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Episode 1: Round up on Salliche

Started by tomcat, Dec 30, 2012, 08:34 PM

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BIT is good to go with whatever you have planned and with make helpful hints where needed due to his experience.
Sorry I haven't posted much but there are times where I check daily or more and then nothing and then the get busy and you guys post everything LOL  its ok.
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


 :ooc: As to the plan it sounds good. I somehow was hoping Caden could stealth the Aegis into the woods somehow. Fly under radar, nap of the earth, so to speak. But maybe not doable in SW tech? If we cannot park it in the woods then I agree that we'll need a vehicle to transport. But our initial attack can still be from the cover and concealment of the woods. Also from the intel we have, they have about 20 total prisoners--more than just Kaida's sister and Abby's father. Hopefully we can arrange with the dissidents for them to help any that we cannot take off-planet (due to our limited space on the ship).

Anyway, I just don't know if we have funds for everything you want at BM price (even with the discount). But go ahead see what you can get and what you think is best. With the 25g Kaida is donating + the 18g on hand from Organa we might be able to get a lot of it.

I think we should install the e-web on the Aegis under the cockpit as Doug mentioned, but if you need to sell it Scott go ahead, we'll leave it up to you.


Quote from: Posterboy on Jan 20, 2013, 03:18 AM
:ooc: Yeah... sorry, I feel like I just created a lot of work for you, Doug, on a plan we may not be following. Sorry about that.

I agree that knocking out communication capabilities for the enemy seems like a good move. I also think the PLX-2M Missiles is too good a deal to pass up.

I'm not sure we'll be able to get the Aegis very close without drawing the attention of the authorities. I think they will probably send a couple fighters to investigate why we've decided to land in the middle of some woods and not at the space port. I envision that we'll have to actually drive back into the space port with Kaida's sister (and maybe Abby's father) in order to board the Aegis. Beyond that, I would imagine you'll need a lot more camo netting in order to hide the Aegis from sight.

I do like your idea of working with local dissidents to take out the bridge. I was thinking something similar... here's my thoughts:

STEP #1: Blockade the Bridge

Work with local dissidents to set up a blockade on the bridge, like a broken down farm vehicle (a Bantha-II Cargo Skiff comes to mind). If the rebels are okay with it, we make a "car bomb" out of the vehicle, using either fertilizer or fuel cells. We'll need one block of detonite to get the explosion started. We may be able to trade our extra "small arms" weapons for the vehicle/fuel cells.

Items Needed:
Detonite x1 (estimated cost = 1500 cr)
Manual Trigger x1 (estimated cost = 200 cr)

Vehicle from rebels
Fuel/fertilizer from rebels

STEP #2: Transportation and Stealth

I suggest that we look to purchase an Aratech Arrow-23 Landspeeder (10,800 credits new; 3,400 credits used; rating: licensed). The Arrow-23 has a crew of 2 (pilot, gunner), room for 5 passengers (so we can haul the droideka and our freed prisoners around discreetly) or cargo space (like all our weapons and other gear needed for the mission). This Arrow-23 comes with a laser cannon (controlled by the pilot) and a grenade launcher (controlled by the gunner). The great thing about vehicle weapons is that trained pilots gain a +2 bonus to attack with vehicle weapons and they don't need an appropiate weapon proficiency. Abby, Caden and Kaida can all improve their range attacks by using the speeder bikes/landspeeder. (BIT can too, but he gets pretty good damage with his sniper rifle.)

In addition, I'd suggest getting 3 of the 3x3 Camouflage Netting packs, and maybe some additional camouflage ponchos for BIT, SAM and the rebel troops.

Also, the comm scrambler and a power generator can sit in the back of the Arrow-23 landspeeder.

Items Needed:
Comm Scrambler
Power Generator
Camouflage Netting, 3x3 squares (from GAW) x3 nets (one for each speeder bike and the landspeeder)
Camouflage Ponchos x10
Aratech Arrow-23 Landspeeder (Used)

STEP #3: Disable/Destroy Escort Vehicles and Rescue Prisoners

Kaida is on one speeder bike and rallies the troops before entering battle.
Caden is one the other speeder bike, maybe with SAM on the back?
Abby is driving the Arrow-23 landspeeder.
Farok is in the Arrow-23 landspeeder, but quickly exits out to disable prisoner truck/crew members with his lightsaber.
BIT is either using the grenade launcher (or E-Web blaster) from the gunner position on the landspeeder or he's hiding out and sniping at targets from out of view. (or, if possible, using his sniper rifle from the gunner position of the landspeeder)
SAM is either on the back of Caden's speeder bike, in the gunner's position in on the landspeeder, or on the ground somewhere, using the PLX-2M missile launcher.
The Droideka either rolls out from cover or from the back of the landspeeder and attacks with blaster cannons.

Items Needed:
PLX-2M Portable Missile Launcher
--Extra Missile Packs x2
Maybe grenades for the landspeeder (or we just swap it out for the E-Web Blaster)
Medpacs x3

Estimated total cost of all equipment (less the stuff I hope we'll get from the rebels): 30,000 - 45,000 credits

If I had to rate them in order of priority...

Aratech Arrow-23 Landspeeder (FU book)
Camouflage Netting, 3x3 squares (x3; GAW book) or Camouflage Netting, 6x6 squares (x1; CW book)
Comm Scrambler w/ Power Generator (GAW / CRB)
PLX-2M Portable Missile Launcher w/ Extra Missiles (x2; RE book)
Detonite with Trigger (x1; CRB)
Medpacs (x3; CRB)
Camouflage Ponchos (x 2-10; GAW book)
Frag or Concussion Grenades for the Grenade Launcher (x 4-8; CRB or RE book)

:ooc: Wow. Great stuff here.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


 :ooc: Not sure if this helps save you some time, Doug, but here's the cost breakdown as I understand the rules by the book...

ITEM                                        BASE PRICE     RATING     BLACK MARKET     LORYLL'S DISCOUNT     LICENSE FEE     TOTAL COST

Arrow-23 Landspeeder               10,800 cr         L (x2)       21,600 cr              10,800 cr                     540 cr              11,340 cr
Comm Scrambler                        6,000 cr         -- (x1)        6,000 cr                6,000 cr                     300 cr                6,300 cr
Power Generator                            750 cr        -- (x1)           750 cr                    750 cr                      --- cr                   750 cr
Camouflage Netting (x3)             6,000 cr          -- (x1)        6,000 cr                6,000 cr                      --- cr                6,000 cr
PLX-2M Missile Launcher             2,250 cr          M (x4)        9,000 cr                4,500 cr                     450 cr                4,950 cr
Extra Missile Packs (x2)                 700 cr          M (x4)        2,800 cr                1,400 cr                      --- cr                 1,400 cr
Detonite                                       500 cr          R (x3)        1,500 cr                    750 cr                      50 cr                   800 cr
Manual Trigger                              100 cr          L (x2)           200 cr                    100 cr                        5 cr                   105 cr
Medpacs (x3)                                300 cr          -- (x1)          300 cr                    300 cr                     --- cr                    300 cr
Camo Ponchos for Rebels (x10)   1,250 cr          -- (x1)        1,250 cr                 1,250 cr                     --- cr                 1,250 cr
Grenades for Launcher
+Frag Grenades (x5)                  1,000 cr          M (x4)        4,000 cr                 2,000 cr                     --- cr                 2,000 cr 
+Concussion Grenades (x5)        2,000 cr          M (x4)        8,000 cr                 4,000 cr                     --- cr                 4,000 cr

Straight by the Books: 62,745 credits (with new Arrow-23); 47,945 credits (with used Arrow-23)
With Loryll's Half-Off Discount: 39,195 credits (with new Arrow-23); 31,795 credits (with used Arrow-23)


:ooc: I cannot answer this question for you Aryn, sorry. Nor do I want it left hanging out there, so the party/players need to communicte to each other what they want to do. The only thing I can say is the price is getting to the limits of the team's money without an idea of another injection.

I don't care if you all just post a simple yes to approve - I will put this stuff into the story. I don't care if you post that your PC is willing to follow the team and leave these kind of things to the most frequent posters. But you ALL need to talk, or ALL need to tell one person to just make the decision.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


 :ooc: Doug,
No worries, man.
Well, my vote is that we spent no more than 35,000 credits (25,000 cr from Kaida; 10,000 cr from Organa) on this gear. I think we can save some money by getting rid of the camo ponchos... the insurgents (if we manage to recruit any) can hide out under the camouflage nets with us, and BIT already has some stealth armor that gives him a bonus, so he won't need it either. After that, here's my order of preference:

1) Aratech Arrow-23 (paramilitary version). If possible, used (unless "used" means it's unreliable). Base cost - 10,800 cr (new) / 3,400 cr (used) [Licensed x2]

2) Camouflage Netting [3x3 squares] x3. Gives a +5 stealth vs visual sight and electronic scanning. Base cost - 2,000 cr each [no rating given; not sure how the Empire views this stuff]

3) Comm Scrambler and Power Generator. Knocks out enemy's (and ally) communications in 20 km radius. No back-up is a good thing. Base cost - 6,000 cr (Scrambler) + 750 cr (Generator) [again, no rating given; the Empire might take issue with something like this]

4) PLX-2M Missile Launcher and 2 extra packs of missiles. The missile packs the needed punch to get through vehicle armor. Actual cost set at 4,950 cr (Launcher) + 1,400 cr (extra missiles) by Loryll.

The above four items seem essential to me. Depending on how much Loryll/Herm will charge us for the Arrow-23, we could be looking at anywhere between 23,040 cr (used Arrow-23, half-price discount) to 41240 cr (new Arrow-23, full black market price) for the above items. If we've hit anywhere over 35,000 cr, I say we stop with just these items.

If we're still around 30,000 cr, I'd add the following items until we've spent our limit of 35,000 cr:

5) Medpacs x3. Base cost is 100 cr each.

6) Concussion Grenades for Grenade Launcher on Arrow-23 (up to 5 grenades). These bad boys do 8d6 damage, which helps punch through vehicle armor. Base cost - 400 cr each [Military x4]. With Loryll's discount, we're looking at 800 cr each, or a total of 4,000 cr for 5.

7) Detonite with Manual Trigger. I'm not sure if we'll even be able to use it... depends on how the plan works out. We may want to skip this item and see if we can pick it up on Salliche if we need it. Base cost - 500 cr (Detonite, restricted x3) + 100 cr (Trigger, licensed x2)

I think I'd skip the frag grenades and the camo ponchos. The frag grenades will have trouble getting through vehicle armor (and BIT can do more damage aiming with his rifle anyway. And the ponchos I already mentioned above.

That's my 2-cents regarding the equipment. If I were to imagine the scene at Loryll's in my head, I'd guess it would be more BIT and SAM giving Kaida advice/suggestions on what to pick up, with maybe Abby chiming in with suggestion to pick up the Arrow-23.


:ooc: I already said Scott could decide what we get with my 25,000, since he's got a solid head for equipment needs. For using Organa's funds, I vote to do what Scott has proposed. Spend away.


 :ooc: BIT is good with those items.
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


:ooc: Cool - 3 out of 5 is a consensus, so I will work out the details on this tomorrow and add the items to the party treasure and expensing the cost.

If there are any last minute changes, do them tonight, otherwise the party owns from the above list what I can fit in the credits.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]