
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Black Sun [Star Wars SE] => Episode 5: What has been Sown => Topic started by: tomcat on Nov 30, 2011, 10:29 PM

Title: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Nov 30, 2011, 10:29 PM
Mud and water fountained into the air from the laser cannon blasts from Kaida's speeder. It had not effectively hit either of the Nexu that remained, but it was loud and it cowed the two predators. The wounds they had taken thus far and the frightful noise of the speeders passing caused both of the beasts to leap back from their prey and try to escape.

Logar'Dan slipped off the back of his speeder as it slowed, allowing its forward momentum to continue clearing his path and line of fire, as he landed. He brought his blaster rifle up in time to see the Nexu in front of Caden begin to back away from its attack. Kaida continued to stay on her bike and she began a large circle around the area where her friends had been engaged. Not far away, Fett came to a landing and jogged to the scene.

The nexu were disengaging - it was over for now.

:ooc: If that is what you guys want - you are welcome to attack the Nexu again to finish them, but understand they will also attack.

Trevulo heard the cannon fire echo down the valley. Was that his people on the speeder bikes? Who or what were they engaging? He needed to know. He gave a harumph and went back to the ladder that led him down to the second level of the tower. Inside the small round chamber was the large, non-portable communication unit that he had for his base. Again he grumped about the inefficiency of it all. The few headset comms he had were on his forward snipers and his rear turrets. The speeders had their own communications, but he was stuck with this... he sighed.

The Dug picked up the microphone and headset in what would be feet for every other species. He tapped the transmit button and spoke to whomever would answer. No reply would come because no one out there who heard him call spoke his language.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 01, 2011, 12:29 AM
Kaida slowed her speeder and also dismounted. "Sorry about the noise from the cannons, but I figured you'd prefer it to getting gutted by one of those things." She looked up at the light in the sky and checked her chronometer. "I think we've caused enough ruckus for the day. We don't know what's in that tower we saw through the trees. Lets proceed under cover of darkness, though we have to assume they know that someone is out here."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 01, 2011, 12:42 AM
 :ooc: if hte nexu back off does that provoke an AoO?
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: donimator on Dec 01, 2011, 08:37 AM
Sam saw the Nexu disengage and lowered his rifle. He listened to the alien language on the headset and keyed it a few times while tapping his manipulators against the deck of the blind to transmit a sound. He began to record any audio that replied.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 01, 2011, 11:09 AM
Farok stood poised in his Makashi stance and watched as the wounded creature slunk off into the foliage and underbrush. When he was certain that it was gone he lowered and deactivated his lightsaber for a moment and then examined all his wounds.

"I should have stayed in the Cantina." He reached to the flask on his hip and took a quick swallow and then sparked up a small cheroot cigar. Once he had it going he activated his comlink.

"This is Farok, the furballs are pulling out, but it's a safe bet the cartel knows we are here. We may want to rethink our approach , between snipers and bags of teeth and claws this is hard going. Farok out."

Farok took a couple more pulls off of his cigar and spoke again, "Oh Kara sweetheart, when Caden's got you done sweeping out the ship think you can whip us up some sandwiches? We jungeleers are starving. Oh this is Farok...ahhh Farok out."

With that the one armed man sat down against a tree and enjoyed what was left of his cigar while the party regrouped. 
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 01, 2011, 06:13 PM
Boba Fett looked at the trio who had been engaged with the nexu - all were wounded in some capacity. These people were being sought by Hutts, the Empire, and the Black Sun? He silently shook his head in wonder. There didn't seem a major threat here. He let the thoughts fade and spoke, "Kaida is right. We need to rest for the night and get an early start under the cover of morning shadow. It will also give us time to treat the wounded and allow them to heal. Let's move towards the valley wall." Fett pointed to the south, "There is higher, dryer ground up there. I can guarantee that those nexu won't be bothering us again... they will seek easier prey." The bounty hunter than transmitted to Sam, "Sam, this is Fett. We shall be settling for the night to rest and heal. Can you keep position where you are and keep watch?"
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 01, 2011, 06:37 PM
Quote from: Jingo on Dec 01, 2011, 12:29 AM
Kaida slowed her speeder and also dismounted. "Sorry about the noise from the cannons, but I figured you'd prefer it to getting gutted by one of those things."

"You got that right," Caden remarked, patting and wincing at his wounds. "This hasn't been the vacation I planned," he said, to no one in particular.

Quote from: Telcontar on Dec 01, 2011, 11:09 AM
Farok took a couple more pulls off of his cigar and spoke again, "Oh Kara sweetheart, when Caden's got you done sweeping out the ship think you can whip us up some sandwiches? We jungeleers are starving."

Caden smiled. Lightsaber or no - one arm or no - Kara was going to get him back for that.
And as far as "sweeping the ship"? Caden thought it sounded preferable to this.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 01, 2011, 08:33 PM
Kaida nodded at Fett's assessment, but quickly looked at each wounded team member anyway, just to make sure no one was going to die on her. When she was satisfied they'd make it to the campsite, she nodded to Bobba, "Lead the way then, Mr. Fett."

:ooc: Once a camp was established with a watch, she'll do Treat Injury to replenish lost HPs on the most injured first.

Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 02, 2011, 12:08 AM
Farok stood when the Princess came to check his wounds and bowed his head as she approached. "Your highness I am well. My age it seems is beginning to catch up with me perhaps, though I am more accustomed to the dangers of the open sands and no water than to this wet and thick planet. I am not used to operating in the height of day like a sand creature I have grown used to being about at dawn and dusk. It is no matter; a short rest is all I need. Tell me what did you see on your reconnaissance? Fighting our way up this valley will not serve us to attack the cartel when we reach its end. We are a team, not an army."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 02, 2011, 12:18 AM
 :ooc: Modified post to fit better with other character's narratives.

Quote from: Telcontar on Dec 02, 2011, 12:08 AM
We are a team, not an army."

Caden harrumphed. They certainly weren't an army. A team, however? Caden had to admit that was coming along surprisingly well, given the circumstances.

"Thanks," he said with a genuine smile to Kaida after she tended to him. The pain and fatigue had begun to subside already, however...
"Sure we don't have time for a nap or something?" he asked. The looks of his companions gave him his answer.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 02, 2011, 01:49 AM
:ooc: Awesome! I will update tomorrow.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: donimator on Dec 02, 2011, 01:31 PM
Sam acknowledged Fett's request and scanned the area to try and discern any other possible approaches. He stood motionless and watched. He kept listening to the headset, recording any transmissions. He would analyze the voices to assign them to different individuals to start a count of how many they may be dealing with.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 02, 2011, 09:55 PM
Kaida smiled grimly and nodded in agreement at Farok's assessment. "You are certainly right on that point. We are NOT an army."

She sighed and stood. "I think we all know they're aware someone is out here and has penetrated their perimeter. Personally, a part of me wants to call off this mess while we still can. The other part of me says the momentum we have just might see us through."

She hadn't really wanted to go on this little escapade in the first place. If you can call luring a dark jedi out of hiding "little". But she needed them and their skills for what was beginning to take shape in her mind.

Yet at the same time, she kept seeing images of Britton's body, his armor blacked and burnt with blaster marks flash through her head, the product of their last assault. She ran a hand wearily through her hair.

"Look," She addressed the team, "I don't think we should waste our lives or blood on a pointless assault. If you all still want to go through with this, that's fine, I'm with you. But you should know that we've lost the element of surprise. That's something we at least had in our infiltration against the Imperial prison, and we all know how that ended. Here, we have to assume they know that we've penetrated their perimeter. We could be meeting sniper nests and who knows what else, every step of the way, not to mention who or what might be waiting to surprise us at their compound."

She looked at the group. "What do you think? Is this worth continuing?"
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 02, 2011, 11:18 PM
Caden was conflicted. Kaida was right - their chances of success had diminished greatly.

But the group Antturus represented was real - and potent. If their names could be cleared, the value would be immeasurable. The Empire was getting stronger, and they couldn't last forever as enemies of the state.

"I'm no soldier," he finally said. But i've committed my ship - everything I have - to this, and I don't have anything else to lose. If I could win my freedom, then it's worth the risk. I've risked everything on all of you, and I have to believe that it's worth it."

Caden trailed off; he wasn't sure he quite believed himself...
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 02, 2011, 11:25 PM
Farok took long slow pulls off of his cigar as he looked around the room at his companions. "True Princess we have lost the element of surprise, but that can be gained by doing something unexpected. If we sit here the initiative passes to them. Right now they know something is out there but they don't know what. We have the advantage of knowing more about them than they do of us."

Farok mentally went through the assets they possessed in his head. An inspiration occurred to him then, whether through the force or a good idea fairy he wasn't certain, but he smiled.

"Let's load one of the speeders up with explosives and ram it into the rampart. That should surprise them."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 04, 2011, 01:29 AM
:ooc: Equipment:
Brim - hold-out blaster with 2 energy cells, lightsaber, 1 frag, 2 medpacs
Caden -  heavy blaster pistol with 3 spare power packs, hold-out blaster, 2 frag grenades, combat gloves, pocket scrambler, utility belt (3-day food supply, 3 medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, comlink, liquid cable dispenser), medical kit, all-temperature cloak, datapad, credit stick
Farok - lightsaber, baton, 2 medpacs, back pack, 2 blaster pistols
Kaida - blaster carbine, heavy blaster pistol, hold-out blaster with spare energy cell, light repeating blaster with 2 spare power packs, 3 frags, shadowsuit and helmet, 2 concealed holsters, all-temperature cloak (unless armor makes it useless), basic datapad, binder cuffs, comlink, liquid cable dispenser, 1 medpacs, mesh tape, pocket scrambler, 5 ration packs, 2 computer spikes (+2), security kit, credit chip
Logar - blaster rifle, DH-23 "Outback" blaster pistol, heavy blaster pistol, 8 frags, vibrobayonet 3 spare energy cells, modified clone trooper armor (+6 armor, +2 Fortitude, helmet package), field kit (2 condensing canteens, sunshield roll, 7 day food supply, 24 filters, 12 atmosphere canisters, 2 glow rods, 2 breath masks, all-temperature cloak), 2 medpacs
Sam - blaster pistol with 2 spare power packs, slugthrower rifle with 2 spare rifle clips with Targeting scope, 3 frags, hip holster, Satchel shoulder, 2 medpacs

Kaida used 3 medpacs for healing the wounded - Caden, Farok, and Logar.  :csu:

With the night passing through, Sam will have been active for another 12 hours.  :csu:

As for the text narrative below, feel free to continue dialogue-ing while in the encampment. I just am preparing the text for when we move on.

The team conversed while wounds were tended, and camp was set. They ate a bit of food to keep up their stamina and then some laid back to sleep. The jungle became darker as the sun set and the sounds of the night creatures increased.

Trevulo made the decision. He knew that the speeder bikes had to have been compromised and their riders dead. No one answered his calls - not even his forward sniper position. Problem was, he did not know what was moving up the valley towards them, or what was their goal. Sometimes pirates and scoundrels found themselves in a bit of trouble when moving through the jungles of Malastare. They do not always know when they are trespassing until it is too late.

The Dug mercenary commander began to grit his teeth. Pugwis did not like to have to deal with these kind of things - that is why he hired others to do it for him. Trevulo spat. He picked up the microphone transmitter and called to his rear echelon, "Send me three sentries. They are going to take a walk up the valley and give them your comm headset."

The Gran mercenary soldier gruffly answered the Dug and then closed the connection.

Sam was receiving the multiple transmissions. He heard the same language spoken, but it was certainly by multiple species. The droid could discern how the words were enunciated by different types of tongues, mouths and throats. He knew that the Gran species was obviously present - there were two dead ones in the bog below - and the other voice had to be a Dug. Sam silently admonished himself for not having had the languages programmed into himself prior to landing. It would have been helpful. But... he was not a protocol droid!
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: donimator on Dec 05, 2011, 08:01 PM
Sam listened to the chatter and finally realized he would get nothing from it. He continued to watch the approach. With no word from the sentries, he expected some company would come to investigate.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Posterboy on Dec 06, 2011, 11:46 AM
Brim hung in the background while his companions discussed the "team"'s next move. The Rodian stood with Caden... he was staking everything on this mission and the hope of their names being cleared.

Brim considered Farok's suggestion of ramming a speeper loaded with explosives. "I agree, the element of surprise will be a significant part of our assualt... but I wonder if the sound of the speeder might alert a sniper or two from the rampart's tower. That they might be able to disable the speeder prior to it's detonation."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 06, 2011, 11:55 AM
"That is possible, but who would expect that the speeder would be loaded with explosives. I do possess some skill at moving unseen by electronic equipment, but actual eyes and ears are something else. So, what is our plan? Mass destruction, surgical strike, blaze of glory?"
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 06, 2011, 01:19 PM
Fett's mechanical voice broke in, "The modified speeder missile will provide ample confusion and access through the rampart that has been built. The only thing I will say is that we must be careful with how much of our munitions we use - I do not want to be short once we reach the facility. To draw out our enemy, the attack needs to be very detrimental to their production." He paused, "But we also need to be ready to press through the attack. The longer we are held up along this valley, the more we give the Dug's a chance to fortify. I almost consider keeping both speeders active as they would give us the resource to transport people quickly - each speeder can carry two riders."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 06, 2011, 03:19 PM
The "missile" idea made sense to Caden, but at the same time, anything that could get him away from those Nexu fast sounded good to him. Come to think of it, so did not walking.
"Let's keep enough speeders for us to get around on," he suggested. "The ability to get in and out quickly is gonna be important."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 06, 2011, 04:40 PM
"The ship can come in and get us once the rampart is breached and the big booms do their thing."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 06, 2011, 05:33 PM
:ooc: Just so there is no confusion, the rampart is not near the facility. It is around the corner of this valley where the watchtower stood (see attached map). The Deathstick facility it still way down the valley and across a huge crevasse.

This is going to be a good adventure for PC's supply and endurance.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Posterboy on Dec 06, 2011, 09:48 PM
 :ooc:Not that I'm trying to skip over your neatly laid plans, Doug, but can we not just climb/take the ship and fly out of this valley and travel around the ramparts, straight to facility? Or does the ship have any weapon systems? Can we send someone back to man the laser cannon while someone else flies the ship and just blast the rampart/tower/sniper blind away from high above? (I know, I know... too easy. Thought I'd ask... I gues I'm just wondering why we parked so far away?)
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 06, 2011, 10:22 PM
supply.... endurance... both things we dont have.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 06, 2011, 11:10 PM
Quote from: Posterboy on Dec 06, 2011, 09:48 PM:ooc:Not that I'm trying to skip over your neatly laid plans, Doug, but can we not just climb/take the ship and fly out of this valley and travel around the ramparts, straight to facility? Or does the ship have any weapon systems? Can we send someone back to man the laser cannon while someone else flies the ship and just blast the rampart/tower/sniper blind away from high above? (I know, I know... too easy. Thought I'd ask... I gues I'm just wondering why we parked so far away?)

:ooc: Hey Aryn, yea, you guys sure can. Only problem is there are anti-air batteries around the Deathstick facility, so the Aegis will take fire. You all can decide to go either way - I just prepared the engagement on foot because that will give more story and action for the PC's. The path is based on the one Jango Fett used to get within the facility to try and capture Sebolto. Boba knows the way due to his father's journals that he left behind.

The reason why you guys landed where you did was to not draw attention to the Aegis via Pugwis' air sensors around his facility. The idea was to move up the valley to blow the deathstick production. Stealth is being used, but it is not THAT important as the comm equipment in the jungle is sparse. They may let the next group know you are coming, but the main facility may not know - after all, they have no idea why you are here, except maybe as trespassers.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 07, 2011, 12:42 AM
Quote from: Telcontar on Dec 06, 2011, 10:22 PM
supply.... endurance... both things we dont have.

:ooc: Caden, at least. He can't even walk straight so far.  (-D
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 07, 2011, 02:08 AM
"Well, we don't have to decide just yet," she said to the others. "For now, get what rest you all can. We'll move out in a few hours while it's yet dark. It may be that with a little more recon a better solution will present itself. But for now, lets keep all options on the table." She stood and stretched. "I'm going to check our perimeter. I'll take first watch."

:ooc: Kaida will check to ensure their campsite is as hidden as possible. She'll use her shadow suit while on watch and will awaken whoever is next watch. Then she'll sleep. I suggest we awaken and move out early enough so we can move out and be able to arrive at the rampart while still under cover of darkness.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Posterboy on Dec 07, 2011, 05:06 AM
 :ooc: Doug, thanks for the reply. Alrighty... endurance and supplies. Good times, good times.

Brim nodded at Kaida as she volunteered for first watch. "I'll take second watch."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 07, 2011, 10:29 AM
Farok threw his cloak around himself and actually shivered in the jungle. He sat upon the floor upright with is legs tucked beneath him and threw the cowl over the top of his head and his muffled voice said, "Watches? Jedi do not do watches. We wait." A slight chuckle was heard and Farok spoke no more.

:ooc: Farok is going to Force Trance. DC10 UtF (http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_warn.gif) This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d20+10 : 6 + 10, total 16

EDIT: spelling.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Callowmoryne on Dec 07, 2011, 04:22 PM
Logar nodded to himself. He liked plans that involved explosives, what he didnt like was the waiting. To long and he would get the shakes. He made his decision quickly. "Im gonna back Sam up at the snipers blind." If things were gonna get exciting that was the sharp end of the stick. Thats where Logar'Dan needed to be.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 07, 2011, 11:53 PM
Farok didnt move from under his cowl, but heard the warriors words, "The sniper blind will put you above the fight if it comes, if your hungry for a fight grab a couple grenades and wait in the bush near where we have camped. Feel free to take my watch while your at it."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Callowmoryne on Dec 08, 2011, 01:01 PM
Logar thought farok had a point. He wasn't used to taking orders from one-armed wizards though. Again he wished his helmet didn't hide his perfect smile. "Sounds good. I'll even take your watch. You prob need your rest what with your condition and all."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 08, 2011, 01:09 PM
Farok chuckled behind his covered face. "In four standard hours I'll be good as new and join you."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 09, 2011, 02:34 AM
Quote from: Telcontar on Dec 08, 2011, 01:09 PM
Farok chuckled behind his covered face. "In four standard hours I'll be good as new and join you."

"In four hours, I'll have had a third of the sleep I need," Caden said. "Maybe a fourth."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 10, 2011, 09:19 PM
Trevulo tried one last time, but then gave up. It was obvious that his forward sniper blind and his scout bikes had been compromised. The sun was setting on Malastare and soon it would be dark. The mercenary commander decided that he would not take the chance of losing any more people. Instead the Dug ordered his few remaining soldiers to be ready and keep an eye for any new threats. Trevulo would be ready if the trespassers came further up the valley.

Darkness settled. Sam sat down and activated his low-light vision. He scanned the tree line below for any movement that was made by something more than the small swamp creatures that moved about in pursuit of food.

At the camp, most of the companions took rest while Kaida and Logar activated their own armor visual systems and defenses. They set their own watch and waited for any threat to reveal itself.

Nothing came.

When eight Malastare hours had passed, Kaida clicked her helmet transmitter to let Sam and Logar know that she would be gathering the others to move out - or at least to plan their next move. The noblewoman moved into the camp and waked Brim, and Caden. Farok she saw was already awake, sitting quietly and puffing on a cigar. She gave a sudden questioning look to the former Jedi - Boba Fett was no where to be seen.

Sitting with his back to the wall, the man who was known only as BIT, watched as a Piatic spider descended down the length of the opposite wall of his prison. The things were deadly to most forms of life, even though they would easily sit in a grown man's palm. The poison exuded by the arachnid's fangs was a terrible hemotoxin and was delivered in large doses compaed to the creature's small size. The venom would quickly course through a victim's arteries and then begin a quick destruction of the arterial flesh. The results was awful pain, internal bleeding, and eventual death. BIT had had the terrible opportunity to see a fellow inmate die by one of the red-limbed spiders.

He watched the thing with a wary eye, but did not squash it with his boot. It was his only companion after nearly two-weeks of imprisonment. It had been awful - the humidity and heat; the terrible smell of mold and rot; very little food and water to sustain him; and the scarey little cellmate that had taken the Gran that had been caged with him.

Earlier BIT had heard the report of blaster fire. Someone had fired some big guns, too. He hoped that soon there would be an opportunity to be free from the small Dug fortification. And if so, this time he would not let them get the upper hand on him again. BIT had been hired by a Gran merchantman that resided on Malastare and had a very successful business. Still, the Gran wanted to know what the Dug 'King', known as Pugwis, was doing to supplement his own business and generating so much revenue that he could outbid any other provider. The merchant had paid handsomely for BIT to infiltrate Pugwis' facility and slice the data from his computers. BIT chose the same valley as Caden and his friends to enter the Dug facility... unfortunately, he had not anticipated the Nexu and had been captured after one of the creatures had chased him into the open.

Now BIT sat and watched the spider. It reached a position a few inches above the floor of the cell. There it flattened itself to the wall and waited for its prey - the small two-inch rodents that would scurry along the perimeter of the cell in their own search for food. The slicer felt a chill run the length of his spine and then he looked out the bars of his prison. Not ten feet away sat his pack and all of his gear. If he had any of it, he would make short work of the security system that kept him caged.


:ooc: Okay, all PC's have had their stat blocks updated for the rest. It is a new day, but you guys have about two more solid hours of dark and then an hour of morning gloom.

Tell me what you guys are doing.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 10, 2011, 09:57 PM
"... so no one knows where the bounty hunter went?" With no reply forthcoming, she bit off a curse and shook her head. Hopefully Fett was just doing some recon, if not... well she and her friends had come this far. They'd see it through the rest of the way. 

She nodded to the others "Okay. It's time to move out. Fett will just have to find us."

She looked out at the eastern horizon, It was still dark. Well before dawn. She used to love to sleep in well past day break in the past, though her parents tried to discourage that side of her. She was still a sucker for the comforts she enjoyed what seemed now so long ago. Sleeping in wasn't an option anymore. Sleeping in could mean not staying one step ahead of those that tracked her. Sleeping in could mean failure and death.

Her life had certainly taken a few unforseen turns these past few months to land her on hip deep in some backwoods jungle planet doing covert ops missions. What would her father say to her now? The thought brought a rueful smile to her and she brushed at her eyes in the darkness.

"We're running out of darkness. Let's go." She checked her equipment one last time and then began leading the way up the valley. She hoped this wasn't a suicide mission.

:ooc: Do the speeders need to be turned on to "float"? Or can they be pushed around quietly with their engines off. Not sure how SW tech works. But if possible, we should bring the speeders along quietly but ready to use for a quick get-away or whatever.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 10, 2011, 11:21 PM
On the Aegis, Kara lifted her head of a sudden. A beep startled her from her dozing and the mech stood up and walked from the ship's lounge to the flight deck. She took a quick glance outside and cringed at the site of the rain falling on the flight deck's canopy. It looked miserable out there and Kara was glad she opted to stay on the Aegis, with all of its creature comforts.

Getting back to what brought her to the bridge, she looked at the comm panel that was the source of the chime. It had a message light flashing. Kara tapped the console, which woke the screen up, and began to scroll through the various communications that the ship had received. Some of it was important. Some of it was just standard information transmitted by the various sensors on the Aegis that reported weather, temperature, gravitational sheer, etc.

Finally she came to a message that had triggered the alert. It was not addressed to anyone, but it showed Kaida's name within the content. Since the noblewoman had come on board, she had set up discreet postings on many public forums on the holonet to try and make contact with her family - or anyone who had survived from her entourage. Kara wasn't much interested in the bulk of the details, but apparently the princess had a response. One thing did catch the woman's eye and made her breath hiss out between her teeth... 25,000 credits!
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 11, 2011, 12:40 AM
Quote from: tomcat on Dec 10, 2011, 11:21 PM
On ....Kara wasn't much interested in the bulk of the details, but apparently the princess had a response. One thing did catch the woman's eye and made her breath hiss out between her teeth... 25,000 credits!

:ooc: Yay! Kaida's Wealth talent! *chaaa--ching*  ;D
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Dec 11, 2011, 02:23 AM
The former-military-man-turned-merc knew something was going to happen, just not when.  "I'll be prepared anyway," he thought.  Moving as far as he could from his "cell mate", he took up some calisthetics to keep his body ready and to help clear his mind.  He had studied the layout of this prison ward as best he could from his cell until it was practically memorized.  A killer by trade, he still had a code and bore these Dug no ill will for his capture, the were duing their duty.  The ill will he saved for that group of incompetants that left him behind to save their own skins.  He will get out, he will get what he came for, he will get paid, AND he will see that retribution is met upon those slime.  He index finger on his right hand began to twitch a little.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 11, 2011, 10:56 AM
 :ooc: Doug, I cant get a sense of where we are how this rampart thing is set up. Am I getting lost in the grid lines or is the rampart not on the map?
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 11, 2011, 12:50 PM
:ooc: I attached a new map without grid lines below that also has bullets showing locations. Let me know if you are still wondering about where you all are.

One of the things that may be causing confusion is that the party has truly not even seen the rampart yet. It is up a ways and around the corner of the valley. You and I had talked about it via IM and then your PC brought it up in story. I didn't want to bother making correction that the PC didn't even know it was there, and just let you all run with it.

Again, if you have any questions, let me know.

As for the story, if no one has any other input for dialogue, my next post will have you guys moving up the valley per Kaida's order.

Jared, as to your question - the speeders are quiet when they are floating with repulsors active, save for a light hum. It is when they are ridden and accelerated do they make a higher pitched whine from their engines. So yes, you could walk them quietly up the valley.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 11, 2011, 03:25 PM
 :ooc: Man this is like fighting our way up the death star trench or we need a rolling barrage to cut the wire and then send the Canadian Division in to make a breach.....
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 11, 2011, 09:35 PM
:ooc: That is if you guys decide to fight your way. There has been little talk of stealth, except Kaida wearing her shadowsuit - that could be an option, too. Those speeders you guys now have have some pretty heavy laser cannons on them that do some kick ass damage. Finally, there are a total of four soldiers (or soldier-types) in the party - Fett, Logar, Kaida, and Brim. Farok is a warrior who kicked some ass across the desert, so he shouldn't shirk this adventure, unless the bottle has really lowered his self-assurance.

Finally, as I stated above, the whole mood of this adventure and this campaign is an overwhelming bitterness of having to be thrust into doing things a PC may have never done, or would ever do. Maybe even hopelessness. Being forced into predicaments that they never chose and may not have the back bone for. Or to make alliances with bad people, because the other side is no picnic either. But that is what I think of how the Rebels are born - farmers, or businessmen, who have to pick up weapons to fight off a terrible oppressor. In the beginning it would have been awful due to supply shortages, short on skills or training, and being unsure of who you can truly trust. Worse would be the feeling that you are all alone out there fighting against something you have no hope of defeating - at least, not initially.

But again, if you guys do not like the direction that is set before you, I am fine with you guys heading back to the Aegis and launching out of there. We can do whatever you all want to do.

Logar'Dan actually was aware of where the bounty hunter had gone. In his position through the night's watch, he saw Boba Fett disappear into the jungle foliage. The Mandalorian had even given the soldier a nod as he passed, whether to prove he knew Logar was there, or out of some kind of warrior's respect, he wasn't sure. Logar liked to think it was the latter. He felt a kinship with Fett - a loner, a warrior, and a killer. There was much he saw that they had in common. When Kaida asked her question, Logar confirmed with her where the bounty hunter had gone. The goal was yet unknown.

Fett had taken good advantage of the long night hours and moved up the length of the valley. He moved to a position just south of the Dug watchtower and hunkered down to watch. He activated his low-light vision through his helmet and evaluated the threat the watchtower contained. It was three story and he could easily see the heavy E-web blaster mounted on its roof, aimed down the valley. It would need to be taken out if the party were to not achieve stealth in their approach.

Boba Fett scrolled through the readouts on his helmets HUD making sure the rocket in his backpack was ready and armed; his jetpack fuel level; and finally the other weapons' statuses. Everything was in the green. He would wait at least until sunrise for the others - otherwise, he was going through on his own.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 11, 2011, 09:38 PM
:ooc: Boba Fett walked under the eyes of Sam and approached the watch on the tower... here is his stealth roll:

:00: DC n/a Stealth +11
Rolled 1d20+11 : 20 + 11, total 31
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 11, 2011, 09:40 PM
:ooc: LOL! Damn! I was thinking as I posted this, Fett needs a nat 20 so he could literally go up and kiss the Dug commander without him knowing he was there... and BOOM! Of course, Tom will never let me live this one down.

Anyway, with a NAT 20, Fett has absolute success in moving to his position unseen.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 11, 2011, 11:27 PM
:ooc: WOW NPC made his roll... those are game master characters aren't they..... My death trench comment was not a criticism of the game, just a response to the picture and terrain.

Farok stretched a bit and looked around at the group. "Okay so what's the game plan? They didn't attack us in the night so that means they don't have enough people, they don't know what's going on or we are going to get ambushed again.  The distance we have to cover over this terrain is not the best either. I'm getting kind of pissed at these guys taking shots at me and not feeding the local fauna. We have to get closer and we have to do it fast. Can we double up on the speeders and shuttle everyone to a closer spot under darkness and 'sneak' in?"
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 12, 2011, 04:08 AM
Kaida considered. Getting closer faster using the bikes had its advantages. "We could do that," she spoke as they gathered up their gear and began walking. "It's not a bad idea, but then they'd know we were making a move with the engine noise. I think it'd be best to move quickly and quietly on foot for now, pushing the bikes as we go, until we can get a clearer picture with what we're up against. Then we can best decide how to use the bikes in an actual attack. Brim and I can move quietly ahead of the rest of the team and the bikes by a few meters, to get a visual any threats and maintain stealth and some sense of surprise. We can formulate the rest of the plan on the fly. Objections?"

Kaida grimaced at her own comment as she pulled on her helmet and activated her suit. Most plans fell to pieces anyway once the fighting started, so it was best to remain flexible and not plan things too rigidly, but still... she didn't like not knowing what was out there. She felt like they were walking into the jaws of a bantha.

"Everyone check your comms." She called in on the team's frequency. Hopefully Fett would respond if he were able and coordinate his actions. He was a wildcard and she didn't think she could trust him.

:ooc: Kaida a soldier type? Hah! That made me laugh. lvl 5 noble, lvl 1 soldier, lvl 1 scout...  :shh: Anyway, I was thinking of having her and Brim move ahead by like 50 meters, with everyone moving stealthily.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 12, 2011, 02:18 PM
Quote from: Jingo on Dec 12, 2011, 04:08 AM :ooc: Kaida a soldier type? Hah! That made me laugh. lvl 5 noble, lvl 1 soldier, lvl 1 scout...  :shh: Anyway, I was thinking of having her and Brim move ahead by like 50 meters, with everyone moving stealthily.

:ooc: It is her command ability that sets her apart from the others and make her more of a soldier. Yes, she has little training in fighting, but plenty of ability in command and that is why I included her. Caden is captain of the Aegis but offers little in the way of command, even within his own ship - that is not a put down of the character, in fact I think the character is being played perfectly as a guy that just is laid back. Caden doesn't need or want all the hassles he's found himself in. Kaida on the other hand is taking charge, which I believe is what every Soldier wants to see - especially when there is strength in the leadership and a willingness to lead from the front. That makes her one helluva soldier, as far as I am concerned.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 12, 2011, 04:02 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Dec 12, 2011, 02:18 PM
Quote from: Jingo on Dec 12, 2011, 04:08 AM :ooc: Kaida a soldier type? Hah! That made me laugh. lvl 5 noble, lvl 1 soldier, lvl 1 scout...  :shh: Anyway, I was thinking of having her and Brim move ahead by like 50 meters, with everyone moving stealthily.

:ooc: Caden is captain of the Aegis but offers little in the way of command, even within his own ship - that is not a put down of the character, in fact I think the character is being played perfectly as a guy that just is laid back. Caden doesn't need or want all the hassles he's found himself in.

:ooc: Yup. He started out as a simple freight-ship owner/captain, headed to Bakura to do an old friend a favor (and make a little cash on the side), and - BAM! He doesn't have a dog in this race, save that he'd like to be cleared, and let his murdered friends rest a little easier. He has no love for the Empire, though, and he's awfully defensive about his ship - which makes sense, because it's literally his home and everything he has in the universe. He's slowly growing, though, and will continue to... as long as he's not lunch for a tiger on steroids.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 12, 2011, 04:04 PM
Quote from: Telcontar on Dec 11, 2011, 11:27 PM
"I'm getting kind of pissed at these guys taking shots at me and not feeding the local fauna. We have to get closer and we have to do it fast. "

"Here's to that, brother," Caden added. "Getting shot at, I can handle. Becoming dinner? Not so much."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 12, 2011, 08:54 PM
:ooc: Okay... based on little commentary, looks like Kaida's decision is what the team is doing. I am going to roll Stealth rolls for you guys. The worst roll will set the precedent for both groups (Kaida and Brim / Caden, Farok & Logar). Enemy Perception checks to see you will be against that number modified by Range and Terrain - all of the mods will be shown below.

Second, the Enemy will receive three opportunities to see you at three range points. If they see you and attack, you guys can go into combat actions, otherwise I am going to assume a stealthy approach until you can see the tower and be in range to attack.

Sam is still in the blind and I will assume he will overwatch until the team is past him and at some position that Don tells me.

:00: Team Steath checks:
stealth +7 1d20+7 : 11 + 7, total 18

stealth +5 1d20+5 : 18 + 5, total 23

stealth +1 1d20+1 : 4 + 1, total 5

stealth +21 1d20+21 : 14 + 21, total 35

stealth +6 1d20+6 : 9 + 6, total 15

Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 12, 2011, 09:05 PM
:ooc: All right, here is the deal... I rerolled the dice. You guys got two natural 1's and other sucky results. Bottom line, I am tired of the dice falling against the PC's, so I did some divine GM intervention. Farok scored 15 originally, so that is what I am giving him.

A click came through in reply to Kaida's comm check and she assumed it had to be Fett. Where he was and what he was doing was an absolute mystery, and so she wondered what help he would be.

The company began to move up the valley, skirting the south wall, as they did. They were careful, quiet, and very alert to their surroundings. Ahead of their friends, Kaida and Brim blended into the foliage and scouted the advance. Caden and Farok followed on, pulling the speeder bikes while Logar took point. The soldier whispered as he walked, low on his haunches. Caden occasionally heard the word Katherine and wondered at his companion's sanity.

The lenght of the valley slowly passed.

In his blind, Sam sat quietly. He knew his friends were passing his position below and he kept overwatch of their advance.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 12, 2011, 09:28 PM
:ooc: Based on our map attached below, and the three Opp points where the snipers attempt to see the PC's advance, here are the three Perception checks:

Gran snipers
:00: DC group1 18/group2 15 Perception +3, Concealment -5, range -10/-5/-0
Anywhere within Oppurtunity area 1
vs group1 1d20-12 : 20 - 12, total 8

vs group2 1d20-12 : 10 - 12, total -2

Anywhere within Oppurtunity area 2
vs group1 1d20-7 : 15 - 7, total 8

vs group2 1d20-7 : 6 - 7, total -1

Anywhere within Oppurtunity area 3
vs group1 1d20-2 : 8 - 2, total 6

vs group2 1d20-2 : 12 - 2, total 10
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 12, 2011, 09:41 PM
:ooc: Nice! Big difference in the results when you guys are moving with stealth, increases that DC above the standard 5 for Medium creatures. Okay... you guys can let me know where, but the team can be in any position on the map before the red line. Sam may also have joined you guys.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Callowmoryne on Dec 12, 2011, 11:22 PM
 :ooc: I vote we move in on the watchtower, assuming we don't see the sniper blind
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 13, 2011, 01:11 AM
:ooc: I agree Logar.

Kaida led the team forward through the trees, she and Brim, moved ahead of the group, using the foliage to cover their approach to the tower.

She halted the group still in the treeline and whispered into the comm, surveying the scene. "If we want intel on these guys and their operation, this tower's probably a good place to start. Sam, do you have a visual on the roof from where you are? Do your scanners pick up any signs of life?"
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 13, 2011, 02:32 AM
 :ooc: question: is it still dark? are the guards using natural vision or electronically enhanced vision?
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 13, 2011, 02:56 AM
Quote from: Callowmoryne on Dec 12, 2011, 11:22 PM
:ooc: I vote we move in on the watchtower, assuming we don't see the sniper blind

:ooc: Makes sense to me.

Caden had his blaster drawn - like he had every single second since they encountered the hungry Nexu - and peered off to the tower.
"Good plan. But that tower's pretty obvious; it might not be the only choke point in the area."

He received slow, confused looks from Kaida and Logar - apparently they didn't think much of his... military expertise.
He put his arms out and shrugged.

Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: donimator on Dec 13, 2011, 06:08 AM
When the group had moved by, Sam remained for a moment to make sure nothing was coming up behind, flanking them somehow. If satisfied, he climbed down and began to move up with them, watching the rear.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Dec 13, 2011, 09:10 AM
OOC: Is there any activity in the area where BIT is being kept?  How many guards, etc.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 13, 2011, 10:12 PM
:ooc: Hey Matt, there are no guards where you are. From what you can see, the cells are subtarranean with a central ladder. The lighting is electric and there is a ventilation system, but it is all very shoddy in its workmanship. The only time you see someone else is when a Dug comes down from above, via the ladder, to bring food or water. The other cells around you are empty.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Dec 13, 2011, 10:36 PM
Seeing as his intuition tells him that something is gonna go down soon outside, he's gonna make a play for his own escape because he's pretty darn sure that no one is out there looking for him and this might be his only shot at getting off this rock.  BIT figures he has 2 options for attempting the break:
1) Surprise the guard as it hands him his food
2) Fake an illness to get the guard to go in the cell and surprise it there

With a cup left over from his last meal, BIT patiently hovers closer and closer to the tiny predator, biding his time to catch it.

:ooc: Let me know if you need me to "attack" it.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 13, 2011, 10:58 PM
Farok chewed on the stub of a cigar occasionally spitting the brown juice on the ground, "haven't been able to do that in a long time, waste of moisture on Tatoonie."

Farok moved his head like he was looking around, but whether he was really interested in what he saw or not was any ones guess and spoke to no one. "Can't leave these guys behind and move on. Let's reduce the defenses of this valley as we go. Those good with blasters can cover the suicide squad that's charging that tower. So who's going to give me a ride in a speeder?"

Farok took a hit off of the flask at his hip and unhitched his lightsaber, wrapping the leather strap around his wrist so that he could drop the lightsaber and use his hand. "Get me close on a speeder, I'll jump off and beat the information out of them."

Farok looked at Brim, "Old Jedi saying, 'The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Their disorder is coming in the form of the one armed man.' I added the last part what do you think?"

Lightsaber dangling from his wrist he put the cigar back into his mouth and smiled around it, a strange twinkle in his eyes. "Your highness, I will see this done."

Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 14, 2011, 12:30 AM
:ooc: Gm. I'll be four squares down from the "top" on the column just before the red line. I suspect the rest of the team will be some distance behind Brim and me.

Kaida peered at the tower and the surrounding terrain for a moment, using the optics in her helmet to scan for any threat. She had a nagging feeling... She shook her head and concentrated, looking for any sentries or security cameras. She heard Farok's comment over the comm and shook her head. Another Jedi added to their ranks was a tremendous boost to their capabilities, but this wasn't the first time she had second doubts about Brim's odd companion.

"Alright pipe down people. Tell me what you can see, and what options we have."

If they made it out of here unscathed she'd be very much surprised. Attempting to shake the feeling of impending doom, focused on the data coming in. She hoped with the intel they could formulate a plan.

Perception Check 1d20+9 : 11 + 9, total 20
(plus whatever her helmet optics give)

Some other questions:
1) Can you give a description (sorry if you've already done it in an earlier post) of the tower what we see now that we're closer. Maybe an exterior layout?
2) Also a description of the rampart and distance away from tower etc.
3) Farok, what "guys" are you talking about not leaving behind? Are you talking about the sniper blind? Did we actually see them? I wasn't clear on that.
4) How much time until daylight?
5) How far away is the location where we need to plant the explosives?

Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 14, 2011, 01:41 AM
Quote from: Jingo on Dec 14, 2011, 12:30 AM:ooc: Some other questions:
1) Can you give a description (sorry if you've already done it in an earlier post) of the tower what we see now that we're closer. Maybe an exterior layout?
2) Also a description of the rampart and distance away from tower etc.
3) Farok, what "guys" are you talking about not leaving behind? Are you talking about the sniper blind? Did we actually see them? I wasn't clear on that.
4) How much time until daylight?
5) How far away is the location where we need to plant the explosives?

1) I will give you the description and a couple layout maps in my next post after this
2) That too will be described in narrative and picture
3) This is for Tom to answer
4) You guys have about an hour left of darkness
5) See on the map where it says Sebolto door? You guys need to go through that and then there will be two more maps to cover.  ;D

Matt, yes, I will need you to make an Unarmed attack roll (even though you have a cup to trap it in), the intent is not to harm it so not a melee. Anyway, the DC is 12.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 14, 2011, 02:30 AM
The team was now in close view of the tower and could see the shape of the valley, which explained the tower's placement. The valley did a slight hitch to the left and went north and the watchtower had a good vantage to trap any interlopers as they tried to pass.

The Dug tower was three stories. The base level had a large wooden door facing towards the west and there were a series of firing ports along its walls. A ladder also was visible leading up to the second and third levels. The second level was enclosed but had three open arches to access its interior and a wood balcony that encircled the outside of the level. The third floor of the tower was its roof and a small wooden fence enclosed it. Sitting within the circled fence was an E-Web repeating blaster sitting on a tripod. The huge gun was quite a threat to any exposed targets.

Just south of the tower was a very tall tree that grew beyond the heights of the valley walls. It was unlike the mangroves that grew large within the bogs that the team had slogged through. This tree had few branches on its long, tall trunk and it provided the perfect height for the sniper blind that was constructed upon it. The wooden framed blind wrapped around the trunk and had a rope ladder that allowed access.

Between the tower and the sniper blind, Kaida and Brim could spy one Gran mercenary upon the E-Web, two Gran snipers in the blind, and a Dug that flitted about on the second tier of the tower.

Just to the north of the tower, a long trench had been dug. Muck and mire now filled the pits, but a portion of ground was left to cut the trench in two and to allow easy access past it. Just beyond the trench was a three meter high rampart. It, too, had an access portal that was protected by large wooden doors. Hopping along the top of the rampart, at various positions were four Dugs.

Kaida tried to discern any major communication antennas, or power generators, but saw very little. It was a sturdy looking tower, but the resources it possessed had to be minimal. Still, there were lights shining within, and something was powering the E-Web. The noblewoman did not want to bet too much on what the comm capabilities might be.

Brim signaled to her that the rest of the team had caught up with them - the only missing person was Fett.

:ooc: I have attached a crude map of the tower and rampart. If you have questions, feel free to ask. Otherwise, I will wait to see what you guys want to do before I open a new series of combat threads.

I also attached an image from the Bounty Hunter game of what the tower looked like. It is fuzzy, but you can kind of get an idea of what the tower and the valley looks like.

It can be seen that the snipers and the E-Web gunner have on low-light headsets.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 14, 2011, 04:21 AM
Caden shook his head. "This is a deathtrap," he thought.
The maze of trees, snipers and blaster cannons were all positioned to keep people from doing what they were trying to do... and their enemies almost certainly knew they were under attack already.

They had gotten lucky to make it this far, but he wasn't confident their luck would hold.
He didn't see how they could succeed, but abandoning the mission wasn't a good option, either - Antturus and his people appeared to have far-reaching power, and the Empire and its hired goons wouldn't ever stop hunting them.

"I guess this is it," he thought to himself. To Caden, it seemed that the only way out... was through.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 14, 2011, 08:42 AM
:ooc: I was talking about the tower.

Doug, I am making an assumption here, low light headsets are like night vision goggles and qualify as electronic right? Since its not natural vision I want to use my Force Cloak power to approach undetected. Use the small southern hill as cover, skirt the sniper blind, and cut through the wooden door with my lightsaber. Feasible?
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Dec 14, 2011, 09:16 AM
 :ooc: DC 12 Unarmed Combat - Roll(1d20)+1:  15,+5 BAB +1 STR -5 non-proficiency Total:16

Surprise in hand so to speak, its now or never.  "Guard, guard!  What's taking so long?  I'm hungry!"
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 14, 2011, 10:36 PM
Kaida quietly filled the others in on what she'd seen: E-web, sniper blind, enemy positions, terrain, rampart...

"Well, this is it," she crouched by the others and nodded. "We either sneak past it or get inside it. I'm all for moving past the tower if you think--" She broke off when she saw Farok moving in the direction of the tower and then suddenly disappear from sight.

What was he doing?!

"What the--?" she bit off an oath and tried to come up with something on the fly. "Alright," she breathed. "Look alive! Farok is approaching the tower. Pick your targets. The E-web and snipers are highest priority. If he's detected, take out the snipers, and hopefully that gun on the tower. Then the dugs on the rampart. Once the snipers are down, Caden and Sam, continue to keep the Dugs on the rampart busy, Logar and Brim and I will then move up and support Farok!"

She issued the commands with an air that expected obedience, and stealthily positioned herself behind cover. She exhaled slowly and tried to steady her nerves, bringing her scope to settle on the Gran on the roof.

:ooc: Sorry if I jumped the gun. I possibly misinterpreted your post as actual action Farok... when you may have intended it as a question for the GM. This assumes Farok actually does what he's thinking...

She starts aiming at the Gran on the Eweb. Just a crazy thought. How high can a speeder get off the ground GM? Anyway we can reach the top of the tower with it? If we like took it off a jump or something?  ;D What about over the Rampart?
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 14, 2011, 11:47 PM
:ooc: Hey all, hanging with the wife. I will have this updated tonight or tomorrow.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Callowmoryne on Dec 15, 2011, 08:44 AM
 :ooc: my laptop has taken a crap so it's just my iPhone for now. Hard for me to make rolls and takes a century to post lol. That said after Kaida gives orders Logar will try to make them a reality. I'll rush the sniper blind I guess.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 18, 2011, 11:29 AM
:ooc: Okay! Finally have time to sit here and get our game updated...post is being written now.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 18, 2011, 12:28 PM
BIT called out one more time and finally heard movement above. It was early morning and he knew that the Gran or Dug guards had to be sleeping, at least those that were not on watch. The slicer looked down at the metal, beat up drinking cup that contained the deadly arachnid. He had gingerly trapped it and before he had placed his food plate on top, he saw the thing draw itself up into a little ball in preparation to pounce. BIT didn't ever remember seeing so aggressive a small creature, but it was and when the plate was removed, he felt sorry for whomever would be seeing its contents.

A scuffling sound and BIT looked up to see a Gran climbing down the ladder. "What do you want?" It croaked in the common tongue of the galaxy, its throat not well adapted for the language. "We fed you just a few hours ago."

BIT looked at the scraps of bread and fatty meat that they had plated for him - obvious refuse from their own plates. This is how it had been for two weeks now. Something told him that that would all soon change.

:ooc: Tom, yes everything that you wrote is feasible and their goggles are electronic vision. If that is your choice, I will update with a new post with narrative and any tests you might need. Of course, you can go ahead and give me a Stealth roll for sure, if that is what you want.

To Jared, the speeders have a repulsor system on them that allows for lift but it is only powerful enough to get a maximum of two meters.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 18, 2011, 06:30 PM
 :ooc: Ok since everyone is going to provide covering fire I am going to try and go count coup on that tower.

Farok grabbed a couple of grenades from and tossed them in pockets of his robes. After that he took another quick look around opened himself up to the force. Shaping the currents around him he built a shield to hide him from sight and then set off towards the tower. He moved through the jungle slowly so at not to make any noise and looked for trip wires as we went. His goal was to skirt the edge of the canyon and use the small hill as cover, pass under the sniper blind and then cut his way into the tower. The trick was to close on the enemy and then cause mass confusion while his allies sped in on the speeder bikes. Farok thought about his chances of succes briefly, but then pushed them into the back of his head. "There is no death, there is the Force."

Stealth Roll
Rolled 1d20+1 : 7 + 1, total 8

:ooc:here goes nothing
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 18, 2011, 06:31 PM
 :ooc: do i get modifiers to taking my time?
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 18, 2011, 08:41 PM
:ooc: Hey Tom, I will grant the +2 mod under Stealth for places to hide, but they will also have penalties for cover and darkness. I will update shortly - going to go Xbox.

Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Dec 18, 2011, 09:25 PM
"Ya well I'm a growing boy, we need our food.  Though I'm not sure what you call what's left there under the cup food," the merc said with a sneer.  "I couldn't even begin to classify it as animal or vegetable."

OOC: Intention is to spook the guard, grab him, the keys, and/or the guy's weapon if he can with the distraction of the spider.  Taking out the guard is a last resort, preferring to subdue him if possible if he isn't bitten first.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 19, 2011, 01:15 AM
"Well its the best you'll get, so you might want to reconsider your options," the Gran chided. "Word should be coming soon as to what to do with you, and I hope it is a good drop off a high flying skiff." Again a croak came from the three-eye stalked alien that had to be some sort of laughter. "Give me your cup and plate and I will go scrape the refuse can for you! That is what you get for waking me."

The guard walked to the barred doors and stood waiting for bit to bring him the plate and cup. The man could see that the Gran had a set of keys hanging off his belt.

:ooc: Matt, I know your intentions from your post, but if you could put it into narrative for me, so I know how BIT is doing this. If it is a Grab, then you can do that, or are you going to try and entice him to opent the gate?

Tom, here is the guards Perception tests with mods:

Gran snipers (have Darkvision, no concealment from darkness
:00: DC 10 Perception +3
Rolled 1d20+3 : 15 + 3, total 18

Dug Guards
:00: DC 10 Perception +8, Darkness -10
Rolled 1d20-2 : 4 - 2, total 2
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 19, 2011, 01:18 AM
:ooc: I just realized, I wrote that the Grans' were wearing nightvision gear - hence the electronic vision questions. Now, reading back through the description I see the have Darkvision... and so the wouldn't be wearing nightvision gear.

SO, based on the roll above, and the mistake I made, I have no problem if you change your entire plan, Tom.

When you guys look up at the blind and tower, you see the Dug's wearing night gear but not the Grans.

Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 19, 2011, 07:54 AM
 :ooc: If Charlie can see in the Dark then we need a new plan.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Dec 19, 2011, 09:02 AM
OOC: Deception Roll(1d20)+5: 20,+5 Total:25

BIT shudders a bit as he pushes the tray and cup towards the guard, putting on a  show of disgust which truly wasn't all show -- the food wasn't all that pleasant.  He pushed them just far enough that the guard would have to extend himself to get them.  Tensing himself, he prepared for his surprise to go off.

OOC: UA Combat Roll(1d20)+1: 17,+1 Total:18
Grapple Roll(1d20)+9: 9,+9 Total:18    Wow this roller has been kind to  me so far... yup im gonna jinx it.
BIT will grab at the guard to grapple, pinning arms in bars.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 19, 2011, 11:22 AM
:ooc: ok so whats the new plan? the distance we have to cover is to far without some kind of covering fire. Doug, if we are at -1 because of the thickness of the terrain then how is it that visibility isnt hindered to a greater extent?
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 19, 2011, 03:03 PM
:ooc: Hey Tom, where is the -1 modifier from - and how are you meaning it?

Prior Perception penalties were as follows, along with my reasoning:

If I did not fully explain my vision on how it is all laid out, then please give me a shout. If you contest any of it, let me know - I am always willing to hear if I missed something, or you have a better idea of how the mechanic works.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 19, 2011, 03:21 PM
Farok looked again at his surroundings. "How about we take a speeder, load it up with explosives and slam it into the tower door. Then the second bike can fly into the tower loaded with two people. That will protect them from the snipes while they are in the tower. Then when the tower falls the covering force can attack the snipers and move up the valley?  So...who wants to give me a ride?"
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 19, 2011, 05:55 PM
Quote from: Telcontar on Dec 19, 2011, 03:21 PM
Farok looked again at his surroundings. "How about we take a speeder, load it up with explosives and slam it into the tower door. Then the second bike can fly into the tower loaded with two people. That will protect them from the snipes while they are in the tower. Then when the tower falls the covering force can attack the snipers and move up the valley?  So...who wants to give me a ride?"

Caden tipped his head from side to side; it wasn't a bad idea. Their element of surprise was long gone; they needed to close ground on the facility quickly, and the best way to do that was to cause chaos.
That said, they were still a handful taking on an army. It didn't look good.
He paused for a second, and grabbed his comlink; showing it to Farok.

"What if we had another way to blow up the tower without losing a speeder? Hell, they already know we're here."

:ooc: GM - Could we call in Kara and the Aegis; can she fly low enough to cover that valley without getting blown out of the sky? All - Since the plan was to sneak in - and that failed - wouldn't this more direct approach help cut down our travel time; both in and back (Not to mention giving Kara something to do)? Just throwing it out there...
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 19, 2011, 06:35 PM
Kaida considered, still studying the tower. Calling in the Aegis was certainly a game changer. Getting air superiority was a military maxim. But so was leaving a retreat route when plans went south.

"We don't know what AA assets they have. I for one don't want to lose our ride off this rock, but it's your ship Caden." she said the last with just a hint of sarcasm and a knowing smile. She knew how he felt about every hangers on getting a free ride around the galaxy on the Aegis.

"I still favor stealth where possible. But in this case, that might be out of the picture, and we might only be down to more direct approaches: 1) assault via speeder per Farok's plan or assault via the aegis. Or," she smiled, "some combination of the two."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 19, 2011, 07:24 PM
"Well we are loosing what little cover of darkness we have talking about it. Either way thats a lot of ground to cover, or only advantage is they dont know when we are coming, only that we are. Those small hills will give us some cover, but a heavy balster on the tower and snipers with rifles in the tree top is a tough nut to crack all at once. If we can get behind the big hill we are safe from the web blaster but will have to deal with the snipers. Either way everyone is going to know we are here when we take that tower on. If the ship comes in low is that field large enough for it to land in?"
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 20, 2011, 12:39 AM
Kaida heard Farok out and nodded. He was right. Both of them were. They were running out of time and they didn't have time to come up with anything very elegant. It was time to act. If they didn't, circumstances could find them quickly on the defensive, losing whatever initiative they still possessed.

"Caden, I think it's a good plan. Let's do it. Call in the Aegis and have Kara pound the tower where that E-web is. So here's the plan, the Aegis comes in and pounds the tower, we take out the snipers, both the Aegis and us take out the defenses on the rampart. We can then continue part on ground and part in the air until we reach the objective. If Kara runs into trouble, she can always peel off an meet us back at the rendezvous point. With some of the ground team on speeders, we should be able to gain an edge with ground mobility and might even be able to support Kara if she does run into AA assets."

:ooc: I want to use my tactics skill if it's appropriate here; since I trained in it, and I never use it, it's gotta be good for something. Maybe we'll get a bonus on something based on our plan and the roll? *shrug*

Tactics 1d20+10 : 2 + 10, total 12
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 20, 2011, 12:42 AM
 :ooc: Behold The Dice Roller strikes again... :roll:
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 20, 2011, 01:19 AM
:ooc: It is easy for everyone to judge that it would be a tight squeeze to bring the Aegis down in this area of the valley.

As for Kara, I will give Nick some time to reply. He hasn't replied to any of the PM's I sent, so even though he still hangs out here and plays in Don's game, not sure if he has much interest with Black Sun. If he replies, he can let us know what he is doing, otherwise I will RP Kara.

John is still down with a messed up laptop, so just give me your basic instructions over your phone, John, and I will take care of all the dice rolls.

It will take approximately a forty-five minutes for the Aegis to be warmed up and then launch and fly to the attack. Due to that fact, Kaida can easily take 10 on her Tactics roll instead of using the die roll.

Last question, is Kaida communicating all of this via an open channel on her helmet to the entire team?
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 20, 2011, 02:59 AM
 :ooc: I think at this point we can posse up without Fett and talk about this instead of broadcasting it all out there. Everyone is the same approx area and we have been trying to war game out an approach.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: donimator on Dec 20, 2011, 06:48 AM
 :ooc:Doug, I've forgotten if it has been mentioned - does Fett have the missile launcher on his armour or does he wear an earlier iteration?

:-[ Nevermind, found it - should have checked his stat block! Thinking...
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: donimator on Dec 20, 2011, 08:42 AM
Sam huddled in and spoke with little emotion in his vocabulator, "The speeders are an asset for moving quickly and for firepower. What if Fett could blow the gate with his backpack? We could snipe from here while four move up on speeders, hit the gate, then the passengers and Fett hold the breach while the speeders return to pick up the rest. Then we can use the blasters on the speeders to punch our way up position by position...if Fett will follow along. He must be up there somewhere."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 20, 2011, 12:50 PM
"I wouldnt advise buzzing by the web blaster more than once before its destroyed. If we can get into the tower that will also offer us some protection from the snipers."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 20, 2011, 02:32 PM
Quote from: donimator on Dec 20, 2011, 08:42 AM
Sam huddled in and spoke with little emotion in his vocabulator, "The speeders are an asset for moving quickly and for firepower. What if Fett could blow the gate with his backpack? We could snipe from here while four move up on speeders, hit the gate, then the passengers and Fett hold the breach while the speeders return to pick up the rest. Then we can use the blasters on the speeders to punch our way up position by position...if Fett will follow along. He must be up there somewhere."

Making sure his comlink was off, Caden said, "Fett's running his own game; we just happen to be on the same side... for now. I wouldn't expect him to take any orders - or even suggestions - from us."

At the sabacc table, Caden had allied with other players to take out a weaker one many times, but in the end, they always ended up fighting each other over the final pot.

"We'll just have to keep our heads up and be ready to take advantage of whatever he does, because he won't be looking out for us forever."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 20, 2011, 07:55 PM
Quote from: tomcat on Dec 20, 2011, 01:19 AM
:ooc: ...

It will take approximately a forty-five minutes for the Aegis to be warmed up and then launch and fly to the attack. Due to that fact, Kaida can easily take 10 on her Tactics roll instead of using the die roll.

Last question, is Kaida communicating all of this via an open channel on her helmet to the entire team?

:ooc: Cool. I'll take a 10 then. And yes, she'll communicate over the team channel so Fett can be appraised of their final plan...whatever that is and wherever he is... unless there's possbility of the communications being listened in on. I myself don't know much about that, but Kaida might. I figured we'd have things encrypted though...
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Jingo on Dec 20, 2011, 08:09 PM
Quote from: sdrotar on Dec 20, 2011, 02:32 PM
Quote from: donimator on Dec 20, 2011, 08:42 AM
Sam huddled in and spoke with little emotion in his vocabulator, "The speeders are an asset for moving quickly and for firepower. What if Fett could blow the gate with his backpack? We could snipe from here while four move up on speeders, hit the gate, then the passengers and Fett hold the breach while the speeders return to pick up the rest. Then we can use the blasters on the speeders to punch our way up position by position...if Fett will follow along. He must be up there somewhere."

Making sure his comlink was off, Caden said, "Fett's running his own game; we just happen to be on the same side... for now. I wouldn't expect him to take any orders - or even suggestions - from us."

At the sabacc table, Caden had allied with other players to take out a weaker one many times, but in the end, they always ended up fighting each other over the final pot.

"We'll just have to keep our heads up and be ready to take advantage of whatever he does, because he won't be looking out for us forever."

Kaida didn't trust Fett, and it unnerved her that he could be off selling them out at this very moment. But her friends seemed to trust him, she decided she would try to rely on their judgement. Besides now wasn't the time to sow seeds of discord. They needed to act as a team. It didn't help that Fett was out doing his own thing. She ground her teeth.

"Lets do it then. Times ticking... Stay hidden until the Aegis shows up then take out your assigned targets."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 21, 2011, 02:01 AM
Caden picked up his comlink and opened a secure channel to the Aegis.
"Kara," he said, "since you're all rested up over there, how're your nerves going to stand up to some tight flying? The secret's out over here - we're going to need you to come in low and take out any and all military towers you see."

He paused.
"And if everything goes south, be ready to pick us up so we can get out of here in a hurry."

Caden hoped it didn't come to that - he didn't want to see Antturrus really mad. But Antturrus wasn't going to eat him alive. The Nexu in this swamp might.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Posterboy on Dec 21, 2011, 11:57 AM
 :ooc:Quick question... what are the sniper blinds made from... are the just up in a tree? Can Farok or Brim cut through some of the support beams with the lightsabers and bring down the blind? Otherwise, I think Brim will look to stealth up the blind and take out the snipers well they are distracted by either the speeder bike or the Aegis.

Sorry for my delinquency in posting... I work for a church, so the Christmas season gets a little crazy 'round here.  #:S
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Callowmoryne on Dec 21, 2011, 12:59 PM
 :ooc: Im back :) Laptop is humming

Logar didnt like the idea waiting any longer. But he was a soldier, he followed orders. Things would likely get crazy enough to satisfy even his bloodlust. He stayed low in the brush. His hands had a slight shake but it wasnt uncontrollable yet. He gave Kaida a wave. "Just tell me where to go when the shooting starts." He decided he would tongue-kiss a Nexu for a cup of caf. Or even just for fun at this point. He hoped Kara wasnt passed out on the Aegis.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: tomcat on Dec 22, 2011, 12:07 AM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Dec 19, 2011, 09:02 AMOOC: UA Combat Roll(1d20)+1: 17,+1 Total:18
Grapple Roll(1d20)+9: 9,+9 Total:18    Wow this roller has been kind to  me so far... yup im gonna jinx it.
BIT will grab at the guard to grapple, pinning arms in bars.

:ooc: Hey Matt, excellent Deception roll, obviously the Gran guard suspects nothing out of the ordinary. But I am re-tooling the Grapple roll. The rules say you need the Pin or Trip Feat to be able to Grapple, otherwise a PC can only do a grab - so that is what your roll will be for. It works out the same for what you are trying to accomplish, but the Gran can break the grab with a simple Standard action.

So, we will use your Unarmed combat roll, which is a success, and the Gran's arm is grabbed through the bars...

To answer the questions:

Don - yea, as you saw, Fett has missiles on his jet pack.

Jared - the communication units between you guys are encrypted.

And Aryn - the sniper blind is nothing more than a wooden circular platform with supports nailed into the tree that goes round its trunk (see picture below - though the pic is not of this particular blind).

The Gran guard reached through the bars and took the plate and cup from BIT, not noticing the slight tremor that shook both. Whether it was fear of the deadly creature within, or the adrenaline that now coursed his body, BIT was unsure as he leapt into action.

The guard had taken the cup which had the plate propped on top of it, in his one hand and with the other removed the banged up metal dish. He needed to do so, so that the items could be pulled through the bars. At the same time, BIT quickly reached out and grabbed the Gran's hand holding the plate, and yanked him hard into the bars, pinning him there. The jostling stirred the Piatic spider and it quickly climbed the side of the cup and leapt on the guard's hand. The agitated arachnid sunk its fangs into the exposed skin and emptied its poison sacks. The Gran felt the bite like a sting and it cried out, dropping the plate as it did, even while he pulled to free himself from BIT. The spider fell from its prey and landed on the floor, scurrying off into shadows.

Fire began to rage up the Gran's arm from the bite on the hand. The poison was almost instantaneous in breaking down the arterial flesh. BIT knew that the human body took only a minute or less to circulate its entire blood supply. If the Gran's physiology were the same, even with the poison diluted by the blood, it would be attacking the guards entire body within that amount of time. He had to just hold on and wait.

A massive explosion would interrupt his plan.

Kara heard Caden's voice and she listened intently. She was none too thrilled about starting the Aegis up and flying it into combat, especially when there was said to be anti-aircraft batteries around the Deathstick facility. Who knew the range of those?

"...And if everything goes south, be ready to pick us up so we can get out of here in a hurry."

"Oh, I am sure that that will be the way of it," Kara said to no one, although Farok's Twi'lek girl was listening in. The mech turned and saw her and continued, "All right, I am going to need some help getting this bird ready to fly."

The two walked towards the flight deck so that the pre-flight procedures could be started. On her way, Kara hit a button that sealed the inner and outer airlocks. She would have the ship ready for more than just planetary flight... it'd be ready to go to orbit and beyond.

Fett heard Kaida speaking through the comm set to him and the rest of her companions. Bringing in the ship? What the hell were they doing? Boba Fett knew that taking up with these amateurs was going to be dangerous. Now they were really going to alert the damned Dugs of a potential threat!

What Kaida and her friends didn't realize was this was law of the jungle around here - Dugs and Grans were still fighting over territory on this planet. Small encounters were daily happenings, whether it was pirates, smugglers, or raids by some faction or other amongst the planet's inhabitants. The way the team was talking, they were expecting an army to be ready to take them on. These were mercenaries; that was all. And for each it all came down to who paid the most money!

Jango Fett had single-handedly walked down this valley all the way into Sebolto's compound and watched as the King of the Dugs died, falling off of a ledge in a ventilation shaft. He encountered these same sort of thugs along the way - drug dealers, basically. But a team of six individuals, who seemed to have their mettle were unsure of what to do next.

Fett shook his head. "These frakking nerfs don't even have communication equipment along this valley that is worth a damn!" he thought. "Who the hell are they going to tell we're here."

Now Caden was going to bring in his ship and do a full on attack along their ingress, which would definitely tell the Dugs about an intended raid on their facility. That would cause them to seriously lock things down. The bounty hunter needed to do something - he needed to take away this teams' apprehensions and get them to buck up.

He hit his comm unit to speak back to his companions, "You people really know how to turn something into a big pile of bantha poodoo. Just follow me."

Fett squeezed tighter his carbine blaster rifle and switched it to auto. Within his helmet, his eyes glanced across his HUD and with a blink he activated the rocket pack on his back. There was a small roar of flame that brightly lit the fading darkness and a missile launched towards the tower.

Kaida listened to the communications going on between Caden and Kara, along with the other proposed ideas from Sam, Brim and Farok. All the while her mind began to think through the tactical situation applying the training she had received, while schooling in her homeworld's military academy - something required of all Commenor nobility, although it was mostly a formality since but a few nobles actually went on to serve in the military.

She could see the poor lighting of the area, though fields of fire had been cleared. Kaida could see that one of the Grans above looked like he was sleeping. She could see that none were taking much interest in their jobs. The noblewoman could see that these were not soldiers. They might have big guns, but the likelihood that they would be able to put them to cohesive use as a team was probably faint.

Caden finished his call to Kara and nodded that the ball was now in motion - the Aegis was on her way. That was when they all heard Fett's scathing transmission and then the area around the watchtower grew bright as a missile flared from the ground and went straight towards the tower roof and the E-Web blaster there.

:ooc: With Kaida's successful tactics use, she will now extend a +2 to any within her LOS if she activates her Born Leader ability.

Fett's attack post will be in a new series of combat threads. The first round is a surprise round that goes to the players.
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: Telcontar on Dec 22, 2011, 12:53 AM
Farok heard the bounter hunter broadcast to the group. "Oh, armored arny has decided that he knows how to cross an open field of snipers and web blasters, from a supreme position that he has found, on his own, that equates to certain victory."

Farok put the cigar back in his mouth and put his feet up on a stump. He struck a match from somewhere and tried to get the jungle damp cigar lit.

He spoke from around the stub of the cigar, "If he succeeds we win, if he fails we win. Back on Ryloth they call that a win win." Farok threw the cowl of his robes over his head to cover his eyes and blew smoke rings in the jungle. "We wouldnt want to foil this supreme act of martial prowess by getting in the way now would we?"
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 22, 2011, 02:59 AM
Quote from: Telcontar on Dec 22, 2011, 12:53 AM
Farok put the cigar back in his mouth and put his feet up on a stump. He struck a match from somewhere and tried to get the jungle damp cigar lit.

He spoke from around the stub of the cigar, "If he succeeds we win, if he fails we win. Back on Ryloth they call that a win win." Farok threw the cowl of his robes over his head to cover his eyes and blew smoke rings in the jungle. "We wouldnt want to foil this supreme act of martial prowess by getting in the way now would we?"

Caden snapped back to Fett, "If you weren't so fond of disappearing, you might have told us sooner."
They needed Fett, of course, and apparently he needed them, but Caden had gotten tired of being ordered around.

He looked to Farok next. "It's tempting, but Kara's en route. One way on another, we'd better get moving."
Title: Re: Earthen Ramparts
Post by: donimator on Dec 22, 2011, 07:50 AM
Sam heard Fett and believed if anything was going to happen, it would be soon. He raised his rifle to peer through the scope at targets in the watchtower. Locking his arm servos, he stood motionless ready for a shot.