07:04 PM
"Uncle, don't consider this prattle!  The day that we need help from one of those pointy-ears prisses is the day our house loses all measure of honor and dignity.  Isn't it enough that we must look to outsiders for aid to even consider going that far?"
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Apr 09, 2008, 08:24 PM
"ahhhh, he needs but a nudge and he will join us! All it requires is the right lure. You may be from Laketown Beren, but your not a fisherman or fisherelf or, well you get my drift."
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Cut on Apr 10, 2008, 07:10 AM
[OOC] I have a paper due to hand in tomorrow at my university. I'll be able to post and read more regularly again as of this weekend. Caranmîr is eager to join, but most likely not be found during the next 24-36 hours.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 11, 2008, 07:37 AM
Kori looked at Nori and shook his head, "Nephew, we need all as are willing to go... but for the price of knowledge, we may be able to retain the aid of this Elf. It seems a slight bounty to pay. Go and fetch him... let us see what he says."

The request from the older Dwarf to the younger was not commanding, moreso that of desperation that all could perceive.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Cut on Apr 11, 2008, 09:17 AM
Down below in the tavern's common room, Caranmîr knew nothing of the fact that the company had started considering for him to join their quest. He was still sitting at his table regarding his maps, making traveling plans for tomorrows journey southwards, while occasionally trying bits and sips of the strange kind of the food and drink he ordered to learn about their tastes.

[OOC] Paper is handed in, Caranmîr is ready for some underground action!  >:D
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 11, 2008, 09:21 AM
Quote from: Cut on Apr 11, 2008, 09:17 AM[OOC] Paper is handed in, Caranmîr is ready for some underground action!  >:D

[OOC:] I need to get busy and get you guys there soon! (D I am enjoying how this story is coming together... I like the character mix thus far. 
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 11, 2008, 07:04 PM
Nori opened his mouth as if to reply but bit his tongue.  He didn't want to usurp his uncle's authority with these hired hands more than he already had.  It obviously pained him to stand and fetch the elf yet he did so anyways.  Returning to the room, he found the elfling really as if almost waiting for him to show up.  "Master Elf," he struggled.  "You have been noted as one who may have interest in my family's venture and that your particular... specialty... may be of use to us.  My uncle requests your presence," he says quietly and turns to leave.  "If you'll come," he finishes he turns the corner.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Cut on Apr 12, 2008, 05:33 AM
Caranmîr couldn't quite believe what he heard. Had the Dwarf just asked him to come along? Not really waiting for a reply, the Dwarf had turned and started to leave the common room again. Caranmîr didn't notice any lack of manners, and started to gather his stuff quickly, grabbing his Quarterstaff he tried to regain a bit of dignity and started to follow the Dwarf.
"Master Dwarf, I will come with you. I am honored that you might think of me as a worthy companion to you and your company."
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 12, 2008, 12:55 PM
In the private room, Kori and the new retainees looked up to see Nori return followed by Caranmîr. The elder Dwarf nodded his approval and bid welcome to the Elf, "Master Elf, I am glad that you have chosen to come and listen to our proposal."

The quest was re-counted for Caranmîr's sake and with his acceptance Kori ended, "Our number is small and I do ask that if you know any worthy that may wish to accompany, then feel free to have them come and see my nephew and me. We shall be finishing our business here in Laketown within two days, be prepared for us to commence."
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Elrohir on Apr 12, 2008, 07:02 PM
Beren looks up at Caramir.  He listens to the story another time, to make sure he didn't miss any details.  "Glad to have ya", he says to Caramir.  "So, what changed your mind?".  What a missmatched party we have, he thinks to himself. 
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Apr 12, 2008, 07:51 PM
Gumbo is on his third helping of food just as the elf opens the door to enter. He nods to him and utters some uninteligable grunts and gesticulating with bones at various points of the retelling.

"bottom line we need to take the shortest route to the Anduin." Gumbo looks out of the corner of his eye and then smiles and looks at the elf, then in perfect Sindarian, "Aiya Eldalie ar Atanatári, Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo!"  (Behold people of the Eldar and fathers of men, A star shines on the moment of our meeting!) Whipping his mouth, "excuse my haste, hunger causes manners to go astray when they should be most evident. I am Gumbo Bellybottom of the West Farthing and and my greeting in the tongue of your people stands." He stood up quickly and bowed then moved rapidly to the door and opened it, shouting down the stairs. "By the stars of Elbereth thats good food, but its the parched mouth that tastes but a fraction of the love that made it. MORE BEER! And may it be the bouncing step and lovely smile of the maid of the bar that slacks the thirst and freshens the air with her presence that brings it." Gumbo turned and looked back at the table and said almost to himself, "we're going to need more food too..."
  He then glanced at Kori, "Dispell that look in your eye, my consumption is slackened when on the trail, the food here is legendary and i've never spent a copper in here. A well told story, a sly wink, and a pinch here or there when the moment demands and when all else fails the tinkle of small silver and a smile washes away the rest. This place has sold beer by quart when word gets around that I am in a talkative mood!" Gumbo slapped the elf and the man on the shoulder, laughed and started into the food again with a smile that would have humbled a fox.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 12, 2008, 08:27 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Apr 12, 2008, 12:55 PM
... We shall be finishing our business here in Laketown within two days, be prepared for us to commence."

"Return here on the morn of the second day if you still wish to make this journey.  If you haven't a room, I believe there are some available here.  If you wish discuss the particulars of the journey, contracts, or other items of business we will be available," Nori ends gruffly.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Cut on Apr 13, 2008, 06:23 AM
What an interesting composition of a group that we have here, Caranmîr thought. He was surprised of the friendly greeting of the Hobbit in perfect Sindarin. He responed to the friendly greeting in kind. Then he answered Beren's question. "I never said that I would be uninterested in joining company with you, I just didn't expect good Master Dwarf to be interested in the company of an Elf." With that he turned to the two Dwarves directly: "My name is Caranmîr and I hope that I can be of your service. I have read a lot about friendships of Old between your people and mine. I hope that we can renew these old ties."
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Elrohir on Apr 13, 2008, 08:14 AM
With his answer from Caramir, and not wanting to stay and hear about the ties of dwarves and elves, Beren picks up his things and leaves.  "Hey Gumbo, wanna come with?  I'm going to see if there is anything interesting happening in this town.  I have a feeling I won't be returning for quite a while", he says with a smile.  He leaves with one last sip of his ale, walking on the piers of laketown.

OOC:Is there anything going on in laketown in the next couple days?  If not, Beren will probably rest, or go to a weapons shop.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Apr 13, 2008, 09:50 AM
Gumbo waves the Lakeman off, "I'll be here for a bit yet, some particulars of the journey and the route I would like to go over in a bit more detail. Caramir, what passage could you arrange through the wood for the company or connections do you havewith the men of the vales?"
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: sdrotar on Apr 14, 2008, 01:38 PM
The door to the small room creaked open, exposing a disheveled, downtrodden-looking Dwarf. He wore a suit of fine Dwarven mail and even though it was not clean, the quality of it was clear. He shuffled into the room sheepishly, using the handle of his large axe as a walking stick; avoiding the gaze of everyone in the room.

Vári was his name, and he was young (for a Dwarf). Barely more than a stripling when the last war between the Dwarves and Orcs ended, he had served with honor as a scout, and some thought his talents in the art of war would soon become very formidable at the time. But there were no more wars to fight, and after Vári returned to the lands near Khazad-dum, he was a man without a purpose. Though he had a knack for working with stone, like many Dwarves, he had little desire to do so; the crafts that often defined the Dwarves rarely held his attention. His family - what few there were - had no real standing; they were commoners and had come to accept their lot in life.

So too had Vári, who eventually came upon this town with little more than the clothes on his back, questioning what purpose he had in this world. While he took little pleasure in it, he was able to sustain himself by taking odd jobs around town, using his skills as a handyman and fixer of homes, but he was now a joyless Dwarf, beaten down by a life that looked to be forever mundane.

Word had come to him that Dwarves of a once-great line had come to this town, looking to find either the fearless or the foolhardy to join them on a quest of glory and redemption. The former held some interest for Vári, but it was the latter that compelled him to come to the tavern, though he was not sure that he should have.

He finally mustered the courage to look the elder Dwarf in the eye, and his voice wavered as he spoke.
"I am Vári," he said, "a simple Dwarf of this town. I was raised near Khazad-dum and fought in the last war there years before. While I am a humble repairer of homes, I have nothing here to gain. I am still young and hale, and if my axe and my gumption can aid my fellow Dwarves, then I offer to you my services."

Vári quickly looked down at his feet again.
He tried to remind himself that he had nothing to lose. If they succeeded - at whatever it was they were doing - perhaps his life could still hold some meaning, and he could find happiness once more. If nothing else, the adventure might rouse his spirit. But if worse came to worse, and he never came back from this journey, he found it hard to believe that he would find it anything less than a sweet release from a life unfulfilled.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 14, 2008, 05:43 PM
Nori's eyes perked up to see a dwarf come to seeing to give aid in their quest and it even showed in his voice.  "Welcome and please sit.  I am Nori, son of Dori, and this is my uncle, Kori."  In a low voice, "Your appearance is well-met for I was afraid we were doomed to travel without proper companionship on such a venture.  I don't know if you noticed but we have Men, a Halfling, and an Elf, no less.  I hope you can abide companions such as these."
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: sdrotar on Apr 14, 2008, 09:09 PM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 14, 2008, 05:43 PM
Nori's eyes perked up to see a dwarf come to seeing to give aid in their quest and it even showed in his voice.  "Welcome and please sit.  I am Nori, son of Dori, and this is my uncle, Kori."  In a low voice, "Your appearance is well-met for I was afraid we were doomed to travel without proper companionship on such a venture.  I don't know if you noticed but we have Men, a Halfling, and an Elf, no less.  I hope you can abide companions such as these."

"While I have little experience in such matters, I am wise enough to know that trusted companions can come in many shapes and sizes, and one's loyalty is more important than one's land of origin."

He believed it, and why not? He had few options available to him anyway, and he was no position to argue about anyone who would have him as a part of their company.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 17, 2008, 07:04 PM
Kori was pleased with the appearance of Vári, for few minutes he was feeling overwhelmed by the number of non-Dwarves that were joining in his campaign. Though he needed all of their help, this was still a Dwarf matter.

He stood, "We welcome you into our company." Then to all, "Again, we leave with the morning light of the day after tomorrow. Tend to your needs but return here tomorrow eve... we will celebrate with a feast to send us off!"

The craftsman's mood was beginning to lighten and a broad smile cracked upon his face. Though he was pleased with his uncle's delight, Nori who stood by, was concerned by the announcement of a feast. The coffers were only so deep!


Quote from: Elrohir on Apr 13, 2008, 08:14 AMOOC:Is there anything going on in laketown in the next couple days?  If not, Beren will probably rest, or go to a weapons shop.

There is not too much going on in Laketown at this time Elrohir. It is still the month of March and so winter is holding on with what it has left, and spring has yet to make an appearance. Due to this, seasonal festivals are still a few weeks away - and also, the town does not get to active so as to not invite any trouble from the new neighbor up north... Smaug!
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 18, 2008, 12:02 PM
Gumbo eyed the stack of scrolls behind Kori and wondered what the leather cases contained. He figured that the Dwarves had to have a map of the region - it would be useful in planning their route. All the while, the halfling waited to learn what Caranmîr knew of the regions around and within Mirkwood.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: sdrotar on Apr 18, 2008, 07:14 PM
Vári managed a smile; he would leave this town, and face his fate with axe in hand once more.
That night, he went to his hovel and looked around for things to pack - but there was nothing of value there for him to bring.

That next morning, Vári gave what little he had to the beggars on the street and returned the key to the front door to the Man whom he had rented it from, keeping only the coins in his pocket, clothes on his back, his armor and his axe as his own.
He left the town the way he arrived, and lamented the loss of nothing.

It was time to start anew.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Cut on Apr 19, 2008, 12:13 AM
Caranmîr was still very exited about this new opportunity so that he nearly missed the Haflings question "Carnamir, what passage could you arrange through the wood for the company or connections do you have with the men of the vales?"
He turned to face Gumbo, recalling the greeting Gumbo offered, Caranmîr was still impressed of the Halfling command of the elvish tongue of Sindarin. "Master Gumbo, I am afraid that I do not have any real connection to the men of this town, neither to Men at all. Aside from Beren here, I have had little dealing with the people of this town." Caranmîr paused, "as to your second question, I am not quite sure, what passage I could arrange through the Woodland Realm, aside from my knowledge of the territory...Now I would like to ask you a question myself. That would be how did you learn to speak a language of the elven People?"
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Elrohir on Apr 20, 2008, 04:57 AM
OOC:Beren would like to go to a weapons' shop.  Before he leaves he needs to say goodbye to his father.  After that he will pretty much hang low untill it is time to go. 
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Cut on Apr 20, 2008, 07:19 AM
Not really sure what to do with himself in this town of Men, Caranmîr didn't want to part company at once. So he asked all the people left in the room: "What is it, that you are going to do, until we set about our journey?"
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Elrohir on Apr 20, 2008, 10:37 AM
Before leaving Beren looks over to Caramir and says, "I am going to my fathers house to say goodbye and to gather my things.  Than I am going to a weapons shop to see if I can get a dagger or something.  You are more than welcome to join."  Beren just remembered he had left all his things for the journey at his fathers house.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Apr 20, 2008, 11:42 AM
"Caramir, you do not have the look of a warrior in speech or in bearing. Beren mentioned however that your brother was a Borderer of some kind. We would only need safe passage through cleared route, the woods are not welcoming to strangers at all though some of its dwellers can be helpful if they were to choose to. We need to know a safe route through the woods, not an armed guard to take us through. As for the mastery of Sindarian, my people come from the far west, not very far from Lindon, in fact our lands come to the foot of the Minas Emyn, the Tower Hills. The parties of departing elves have frequently crossed our lands on their way to the see and they often meet with the Big folk or range upon the borders of the land. It was from these peoples and my father that I learned the basics of the language, it is after all still somewhat considered the language of the educated. My mastery came under the tutledge of Groin of the House of Durin, a Lord among his kin. They will not speak their tongue to any other but their own kind, and Sindarian is the most common language to speak after westron if one desires to be understood. I am told that many in Gondor still speak it as a daily language."
Gumbo then turned to Kori, "Captain, is there a a map among those papers you possess of the wood or of the vales of the Anduin on the otherside? The route we choose will determine the risks that we may face as well as the nature of any dangers other than Orcs that we might encounter, as well as the food supplies necessary for the trip, and places we may find sanctuary along the way. There are many that travel here to Laketown, though the numbers are far fewer since the vile Smaugs arrival. Still there are those here that might tell us names and holdings along the way where we may stop for the night, or trade a broken beast. The wild lands are not totally lacking in people or beasts, despite what maps might indicate."
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: donimator on Apr 20, 2008, 11:44 AM
Turumarth strode purposely through the streets since spotting the notice. His trepidation at returning to Esgaroth after some time left as he saw hope for adventure. The streets seemed small and closed in - as one feels after returning home from a long journey abroad. Turumarth's journey had been more one of the soul. He was different from the boy who grew up here. He had learned things, seen things, fought beside those that many in this town could only imagine. He walked with purpose, confident that this next turn in his life was the one he had always been preparing for.

The door of the inn swung open quickly as the eager traveller stepped forward. To some he may have looked a young boy, framed against the shadow of the waning day. But the light of the fire and lanterns revealed the lines of his face, the stains and scars that adorned body and gear, his cracked hands gripping a sturdy walking staff. Then came recognition from some, a puzzling look on those that turned wondering where they have seen him before. And with recognition came realization as most turned their backs to him - well aware of who his family was and his choices that led in part to their ruin. There were no calls of welcome, only a brief murmur as people turned back to their conversations.

Turumarth drew a sharp breath and stepped into the common room, his eyes quickly scanning those assembled. The notice had talked of dwarves, yet none seemed to be in the room. He pushed through the crooked aisle, taking care not to bang his bedroll on the backs of chairs, and made his way to the bar. Some local folk moved away giving him room as he asked for a Dorwinion vintage from the barkeep.

Hoping to avoid missing an opportunity, Turumarth looks to those around him, searching out a friendly face to inquire of the dwarves. He looks finally to the barkeep again, before he responds to his drink request. The words come out a little too loudly, but he quickly says, "I saw a posted notice seeking companions for adventure. We were to meet a company of dwarves here tonight. Are they still here or have I missed them?"

Looking for advantage if he has to press the barkeep for information, Turumarth watches his reaction carefully, trying to pick up nuances in voice or body that will tell how willingly he gives his answer -

Skill roll type/Description: Insight test to gauge barkeep's attitude towards Turumarth
Anticipated TN to achieve: TN 10 (Routine - indifferent subject?)
Dice mods: Skill - +4

Dice Roller results:Roll(2d6)+4:
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 22, 2008, 04:44 PM
The bartender was tall and thin, his face a mask of indiference towards Turumarth. His hand was deep in a mug swabbing it out with a linen that needed to be cleaned more than the cup that it dried. Still the man answered the mage's question, gesturing with a nod as he did, "You'll find them down that hall in the first room on the right."

Turumarth turned to see a hall that led back out of the common room, into the inn. He pushed his way through the guests that clamoured about and made his way to the Dwarves chamber.

Inside the room, Kori looked at Gumbo and then hesitantly turned to the scroll cases that lay stacked behind him. He untied the two ends and then rolled open the leather binder. An elegant map of northern Mirkwood and its surrounds was revealed. Gumbo marveled at the cartographer's skill and Caranmîr also took immediate interest in the parchment. Middle-earth stretched far and wide but seeing all of its features captured on one piece of paper made all take pause.

Nori and Vári stood back as the others crowded around the table. Kori pointed to Laketown and then traced down the eastern edge of Mirkwood, "The main road through Mirkwood lies here. It is said that a northern passage is present though one can easily stray afoot... unless our Elven friend knows differently? It is my intention to take our road south and then across the forest by the main road, then south from there. What do you think?"

Beren, needing to attend to the tasks at hand, pulled away from the table to let the remaining Company members decide their course. Nodding to Nori and Vári, he turned to the door opening it just as another man was about to knock.

Kori took notice of the new stranger and his secretive nature took over, "Eh? Who is this?" All the while, the Dwarf drew closed the scroll case.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: donimator on Apr 23, 2008, 12:59 AM
Turumarth gathered himself as he slipped quickly from the bar, not even bothering to receive his drink. He stepped lightly over the old wooden floor, his mind racing with what he would find. A moment's pause to collect himself was interrupted by the opening door and the appearance of a huge warrior. Turumarth took a step back in surprise, lost for words, as he looked to the man and vainly searched the room beyond.

His eyes locked on an elf and words left his lips in surprise, "Caranmîr? Suilad! Man le carel sí? (Sinda. - "Caranmîr? Greetings! What are you doing here?).

Seeing the other faces turned expectantly he peers around the warrior and looks to the dwarf with the map. "I am Turumarth...I am answering the posting."
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Apr 23, 2008, 03:51 AM
Gumbo, looked upon the map searching his memory for any places along the way where they might establish a base camp. When the door opened and a man appeared he did not seem to be to concerned. When the man spoke he whispered in the ear of Kori next to him, "The elf is known to this one somehow." Then as he looked upon the table, "We are going to need more food, how many flyers did you post Nori? Well, dont stand there with your mouth open come in, come in. I am Gumbo Bellybottom, from the far west. You didnt see a girl bringing beer this way did you?
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Cut on Apr 23, 2008, 04:45 AM
Caranmîr wasn't eager to share the means of his home-parting with these still somewhat strange people here, so an answer to Gumbos question didn't come to him very easily. He eyed the Hobbit cautiously, thinking about the best way to answer, when a new person, a Man, entered the room and came to his aid:
"Caranmîr? Suilad! Man le carel sí?"
Caranmîr recognised the voice instantly as that of Turumarth. These day is full of surprises, indeed, the Elf thought, and pleasent ones most of all. Gumbo's question all but forgotten Caranmîr turned and bowed respectfully to the stranger "Suilad, Turumath."
He gave Turumath a thoughtful smile "I offer you greetings as well. It is good to see you again."

Edit: Cleared things up a bit!
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 23, 2008, 05:00 PM
Nori groaned inwardly and a looked quiet desperation crossed his face as yet another non-Dwarf showed up.  He was, for sure, glad for the help but he couldn't help but think of more dwarf-treasure going into the coffers of non-dwarfs.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: donimator on Apr 24, 2008, 06:24 AM
Turumarth sidestepped and squeezed around the warrior in the doorway. Put off a bit by his unexpected entry, he actually had to scan the room to find more dwarves. He took a step in to get a full assessment of the room occupants and finally exhaled when he realized he had been holding his breath. He smiled once more at Caranmîr and began to wonder if the kuduk who addressed him was running the show.

"Er, Master...Bellybottom...Greetings to you to and all here. I didn't see any potables coming this way, but the common room is quite busy. Now if you wish to carry on, I can be brought up to speed later, pardon my interruption. I was...ah, am a resident of Esgaroth and know the land the trade routes follow quite well to the east and west...if that is of any help."
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Apr 24, 2008, 02:01 PM
"EXCELLANT! Sit down here at the table! Captain Kori and I were just discussing routes of travel. He allows you to be a member of the company then your knowledge of the area will be helpful." Gumbo sat back down and called out to Beren, "If you are leaving on the way by send in more beer planning makes me thirsty!" He sat back down and began nimbling on the food that no one else in the room had seemed to touch yet. He motioned to the food on the table to the new comer. "Nori, if you wanted more of your kith and kin perhaps you should have looked for companions in the Iron Hills and not a town of men under the shadow of a dragon. So, Turumarth, what's your skill that you are offering to this enterprise of high adventure and certain doom?"
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 24, 2008, 05:10 PM
[OOC:] I am enjoying the characters guys! Keep it up!

Kori paused a moment, but then seeing that the Elf and Man knew each other, nodded his head in approval. If they were already comrades, then there would be trust amongst them and that was needed in this adventure... it just may save all of their lives.

"Aye, he is welcome at our table. Come in Turumarth... and yes, please tell us what can you bring to our Company?"

The craftsman began to take inventory of those around him, as was his nature. He had a Loremaster, five warriors, and now this new stranger. Kori looked to their new companion in anticipation of his answer.

Before Turmarth could answer, again the Company was disturbed by the entrance of innkeep. Her tray was laden with more crocks of beer.

"I have heard your calls for ale Gumbo, as well as more food, but you'll need be patient a bit lad! I have a room full of patrons and your only one mouth and belly... though it seems to be bottomless!"

She set down the tray and gathered up the empties. Once done she courteously bid the Company adieu and allowed them to continue on with their task. All eyes went back to Turumarth to hear what he had to say.

Beren strode out of the old inn and made his way to his father's home. The wooden platform and stone quay lattice that made up the 'streets' of Laketown were busy with folk going about their daily business. Fishermen had fresh catch fish strung up and displayed for sale, the smell of which was at times overwhelming; kegsman and watermen tended the barrels and long thin flat boats that brought trade down the river out of the Elven relam in Mirkwood - from here, it was consumed or taken further down the lake and river to other settlements.

Beren ignored it all. He needed to pack his things and then make a stop at Garulf's smithy. The blacksmith was renowned for his metal works and the warrior knew that he would certainly have a quality dagger for purchase.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 24, 2008, 05:36 PM
"Bah!" spat Nori and downed the rest of the ale given him by the halfling earlier.  He set the crock down a shade too heavily causing a slight crack to appear in its side and good dent in the table.  This put him in a fowler mood as he knew he'd have to pay for that.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Apr 24, 2008, 06:02 PM
Gumbo laughed at the outburst of the dwarf, "HAHAHa, your stocisim has its limits then. Come then, pour another beer. Dont mind the crock or the table or the cost. Bills will be paid, feathers smoothed, bellys filled, and thirst slackened despite the turning of the world. Spend your coin freely brother for in a short time we all may be dead in the dark or heroes, such is the capricousness of fate!" Gumbo rattled the silver in his pocket to assuage the fears of the dwarf. "Come Nori, a drink of your choosing, I would be loathe to set out on a journey where you had not smiled first, as a result of drink or otherwise. Aule bless all here and shower us in the hops of merriment, the greatest forge grows too hot for over use and only a break for a drink or two returns it to its fighting trim." The hobbit then flipped his pipe in the air, caught it, and put it back in his mouth showering ash all over the table. "Now, do we plan and drink, or be grim and grumpy, or surrender this quest to fate's hand and go back to the bar?" Gumbo sat back down and nodded for the map to be unrolled again, "Well Captain, take him or boot him, but let's get back to the task before the moon rises or the dragon comes a callin."
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Cut on Apr 25, 2008, 01:13 AM
Caranmîr stared curiously at the plates filed with food. He hadn't really tasted anything else then Elvish food as yet but felt the need of nurishment. He turned to Gumbo: "Master Gumbo, would you mind me trying some of the food you have ordered? I have not eaten this kind of meal before and am curious."
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: donimator on Apr 25, 2008, 02:03 AM
Quote from: tomcat on Apr 24, 2008, 05:10 PM
..."Aye, he is welcome at our table. Come in Turumarth... and yes, please tell us what can you bring to our Company?"

Turumarth moved closer to the table and eyed the map being unfurled again. Crossing Mirkwood and then south... He decided to keep his experience with dwarves quiet for now until he knew more of the dwarves present. And unsure how his skills would be accepted in this company, he gave a short bow to Kori to gather his thoughts before continuing,

"Master Kori, my thanks. I have travelled extensively from Thranduil's realm to Rhun and points south as a tradesman. I have worked with the elves and opposed the Shadow growing in Mirkwood. If measured by stature and knowledge of arms I might not stand shoulder-to-shoulder with some in this room, but through skill and action I make an effective companion.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 25, 2008, 05:48 AM
"I appreciate your extensive travel and the travails to which you have been subjected, but Vári and Beren bring strength of arm and skill of weapon; the Elf will hopefully aid us in his knowledge; Master Gumbo may eat and drink our cupboards bare, but he also brings skill at arms. Not to be discourteous, but what skill is it that you bring that makes you an effective companion?" The craftsman's question made all eyes turn to Turumarth (who may feel a bit uncomfortable depending on how he likes to talk about his business), "I do not wish to turn any away, but I need to know that we have the resources that are needed."

[OOC:] Going to allow everyone to make a Recognition test here to see if any know of Turumarth - or any of the other Company members for that matter. The results of the test will allow you to make more discourse from what you know (or think you know from reputations) or to keep your knowing thoughts to yourselves. Obviously it is not necessary to roll for recognition for those that have already written a knowledge of the other into their character background (i.e. Turumarth and Caranmîr)

The TN for an individual is based on two things, residence and race. If a character has resided in the same local region and is the same race, the TN is 10, TN 12 if in the same region or same race, TN 15 if neither. You may have a +1 modifier for related Lore skill and +1 for being in the same Order.

So, Kori's test rolls...
(http://roleplay.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice.gif) TN (below) Wits +2
Caranmîr TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+2: 2,4,+2 Total:8 [Nope]
Vári TN 12 - Roll(2d6)+3: 5,1,+3 Total:9 [Nope]
Beren TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+3: 5,6,+3 Total:14 [Nope.. but close]
Gumbo TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+3: 1,4,+3 Total:8 [Nope]
Turumarth TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+0: 4,6,+2 Total:12 [Nope]
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: donimator on Apr 25, 2008, 08:58 AM
Quote from: tomcat on Apr 25, 2008, 05:48 AM
"...Not to be discourteous, but what skill is it that you bring that makes you an effective companion?"

Turumarth tenses slightly and bows his head to Kori. "Gazardul menu ked gamelu pethem, Uzbud." (Khuzdul - "Your wisdom is as ancient as stone, my Lord). I have trained with the loremasters of Mirkwood and under the tutelage of Núr of the Iron Mound (in Iron Hills). Like Caranmîr I bring knowledge. I have also learned some secrets of the Wise to combat the Shadow. But when all fails, I have never shied away from using my staff."

Turumarth's Recognition rolls:
Wits +3

Kori - TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+3: 5,2,+4 Total:10 - no
Vári - TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+3: 2,2,+3 Total:7 - no
Nori - TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+3: 3,5,+4 Total:12 - no
Beren - TN 10 - Roll(2d6)+3: 3,5,+3 Total:11 - yes
Gumbo - TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+3: 6,3,+3 Total:12 - no
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 25, 2008, 09:28 AM
Kori's eyes opened wide to hear the secret Dwarven-tongue spoken by a non-Dwarf and it almost caused him to miss Turumarth's words, but he composed himself and heard secrets of the Wise. The craftsman knew of the Wise and their orders of arcane spell-weavers; a skill that would greatly serve in their quest.

Ignoring the fact that the man spoke Kuzdul, Kori looked to Nori and nodded, then back to Turumarth. "Welcome to our Company!"

Kori quickly reiterates the quest to Turumarth and then continues, "As has been stated, Nori and I have purchased a wagon and a team of two horses for our trek. Laketown allows neither into the town proper, but both are stabled just on shore and we will load it tomorrow... with everyones help. I have a storage filled with the gear and rations needed to sustain us through the journey, yet, we may still need to hunt along the way. The longer we can stay away from the hard tack, the better. It is my intention that it will be used for our time within Moria although there may be food to garner inside our ancient realm as well - mushrooms and other plants. I am told that some small rodents and fish reside there too.

"Once the wagon and gear have been taken care of, we shall gather for one more meal together and then depart in the early morning. Our path seems sure enough while we are still this early in our quest, but I open the floor once more for anymore council. If there is none, then I would ask that you all go about your needs so I may confer with my nephew in private for a while. If we are done here now, I ask that you all return in the morning for the loadout."
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 25, 2008, 10:04 AM
[OOC:] Because it is my intent to make this a quick one-shot dungeoncrawl, I want to let eveyone know that I am going to have the realm of Moria very unforgiving. So be ready and do not get too attached to your particular PC. If they come home, then you can begin to think about future options for another story I can drum up.

I say this because I have looked through all the character sheets and I noticed that most of you did not use the generation picks or advancements to purchase physical skills such as Climb, Jump, Acrobatics, Stealth, etc. I understand the mage and loremaster not being heavily skilled in these areas, but the rogue and warriors have these skills as Order skills. Not buying a rank in a particular skill not only gives the PC a +0 to said skill, but also a -2 untrained penalty... so really you're at -2 plus attribute and Order/Trait modifiers.

Not asking anyone to make changes (nor will I allow anymore changes - except for Vari who is currently being re-tooled) but I may be awarding advancements for the trek to Moria and for any small side adventures that may crop up.

I just don't want anyone upset if their character disappears forever into the darkness of a great cleft that they just tried to jump and failed. Cool?

Have fun!  ;)  ;D
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Elrohir on Apr 25, 2008, 11:32 AM
OOC:Do you want me to take a recognition roll?

Beren arrives at his house in the middle of Laketown.  It is a nice house, with shutters and a painted door.  Beren doesn't notice any of this as he walks by, for (what seemed like) the last time.  He went to his room and packed.  Rope, bow, rations, blanket, wallet, and torches.  Seems to be all here, he thinks to himself as he puts them all in his bag.  He is about to step outside when he runs into his father.  A look of shock crosses his face, but he quickly recovers and says, "Father, I was chosen for an adventure and I am leaving.  There is nothing you can do to stop me".  He waits for his fathers response, hoping it to be short.  But knowing his father, expecting it to be long and furious.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Apr 25, 2008, 07:30 PM
Nori growled at the flapping mouth of the halfling.  "I will accept your offer of ale, Master Gumbo, if just to shut your lips.  Speaking of the beast is taboo if you didn't know and you do now.  The locals and even all the way to the hills none speak about 'him' directly -- it is cause for ill omen or worse.  We can afford not the former and none the latter."  He gives the little one the evil eye brushing the ashes from himself, the table, and the documents.

Just as shocked as his uncle, Nori's estimation of the newcomer's proficiency in his coveted language raised, including his suspicion.  No dwarf, unless under highly unique circumstances, would ever teach an outsider one of their most prized and cherished possessions.

QuoteRecognition Tests
Caranmîr TN 15 - (5+4)+1+0=10 [FAILURE]
Vári TN 12 - (5+4)+1+2=12 [SUCCESS]
Beren TN 15 - (3+1)+1+0=5 [FAILURE]
Gumbo TN 15 - (5+2)+1+1=9 [FAILURE]
Turumarth TN 15 - (6+1)+1+0=8 [FAILURE]
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Cut on Apr 26, 2008, 02:59 AM
Caranmîr was surprised to hear Turumarth speak out loud the secret language of the Dwarven people. He saw for only a second the even bigger look of surprise on the Dwarven's faces. They recovered quickly. This may not have been a wise move, Turumarth, the Elf thought. Anyway, he felt the urge to learn this new language as well. The magician was full of surprises. Caranmîr hoped for a moment of privacy to catch up with Turumarth sooner than later. Caranmîr looked into the faces of this strange company and thought of Beren the young Men that had already left, probably to say his goodbyes. He didn't recognise anyone beside Turumarth. Although he strained his mind, he couldn't make a connection between the three Dwarven names and the history he had learned. I must be very anxious right now. Failing to recall knowledge was a new feeling for the young Elf. Startled by this experience, he started questioning if his equipment was up to the task at hand. The others all had weapons and armour and looked experienced in the hardships of quests. He didn't posses any armour, and as weapons he carried only his staff, an elvish blade and a short-bow. Never had he been in a situation, were his very life depended on his martial skills. He thought of his brother back in Mirkwood and all the times, he had passed an offer to practise the skills with the blade or the string. A strange new feeling befell the Elf. A feeling of looming doom. He tried his best, to push it away, but didn't quite manage to succeed.

I applied a +2 to the rolls concerning the Dwarves: +1 for Lore: Realm (Moria) and Lore: History (Dwarven Kingdoms of old), For Gumbo + 1 (Lore: Realm (The Shire) and nothing to Beren

Vári TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+2 = 12 (Nope)
Beren TN 15 - Roll(2d6) = 5 (Nope)
Gumbo TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+1 = 5 (Nope)
Kori TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+2 = 7 (Nope)
Nori TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+2 = 14 (close, but nope)

Still waiting for my first successful dice throw in this chronicle...
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Telcontar on Apr 26, 2008, 09:17 AM

Caranmîr TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+1: 2,4, Total:7 [Nope]
Vári TN 12 - Roll(2d6)+1: 6,1,Total:8 [Nope]
Beren TN 12 - Roll(2d6)+1: 1,3, Total:5 [Nope]
Kori TN 12 - Roll(2d6)+4: 2,4, Total:10 [Nope]
Nori TN 12 - Roll(2d6)+4: 1,3, Total:8 [Nope]
Turumarth TN 15 - Roll(2d6)+1: 1,6,+1 Total:8 [Nope]
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: donimator on Apr 26, 2008, 10:27 AM
'Hmmm...not the start I was hoping for,' Turumarth thought to himself as he gave his courtesies and returned to the common room to inquire about a room for the night and a meal. 'Some good can still come of it. Caranmîr is a good ally and Beren is thought a stout fellow in these parts.'

{OOC}Barring any further questions or comments, Turumarth will make his way to the common room and seek out the innkeeper.
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: tomcat on Apr 26, 2008, 05:33 PM
[OOC:] Going to let you guys do anymore dialogue here that you want, but I will start the new thread tomorrow night (Sunday).
Title: Re: Gathering
Post by: Cut on Apr 28, 2008, 12:24 AM
I will be out of touch for some 24 hours starting right about now. I have to spend a lot of time at work and at university and in between. Might be able to come online later tonight, but can't promise anything. Will be posting on any new developments on Wednesday at the latest. Read you then!