
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Welcome to the 501st! [Star Wars SE] => Topic started by: tomcat on Aug 15, 2014, 05:24 PM

Title: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Aug 15, 2014, 05:24 PM
The men of Derecho were now all out of their ships. The mech-droids left to take command, proceeded to keep the fighters in close proximity and two even took a couple of shots at the large freighter.

They had to get inside. Their armor had an environment, but it was limited so a decision needed to be made quickly. The airlock was before them and Martel's lightsaber would have made quick work of the door, but that would compromise the small repressurization chamber beyond that allowed access in or out of the ship. Still, once through, the ship's auto-emergency systems might generate environmental shields - the kind that allowed embarked ships to launch from hangar bays in space. But, the question arose - did this ship have them, and did they work?

Lastly, there was a control console on the side of the outer lock that could be spiked. Haywire would need to get busy.

:ooc: I do not need a roll from Martel - his lightsaber will cut through the ship's skin. It will just take a little time.

If Haywire is going to spike the lock's control system, these are the rolls I need.

Use Computer vs. Will Defense of 21 (Ardent Falcon computer stats: +6 INT mod, Will 21)
Current attitude is Unfriendly (-5 test modifier)

You will need to test until you have a Friendly attitude.

As long as you do not fail a roll by 5 or more, the computer will not signal an intrusion alert.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Aug 17, 2014, 08:51 PM
"Sir! How do you want to enter? I can start working on this door, but I can't be certain that I won't just switch on the alarms. Just give me the word.

:ooc:Hacking the door would be the stealthiest if I succeed or the worst (~25% chance to set off the alarm). Anyone have any a preference? Otherwise I'd say we just let Haywire roll. If he sets off the alarm we can use the lightsaber so we don't come in right in the middle of a bunch of guys ready to shoot the door.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 18, 2014, 03:13 AM
"I think they know we're here already," Longshot quipped, as he surveyed the scarred and sparking hull of the freighter.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Aug 19, 2014, 09:10 AM
Martel smirked at the sniper's comment and jerked a thumb at the access panel. "Do it," he said to Haywire.  He kept a thumb on the activation stud, ready to make quick work of the door if his man was unsuccessful or if he was and a surprise showed up on the other side.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Aug 19, 2014, 09:47 AM
Hammer kept watch around them, making sure there were no point defense weapons or anti-personnel devices to give them trouble.

"At this point I think they're still seeing the Y's and don't know were coming in.  Lets try to keep it that way."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Aug 19, 2014, 11:05 AM
"You got it", said Haywire as he pulled out his computer spikes and got started slicing.

Use Computer +16 (-5 for unfriendly computer) DC 21
Rolled 1d20+11 : 12 + 11, total 23
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Aug 19, 2014, 11:15 AM
"So far so good..."

Use Computer +16 (-2 for indifferent computer) DC 21
Rolled 1d20+14 : 17 + 14, total 31
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Aug 19, 2014, 11:35 AM
"I'm in! Everyone stack up and lets do this.

:ooc:If I didn't do the hacking right let me know, but I believe the computer is now friendly and I can open the door.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Aug 19, 2014, 12:26 PM
Hammer moves into the lead position so that he can set up cover fire for the rest of the team if needed once they were inside.  He then motions for the rest of the team to fall in behind him.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Aug 19, 2014, 02:12 PM
:ooc: Yes, Haywire did a great job at the rolls needed. I also include a +3 to your Use Computer rolls for the Spikes you carry. I added them to your PC equipment - you have 4 left.

The team maneuvered through the challenge of weightlessness, but quickly compensated once through the portal as the ship's artificial gravity took effect. Hammer went through first, his heavy blaster ready and aimed at the inner hatch that secured the ship from the vacuumed airlock. Behind him came Longshot, Mitts, Martel, and finally Haywire who hit the activation switch that sealed the lock. Air was injected into the chamber and re-pressurized, as well as warmed to a comfortable temperature. The Clone Troopers' armor automatically detected the environment and switched from internal air supplies to external.

Haywire's computer bracer lit up with their team objectives based on the plan put together by Martel while still on the Dauntless. The simple goals flashed based on what had been completed:

Quote1• jump in close to ship and jam communications
2• disable ship with ion cannons and we go EVA to airlock
3• droids distract crew until we break in to Deck 2 airlock
4• turbolift or the cargo lift to move between decks
5• secure reactor room and lifts
6• proceed to subsequent levels and neutralize remaining crew threat
7• slave our ships with navcomp of freighter and jump to mission-designated location

Martel had originally planned a two point penetration, but the team had needed to act quickly to maintain surprise and so they all now stood watching as the inner lock door hissed open. (Also because the GM forgot to re-read the original plan and narrated the wrong thing  :| )

On the bridge of the Ardent Falcon, the freighter's designated comp/sensor tech called out to his captain, "Ginova! I am getting a computer glitch here, sir. If it's not a glitch, we may have a problem."

"What is it," demanded Captain Ginova in an irritated voice. The Action VI suddenly shook from a Y-wing attack to emphasize the point.

"Airlock 2-8D on deck two shows it opened and resealed. I can't confirm if it is an error report, or if it really happened - the computer shows no signs of tampering. But, we show no direct hits in the area that might have caused damage to the lock."

Ginova face took on a puzzled look. He hit the comm, "Hassthak, I want a team down to two for a complete level sweep."

The ship was big and that would take some time, but he needed to know if his ship had been compromised. Boarders? he thought to himself. Ginova hit the comm again, "Make sure the team is armed."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Aug 20, 2014, 11:07 AM
Hammer carefully stepped out into the passageway checking for any opposition in both directions as he went.  Once he was sure it was safe he set up his position to watch on direction then waved the team out and in the direction that they believed the turbolift to the reactor would be.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Aug 20, 2014, 01:34 PM
"Alright... Turbolift now, go! Remember to protect the package," Martel said, referring to the droid.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: deadpool on Aug 20, 2014, 02:03 PM
"Roger that." said Mitts, his blaster rifle ready in his hands.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Aug 21, 2014, 04:23 PM
:ooc: Give me a bit here guys - I am trying to make heads and tails of these Action VI floor plans that someone generated. I will probably be doing a complete re-design, but I will update today.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 22, 2014, 03:59 PM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Aug 20, 2014, 01:34 PM
"Alright... Turbolift now, go! Remember to protect the package," Martel said, referring to the droid.

"Roger", Longshot replied. He thought of pulling out his pistol in the tight quarters, but Hammer and Mitts had that covered.
He raised his rifle to firing position and fell in line.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Aug 24, 2014, 12:36 PM
Derecho had entered the Action VI on her second level - although the first level was nothing more than access to the landing struts and the primary load ramp. They were on the starboard side of the ship and near the front. Five levels above them was the command level and primary berthing, the remainder of the ship was naught much else but cargo storage and engineering.


Hammer was in a squat position overwatching the corridor which they would be moving down. The alternate direction led to a dead end at a maintenance panel that was used to access the forward deflector shield grid. The team followed him out and moved passed him, at which point the sergeant stood to follow. The airlock passage was just over six meters in length before it came to another environmental door that turned right, into the ship. It was open.

Again the team stacked on the corridor corner and this time Longshot took the lead around. The trooper gazed a bit in wonder at the large inverted domed room that was entered. The ship's primary sensor array was contained within and the large dome focused the many signals to the navcomp, emergency systems, and weapon controls when an Action VI had need. The sniper heard voices and immediately stopped, making a hand signal for the rest of the team to follow.

"Wa tu pon vey sing?" was heard. Another answered, "Pim-tay jas pon woo."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Aug 25, 2014, 10:29 AM
Martel motioned for Longshot to take a look to a bearing on the location of voices' source.

:ooc: Is this in a language someone might know?
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Aug 25, 2014, 12:53 PM
 :ooc:Are we on the correct floor and we just need to get to one of those passages at the rear of the ship to enter the reactor area? Or do we need to find lifts to get to the correct level still?
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Aug 25, 2014, 01:33 PM
:ooc: Matt, Haywire understands the language. I just PM'ed disench4nted so that he could RP it out how he wants.

Stefan, I attached the image below of all of the levels of the Action VI. They are kind of hard to understand the original creators intent, so I am modifying as needed. Deck 1 is at the bottom of the pic and then they go up from there to each new level.

I can see that the artist designed it with three lifts - a forward and aft Man-lift (the circles that are on each level) and a central cargo lift (the blue square in the center). The engines are shown on two of the levels, but the actual engineering is made up over five levels - two and three look like the have some kind of reactor chamber (the bulbous chamber at the rear of Deck 2). Then on Decks six, seven and eight have more machinery looking stuff and Deck seven looks like it has an actual engineering room.

Due to redundancies, I will allow some form of engine control and interruption from multiple decks, but there could be other crewmen that might correct what you do outside of destroying a necessary component. Make sense?

Anyway, I will let you guys get creative in how to 'take out' the engines. Use techno-jargon words and stuff. I will give required tests and DC's based on what you want to achieve, but I give you guys freedom to design your own plan to do it. Any questions, let me know.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Aug 25, 2014, 05:51 PM
It took a second for his mind to catch on when he heard the smuggler engineers talking, Haywire knew this language. He turned up the sensitivity of his helmets external audio to catch the rest of the conversation, then keyed his mic and starting explaining the technical situation

"Here's the way I see it. Our first priority is taking out the ships hyperdrive systems. They have probably already started making preparations so we need to get on it. We have a couple of options here. We can go straight to the reactors on this level and shutdown the ships power, this will keep the ship stationary and should deactivate most automated defenses in here unless they have backup power for some of them which is unlikely. The downside is that we'll have to repair them before we can jump to the rendezvous point, which means we can't completely wreck it and we'd have to post a guard while we cleared the ship. Alternatively we could make our way to engineering and take it over, we will not be able to do this stealthily and it will likely be heavily defended. The final option is to go straight to the bridge but that will be even more heavily defended and engineering would still be able to complete a jump after we take the bridge.

If we get to the reactor room I should be able to hobble the ship enough so that they don't have the power to jump into hyperspace and make it look like regular damage from our Y-wings. Also, those engineers are saying that there is a damaged coolant line around here somewhere. If we can find that and bust it open we'll render that entire section of the ship impassible by living creatures. There should be a computer socket in the reactor room for the droid to plug into. My suggestion is to get that quickly and quietly right now.

Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Aug 26, 2014, 09:05 AM
Hammer peeks around the corner to see if he can see the two men talking and identify any other threats.  Then he pulls his combat knife. 

"Longshot, it looks like there are just the two of them, I'll take the far one, you get the near one, lets take them out."

DC - Opposed Stealth +17
:00: 1d20+17 : 2 + 17, total 19

Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Aug 26, 2014, 09:35 AM
"Sounds good.  Do what you can to cause systems-wide chaos to keep them busy so we can make it to the reactor room.  Ready?" Martel asks looking around.  If there is nothing else, he nods to Hammer and Longshot to take out the engineers.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Aug 26, 2014, 10:22 AM
After receiving the nod from Martel Hammer checks again to make sure they aren't looking, then steps around the wall and moves into position to take out the engineer.

DC - Opposed Stealth +17
:00: 1d20+17 : 10 + 17, total 27

DC - Engineer Ref Def (Hopefully flat footed) Melee Atk +9
:00: 1d20+9 : 18 + 9, total 27

:dmg: 1d6+7 : 5 + 7, total 12
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Aug 27, 2014, 03:25 AM
Longshot nodded, an almost imperceptible tilt to anyone but his squadmates.

DC - Opposed Stealth +17
Rolled 1d20+17 : 6 + 17, total 23

DC - Engineer Ref Def Melee Atk +8
Rolled 1d20+9 : 17 + 9, total 26

Rolled 1d4+7 : 1 + 7, total 8
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Aug 27, 2014, 02:01 PM
The two troopers moved out, silent as nexu on the prowl. The Sullustan engineers were engrossed in the large conduit that contained the sensor's invaluable coolant, which was currently flowing out a slight leak. Nothing too threatening, but still a concern.

Hammer moved past Longshot so that they could time the strike synchronously taking out both pirates with no sound. Standing behind their targets, the clones acted in tandem and both grabbed and struck. The combat knives entered at the base of each Sullustans' neck and went deep cutting all spinal and brain connections, causing both to slump to the floor. Death was not immediate, but it would be certain.

Done, the teammates drew out their weapons, wiped them clean, sheathed them and then moved the bodies out of sight. Once done, they gestured to Martel who moved the rest of the team out into the corridor that circled the large spoon-like basin that was the Action VI's sensor array. The walkway extended around the entire circumference, passing under the large data and coolant conduits. Towards the center-line of the ship, two hallways extended deeper towards their goal.

:ooc: same attachment as above, just the whole team is now in the oval corridor between where you were and where the dead engineers were.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Aug 27, 2014, 06:00 PM
Checking their perimeter again to make sure that they hadn't been seen or heard by anyone else Hammer checks the map on his wrist to get his bearings.

"Alright, lets go take down that reactor."

He pointed in the direction that they were heading and waited for Martel to give him the go before leading the team out again.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Aug 27, 2014, 07:17 PM
Haywire stayed with the droid and followed his brothers across the catwalk. He kept an eye out for the damaged coolant line that he had heard the engineers talking about as they moved.

Perception +11
Rolled 1d20+11 : 16 + 11, total 27
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Aug 28, 2014, 04:25 PM
:ooc: So that the games don't bog down on the simple commands (i.e. waiting for Martel to order them forward), I am going to go ahead and assume that these orders would be given. I will also make other small assumptions in your formation as you progress (i.e. how you stack on doors, or how many stack up). For any reason, if there is something I say that you would NOT have done, let me know - I have no problem editing the story.

Martel gave a silent forward gesture and Hammer began to move - the team following in their respective order. Before moving out, Haywire connected a mag-charge to the leaky conduit in a discreet place. It had a radio trigger and should be able to activate if he tapped the detonator anywhere within the Action VI. The Demotech knew it would be useful at need - who knows when an explosion might serve?

They moved around the oval gangway that wrapped the sensor array and came to two doors. Hammer stacked on the first with Martel and Mitts, while Longshot and Haywire took position on the other. They gave a quick look and saw that both passages entered a mechanical control room. The schematics of the Action VI had said that this was the primary chamber that serviced the ship's cargo bay environment, lower repulsors, and its landing claws. In the center of the machine consoles, hydraulics, and power generators was a pass through lift. The circular man-lift allowed access through to the next area beyond, but also rose into a round tube in the deck's ceiling.

The distinct thing about the Action VI was its tremendous cargo space that stretched up through three deck levels. Each level was environmentally sealed so as to allow them to be vacuumed. This saved ship energy and allowed it to be allocated to other systems. Only if a cargo needed to have a livable environment, such as livestock, was a deck made so. Otherwise the man lifts - and there were two, one fore and aft - traversed up through these decks in a safe tube. Each level had exits, but all were protected by simple environmental shields.

Other than a mech droid that rolled around on its three legs, the next chamber looked empty.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Aug 29, 2014, 08:31 AM
 :ooc:My only suggestion is that if we're going to split our team, even between 2 entrances to the same room, that it would be best to have Hammer in one group and Martel in the other.  That would maintain better control and also make it less likely that we'd both be pinned down or killed at the same time.

Hammer peered into the huge cargo bay looking for anything that might give them away.  He thought it unlikely that the droid would have enough processing power to recognize them as a threat, or to even do a threat assessment. He waves his team to follow as he lead the way across the bay toward the doors on the other side where he expects their path would lead to the lower level of the reactor core.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: deadpool on Sep 01, 2014, 11:35 AM
 :ooc:Just checking in. Not much for Mitts to do right now, but I wanted to let you know I'm here.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 01, 2014, 02:49 PM
:ooc: Suggestion has been noted, Stefan. I will get some activities going here very soon, Deadpool. Glad no one has fallen out.  :)

Stefan, based on what you wrote, I am making the assumption the team has moved to the first cargo bay.

The team passed through the ship's forward mech chamber, passing through the first man-lift and then the two massive hydraulic controllers that managed the two forward landing struts. Before them now was the forward, lower cargo hold, which was used by most freighter crews to position loadouts by priority. Basically, the cargo would be onloaded and then from this staging point moved up deeper into the ship based on size and destination time. Except for a few cargo crates, load-lifters, and repulsor sleds, the chamber was empty. Beyond the cargo bay was the large freight lift that would move the many crates to other bays within the Action VI.

The ship thrummed with the sound of the engines that were now closer. Martel led the team into the cargo bay and then he dropped quickly down to one knee, hoping the load-lifter not far in front of him had masked his presence. Another ship engineer came around a large moisture condenser on the starboard side of the cargo lift. He carried a small datapad and made record of readings, but then his head turned in the direction that he had come and he spoke, "Eh? Have I seen or heard anything down here? What the frak is to see in a maintenance-cargo hold except grease crates?"

Another voice hissed, "No, fool! Have you seen anyone moving around that should not be?"

"Nobody's down here bur Neril and Sien... they're up near the sensor dome. We have an R5 down here, too, but its busy releasing hydraulic pressure on the struts. Whatever is hammering us is playing havoc with these old systems. You're welcome to look around though."

"We will," was the short reply.

"Maybe its one of those odd fellows you guys brought aboard after we left Rori - they're just a deck or two up, right? They make my skin crawl!"

"Do your job, so we can do ours!"

The team saw more movement as the engineer moved to step aside as a team of five armed humans and other humanoids rounded the corner led by a thick, squat Trandoshan.

Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 01, 2014, 02:50 PM
:ooc: I have gridded the map in the previous post in case you guys decide to go into combat.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 02, 2014, 09:41 AM
Martel motions for the team to hide, taking up defensive positions.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Sep 02, 2014, 10:05 AM
 :ooc:Are we close enough to have heard what they're saying?

Hammer hadn't seen yet what Martel was telling him to hide from but he moved quickly and quietly behind the large crate on the left and waved the rest of the team over to him where there was good cover.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 02, 2014, 02:07 PM
:ooc: Everything that you see written was heard. The cargo bay echoes with the voices underlined by a low thrum of the engines.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Sep 02, 2014, 10:28 PM
 :ooc:Don't have anything to add, just checking in. I'm completely fine with trying to sneak through all this. Haywire is following orders at this point.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 03, 2014, 02:52 PM
Quote from: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 02, 2014, 09:41 AM
Martel motions for the team to hide, taking up defensive positions.

Longshot nodded, then scrambled for a defensive position that was obscured from the cargo bay, yet gave him the best line of sight into it.
He raised his rifle and looked to set up a braced position.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Sep 03, 2014, 04:39 PM
After some thought Hammer looks over at Martel and speaks softly into his helmet comm.

"We might be able to avoid detection if we climb on top of these containers wait for the patrol to pass.  Or at the very least we can ambush them from above."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 04, 2014, 10:33 AM
Martel considers a moment and responds with a whisper, "Up if you can, I'll stay with droid."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Sep 04, 2014, 05:22 PM
"Longshot, you're first."

Hammer makes a cradle out of his hands and waits for Longshot to put his foot in then boosts the sniper up onto the top of the crates.

Once he's up top Hammer waves Haywire to go up next followed by Mitts. He then grabbed their waiting hands to be pulled up behind them.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Sep 04, 2014, 05:46 PM
When Haywire hit the top of the crates he saw Longshot was already getting comfortable with this blaster. He was in his element.

Haywire turned around and helped lift Mitts and Hammer up with him and hoped they could avoid being seen for just a little while longer.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 04, 2014, 05:50 PM
:ooc: Hey guys, if you all wouldn't mind giving me a Climb roll DC 10 and a Stealth roll that I can make opposition checks against.

Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Sep 04, 2014, 09:29 PM
Rolled 1d20+17 : 14 + 17, total 31

Climb+5 DC-10
Rolled 1d20+5 : 19 + 5, total 24
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Sep 05, 2014, 09:25 AM
 :ooc:Since Hammer is helping the guys up on to the crates I think he should be able to give them assistance with their checks to make the climb easier and quieter as they get to the top. Let me know if you disagree.

Assist checks to give +2 climb and stealth to Longshot, Haywire and Mitts:

Assist Longshot Climb
Rolled 1d20+6 : 15 + 6, total 21

Assist Longshot Stealth
Rolled 1d20+17 : 18 + 17, total 35

Assist Haywire Climb
Rolled 1d20+6 : 20 + 6, total 26

Assist Haywire Stealth
Rolled 1d20+17 : 19 + 17, total 36

Assist Mitts Climb
Rolled 1d20+6 : 7 + 6, total 13

Assist Mitts Stealth
Rolled 1d20+17 : 8 + 17, total 25

(Any of the above rolls over 10 succeed and give a +2 to that team member's check)

Hammer's Climb and Stealth checks

Hammer Climb
Rolled 1d20+6 : 3 + 6, total 9

Hammer Sealth 
Rolled 1d20+17 : 14 + 17, total 31
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 05, 2014, 07:25 PM
Rolled 1d20+17 : 7 + 17, total 24

Climb+5 DC-10
Rolled 1d20+5 : 4 + 5, total 9
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 05, 2014, 10:12 PM
:ooc: I am fine with that... I will go ahead and roll for Deadpool just so we can move the scene on.

DC 10 Climb +5, Assist +2
:00: 1d20+7 : 5 + 7, total 12

DC opposed Stealth +17, Assist +2
:00: 1d20+19 : 7 + 19, total 26
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 05, 2014, 10:25 PM
Hammer moved quickly to aid his men to climb into positions, while Martel took up a place on the deck behind a loadlifter. The mech-droid sat quietly, but it was the least of their worries as it could pretend to be one of the ship's many droids. The sergeant finished with the assistance to his men, and each had quietly gotten into position, but he did not have for himself. Hammer found himself clinging to the backside of a pallet of crates, out of sight, but not in a good attack position.

:ooc: Because Hammer rolled a 9 on his Climb, he doesn't fall or make noise, just doesn't make it into a convenient position at this point.

The worst roll on Stealth was a 26 - I need to roll an opposed check:

DC 26 Perception +4, Concealment -5
:00: 1d20-1 : 11 - 1, total 10

Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 05, 2014, 10:38 PM
Derecho watched from their positions atop crates and other cargo as the pirate crew began to fan out and search the cargo deck. Two of the group wandered back towards the engines, while the rest moved amongst the cargo strewn chamber. They were seemingly oblivious to the presence of the ARC troopers and Hammer was finally able to slide further up on the environmental crate on which he had hung. Now on his belly, his blaster at the ready, the sergeant surveyed the team and the enemy as the latter searched. They had good firing positions but the less noise the better.

The Trandoshan sniffed at the air, his head looking left and right as if he was trying to discern something in the air, but then he moved through the corridor into the repulsor control chamber. The rest of his people - save the two towards the engines, and the engineer they had spoken with - followed the way Derecho had come, back towards the sensor array.

:ooc: I don't have you guys marked on the map, but I will add if you guys engage. For now, I just show the direction (and numbers) of bad guys.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 08, 2014, 09:00 AM
Steath - 1d20+8 : 4 + 8, total 12
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 08, 2014, 09:03 AM
Martel will wait a moment for the patrol to clear out before continuing with their movement -- fewer enemy to engage at a time, the better.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Sep 09, 2014, 09:40 AM
Hammer watches the patrol pass through the doorway.  The tension had gone up quickly there for a moment.  He hoped they'd hidden the bodies of those engineers well enough.  Martel had a better view of the doorway so he waited for the all clear signal before moving out of their hide.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 10, 2014, 04:24 PM
:ooc: You guys are starting to move out, but you still have a bad guy engineer in your path.

Do you still move out?
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Sep 10, 2014, 05:47 PM
 :ooc:My first thought is to have Longshot take him out but I'm guessing that would be loud enough to get the attention of everyone else on this level.

Is the engineer moving around or just standing there looking at that one panel?
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 10, 2014, 09:07 PM
:ooc: He's moving from one console display to the next, slowly moving back the way he came out. He's very engrossed in his task.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Sep 11, 2014, 09:04 AM
Hammer waits, watching the engineer till he moves around the corner again then quietly moves up to the corner himself.  Once there he steps around and uses a knifehand to silence this engineer like he had the last.

:ooc:Yes, I just figured out that with Martial Arts I my hands do more damage than the knife.

Stealth +17
Rolled 1d20+17 : 16 + 17, total 33

Atk the engineer
:00: 1d20+9 : 9 + 9, total 18
(Hopefully flat footed)
:dmg: 1d6+2 : 3 + 2, total 5

Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 11, 2014, 09:27 AM
 :ooc:If taking out the engineer was successful...
Martel whispers, "Put the body out of the way on the crates and let's get moving."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Sep 11, 2014, 01:04 PM
Haywire watched tensely as Hammer snuck up behind the Engineer, ready to leap into action at a moments notice if things should go wrong.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 11, 2014, 02:54 PM
The engineer did not see or hear the clone sergeant move up from behind him and swing. There was brief moment as if stars were in his eyes, the pain reaching down his back from his neck. The pirate staggered to one knee and dropped his datapad, which clattered softly on the metal grate flooring. Hammer saw that the one blow was not quite enough to render the man unconscious and dealt him one more quick jab of his gauntleted fist.

Mitts tossed his CO a set of binder cuffs as he ran up to take position next to where the engineer now lay. Once secured and gagged, Hammer and Longshot saw about concealing the body. The rest of Derecho moved up, the small mechdroid rolling behind them. Haywire kept an eye to their rear, bust as of yet the Trandoshan still had most of his team forward in the sensor array compartment.

They looked around. The team stood directly on the primary cargo lift and on either side of the platform were two large environmental control machines. Two sets of stairs mirrored one another across the deck, and the entrance to the lower engineering compartment was before them.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 12, 2014, 09:10 AM
 :ooc:The stairs going down... do you mean they go down to the next level with the engine/reactor room?
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 12, 2014, 11:24 AM
:ooc: No, the stairs on the map all go up to the next level, except the one that enters the area I labeled lower engineering.

You guys are basically all in position on the big blue rectangle, which is the ship's primary cargo lift. There are two Nikyo bad guys that went back into the engineering compartment.

See attached pic... any more questions, ask...
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Sep 12, 2014, 01:25 PM
"Now might be the time for our little distraction on the coolant line." Hawyire said, "If we set it off now we'll probably get that team we just snuck past, and it should distract these guys in front of us enough for us to take them out before they can call for help. What do you guys think?"
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 12, 2014, 02:11 PM
"Now's as good a time as any.  Take up positions.  Haywire, do your magic.  Have the little guy, here, help if needed," says Martel.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Sep 12, 2014, 03:20 PM
Haywire pulled out his detonator and waited for the rest of the team to get ready for the other two guards.

"Fire in the hole", Haywire said as soon as he go the go-ahead from the rest of the team. Then he smiled to himself and blew the charge.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 16, 2014, 04:23 PM
:ooc: I just need a little input to determine any tests and / or results.

Where is the charge going and what it the intent? To harm/kill the Trandoshan and his party of three others? If so, it will have to be placed towards their location, which is fine. I just need to know where you want it.

Or, is this just to cause a distraction and allow you guys to get the jump on the pirates? Are you looking to debilitate the ship, too?

I will post when I get your response Dis4nchanted.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Sep 17, 2014, 12:01 PM
 :ooc: This is meant to be the charge that we put on the damaged coolant line earlier which should flood the sensor room with coolant. The plan is for it to kill the party of guys that just walked past us into the sensor array room, and also hopefully distract the guards between us and the reactor room so that we can take them out without them alerting the ship to our presence. If it happened to take out the ships hyperdrive systems that would be great.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: deadpool on Sep 17, 2014, 01:02 PM
 :ooc:We could time the explosion with a couple of shots or a gas grenade to take care of the guys infront of us.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 17, 2014, 01:25 PM
:ooc:  ;) I forgot all about that! Very nice! Okay, I am back in the game.

Fine with me on the firing at the other team. Let me know who is firing, what you are firing and give me some rolls.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Sep 17, 2014, 04:13 PM
 :ooc:I like that plan.  Hammer can take the closer one, Longshot should probably take the other.

"Longshot, lets take these two out, if we time it right we should be able to kill both of them and have Haywire's fireworks cover us.  Commander, if you'd do the honor of giving us a count."

Hammer lined up his shot next to Longshot and waited for Martel to count and pulled the trigger exactly at the same time as his brothers.

DC - ?? Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle* +12 (3d10+8) with Point Blank Shot
:00: 1d20+12 : 20 + 12, total 32

:dmg: 3d10+8 : 7, 10, 3 + 8, total 28
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Sep 18, 2014, 09:51 AM
When all is set, Martel gives a 3-count countdown.  On "Go!" all hell breaks loose.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Sep 25, 2014, 02:08 PM
 :ooc: I'm assuming that Longshot has the chance to use his Deadeye skill, since he's aiming at a precise area and had time to line up. If not, please ignore the extra damage die.

DC - ?? Ranged sniper rifle* +11 (4d10+8; CT-1) with Point Blank Shot and Deadeye and Debilitating Shot

Rolled 1d20+11 : 18 + 11, total 29

Rolled 5d10+8 : 8, 3, 2, 8, 10 + 8, total 39
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Sep 27, 2014, 08:27 PM
:ooc: nice rolls, guys!

Sorry for the delay - this past week we moved our company from one location to a new one and it ate up a lot of time and energy.

Hassthak led his Rodian and Human companions through the forward strut compartment and into the large sensor dome room. The two fanned out along either side while the Trandoshan watched the door through which they came. The pirates made the circuit to where the two passages that led to both airlock ports. The human began to walk into the corridor near him, but the Rodian caught sight of something odd further around the inverted dome. She ran the short length to find the feet of one of the Sullustan engineers poking out from under a cooling unit. Water dripped down off the pipes above and a small beep began to transmit. The Rodian pirate looked up and saw the thermite mag-charge above her. Her black eyes widened and she turned to yell to her companions.

The explosive detonated and blew the pipes apart upon which it was connected. The pipes were a variety of coolants and other functional chemicals that the huge freighter needed to run. The Rodian was smashed to the floor by the concussive burst and then her backside was shredded by fragments of metal, plasteel and ceramic. The now open pipes sprayed forth their contents in a gout of fluids, which had an immediate chemical reaction. Oxygen mixed with chloride along with other molecular chains and the already unhealthy gas became a lethal acid.

From where he stood, Hassthak heard a CRUMP! and then his Rodian companion was gone in a tangle of fire, gas, and metal. A billowing cloud began to rush forth filling the entirety of the sensor dome chamber. His human companion looked in fear and ran down the corridor towards the dead end, which was the airlock. Hassthak jumped backwards, through the door where he stood guard as sirens began to wail and emergency systems went into action. The door dropped down on him, catching his leg, as it sealed off the rest of the ship from the unhealthy gas leak. The Trandoshan gave a cry in agony as he saw his left leg was now gone below the knee. He pulled himself backwards, angry and in pain, even though he knew that it would soon grow back.

Inside the sensor dome chamber, the Human pirate came at last to the airlock doors. He turned to see a green-yellow cloud moving down the corridor towards him. He looked at the door and then the cloud knowing both were certain death. The man screamed at the first touch of the corrosive agent that enveloped him and began to literally melt his flesh. He gagged and grabbed at his throat while his tongue also began to sear with pain from the blistering agent. He fell to the floor and hung on the edge of consciousness when a shrill vacuum sound filled his ears - the Action VI emergency systems. All the air and gas was sucked explosively from the chamber and vented into space. If the man had had a chance to be rescued and immersed in bacta, he might have survived the chemical burn, but unfortunately the vacuum of the chamber pulled most of his lung tissue into his throat killing him instantly.

Longshot and Hammer fired their weapons, synchronous with Haywire's demo charge. The blaster bolts echoed in the spacious chamber but their targets were unaware of the attacks. Hammer's shot burned cleanly through his Nikto's back and chest, killing instantly. Longshot's attack struck lower. The sniper's target went down and gave a scream of pain, as his left hip was destroyed by the tibanna energy bolt. Still, the pirate was not dead.

In the other chamber, Hassthak heard the blasters and knew that there were invaders on the ship.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Sep 30, 2014, 02:36 PM
Hammer waited for a few moments, seeing that the one of the smugglers had survived their attack Hammer quickly moved to deal with the situation.  He ran to the man and pulled him out of the middle of the room so that anyone who responded wouldn't immediately see him. He then pointed the huge rifle that he carried at the poor man's face.

"Be quiet or I will end you here and now, understand?  I'll get you some medical help but first I have a couple of questions for you, ok?"

Once he had the nod he was looking for he began questioning the man.

"Who else is on this floor? How many people are on the ship? Where are they stationed?"

Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Oct 02, 2014, 09:06 AM
Haywire lingered for only a moment to relish the sounds of the explosion he had just created before leaping off of his hiding place to deal with the guards they had just ambushed.

By the time he got there Hammer was already questioning the wounded man so Haywire began hiding the other body and scanning the area for any additional threats.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Oct 09, 2014, 10:36 PM
The Nikto guard shudders from the pain as Hammer turns him so that he can speak face to face. The Clone Trooper can see the terrible wound in the humanoid's hip - though cauterized, the bone has been burnt through. The pirate quickly replies to the interrogation, "There are forty of us...not all...on deck seven and eight. Captain is on command deck...bridge...seven. There are the...others...not crew...in cargo bay four...deck four."

Sweat glistens over the Nikto's reptilian looking face. Mitts moves close and waits for his commander to allow him to help. The corpsman can see the wound is bad. He is sure that he can stabilize the pirate, but without surgery or a bactatank, the Nikto will probably not walk normally again.

Martel and the remaining troopers work to conceal the bodies. Haywire looks ahead of him and sees the small, round engineering compartment. It is the base of the Action VI's large ion drive engines.

Ginova heard his crewman cry out, "Sensors just went out! Er...sir, I don't think that was from an external hit. I think we just had a system failure...perhaps an explosion on deck 2!"

The captain hit the internal com, "Hassthak, status?"

Only static was the reply.

Ginova looked to a large brutish man near the bridge access door, "Open the armory. I want all crewmembers armed and ready. Whatever is going on below, I want answers. Send one of your men down to Four and tell the others we need their help. Let one of their hounds sniff out the lower decks!"

The pirate thug gave a nod and ran from the bridge. Ginova looked to his bridge crew, "What were those damned Y-wings doing before we lost our sensors?"

"They were holding back, sir. They had stopped with the heavy attacks some time ago, as if they didn't want to do too much damage to us."

"They have people on board," said the captain. "Somehow they fooled us and got raiders on board. Must be some rogue pirates - or someone - maybe trying to steal our payload."

Aft of the bridge, the armory cages were opened and the complement of crewmen that were nearby were all given blaster rifles and pistols of varying types.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Oct 10, 2014, 10:42 AM
Hammer waves Mitts over to begin working on the man.

"How many on Deck 4?"

Once he gets the answer, Hammer presses on his helmet comm and relay's the info to Martel and the team. Then looks to Mitts once again. 

"Stablize him quickly then put him under.  Once we take the ship we can come back and deal with the wound."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Oct 10, 2014, 08:12 PM
"I don't know...we were told to stay off cargo deck 4. I just know that they are there." The pain was evident on the Nikto's face, but there was truth in his eyes.

The oddness in the pirate's manner regarding Cargo Deck 4 caused Martel to wonder about these others that were aboard. He reached out with the Force.

:ooc: Matt, give me a DC 15 Use the Force [Sense Force]
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 13, 2014, 11:48 AM
"Forty," muttered Martel.  He really wasn't looking to kill all those people.  "Haywire, can we isolate most of them between bulkheads away from controls to vital systems?"  The young Jedi's uneasiness led him to key into the comment made about the mysterious "others" on Cargo Deck 4.

DC 15 Use the Force -  1d20+12 : 9 + 12, total 21

Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Oct 13, 2014, 12:56 PM
"I can certainly try sir."

Haywire called the droid over and plugged into the nearest computer terminal to see what his options were.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Oct 15, 2014, 09:23 PM
Haywire's bracer computer already had the necessary schematics for the base-build CEC Action VI and he brought them up as the small mech droid attached itself to the ship's computer. There were a few clicks and a whir while the droid attempted to access permissions from the freighter. The Tech Specialist looked over the drawings on his bracer HUD and looked at the control points on the ship that he could lock down and thus deny movement to the pirates.

The basics of the ship were quite simple - the three decks above them were nothing but massive cargo holds. The Action VI could even deny environment to these holds if it were unnecessary; this saved on ship resources over long hauls. Above the cargo holds were the primary living compartments, bridge and engineering space. The deck the clone troopers were currently on were the lower cargo access and engineering - although most functions of this space could be monitored and controlled from the decks above. There were two man-lifts that ran up through all decks. There were stairwells and ladders that could also be used, but they would take a person through the cargo hold decks and that could be hazardous based on the environmental settings of the holds.

So, Haywire knew he could cut off the lower half of the ship from the upper very easily by taking control of the lifts. He could also vacuum the holds, if they weren't already, and thus create an environmental barrier between the upper and lower decks. There was, though, a fail safe in this option - the Action VI computer's programming would not allow the holds to be vacuumed if there were biologics within. But, Haywire knew that there was no computer programming that could not be overridden.

The only thing they could not do was pilot the ship from down here - for that, they had to take the bridge. Haywire intently studied the schematics. There were access doors between fore and aft that he could lockdown and deny the crew movement up there, but first...they had to take complete control of the ship's mainframe.

Behind him, Martel closed his eyes and let himself reach out through the Force. He did not know why, but it was as if the Force pulled at his subconscious, like the tide pulls at a wading swimmer's body. Shadows filled his mind - utter darkness. An evil chill spread down his spine and he broke his connection to the Force. There were darksiders aboard!

As the Jedi struggled with his discovery, Mitts started to alleviate the wounded Nikto's suffering.

:ooc: I will be back here very shortly with required tests.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 16, 2014, 09:39 AM
Martel's eyes shot open.  "This isn't right... there is a darkness here onboard the ship.  It's those on Deck 4!  We must proceed with caution."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Oct 16, 2014, 09:54 AM
Now that the Nikto had cooperated Hammer left him in Mitt's care.

Upon hearing Martel's announcement he looked to Haywire.

"Can you evacuate the atmo from deck 4?"
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Oct 16, 2014, 03:00 PM
:ooc: Sorry, disench4nted - I will have your tests requirements up in a bit.

Martel felt cold fingers of darkness reach out through the Force to now find him, as if he had stirred a dormant virus. He attempted to clear his mind and hide himself in the comfort of the Light-side of the Force.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Oct 17, 2014, 11:43 PM
:ooc: Okay - sorry for the delay. After doing some rules reading, I realized that Haywire has already spiked the ship's computer and has gained a Friendly attitude with it. So, he just needs to make a Use Computer [Issue commands]. There is no DC, but the bridge crew will see the activity and attempt to oppose your commands.

You may add the +2 assist bonus mod from having the Mech droid work with you.

If the opposed roll beats your roll by +10 or more, the computer's attitude towards you will also be reduced.

Finally, if you want to try and vacuum the occupied cargo hold, it will require you to improve the computers attitude to Helpful and they you must Disable Program DC 30.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Oct 19, 2014, 05:13 PM
"Sure thing Hammer"

:ooc: First I'm going to try to Disable Program
Use Computer DC 30 (+2 Droid)(+3 computer spike) = +21
(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_warn.gif) This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d20+21 : 3 + 21, total 24

Then I'll go ahead Roll the opposed check
Use Computer +18
(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_warn.gif) This dice roll has been tampered with!
'id20+18' is not a valid dice string!

Edit: Apparently 'id20' isn't a thing, rolling the second one again.
Use Computer +18
Rolled 1d20+18 : 13 + 18, total 31

And it looks like I failed the Use Computer check. I still have 3 more computer spikes, do I get to keep trying?
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Oct 19, 2014, 09:44 PM
:ooc: You are welcome to try again, but it takes 10 minutes to perform a Disable program - so keep that in mind for game role play.

Second, I am going to increase the DC by 2 to DC 32.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Oct 20, 2014, 12:56 AM
"Blast it! Sorry guys, if you can give me 10 more minutes I should be able to get through here."

:ooc: Assuming the team is OK with waiting for 10 more minutes I'll attempt to disable it again.

Use Computer DC 32 (+2 Droid)(+3 Computer Spike) = +21
Rolled 1d20+21 : 17 + 21, total 38
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 20, 2014, 09:28 AM
"We may not have 10 minutes," replied Martel.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Oct 20, 2014, 09:32 AM
Hammer nods at Haywire when asked for more time.  It would be better for them to avoid the extra fight if this worked, and whether or not the crew knew they were on board, a few more minutes probably wouldn't help them as much as removing whatever was on deck 4.  Still, he glanced over at Martel to make sure he was on board with his decision about the delay.

"We should still give him the chance.  Removing whatever is on deck 4 as a threat is probably worth it."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Oct 20, 2014, 01:58 PM
"Settle in, we'll be here for a bit," says the Jedi Padawan.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Oct 21, 2014, 09:51 AM
"Longshot, keep an eye on the lift, shoot anything that comes down.  Mitts, can we move him? I need you in a covered position if we're going to be here for a bit, at least out of sight of the lift."

Hammer helps slide the Nikto's body to the side between some of the machinery, it's not as open an area for Mitts to work on him but it's quite a bit safer if more shooting starts.  He then moves around to the side of the computers by the bay so that he's covered from the lift and can see back the way they'd come.

"Sir, Longshot and I have the avenues of approach covered, and I know you've got some skill with computers, perhaps you could help Haywire with the computer?"

:ooc: Every +2 helps, especially on an opposed check.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 21, 2014, 06:45 PM
Quote from: Stefan on Oct 21, 2014, 09:51 AM
"Longshot, keep an eye on the lift, shoot anything that comes down. "

"Roger that", replied Longshot, who looked for a defensible vantage point from which to target the lift through his sniper rifle.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Oct 26, 2014, 09:39 PM
Hassthak pulled himself to his one foot, holding himself erect by a thin pipe. The leg would need time to regrow, but already the raw flesh had begun to scale and the blood flow ceased. If he could get back to the cargo hold, maybe he might get a view of their attackers - after all, he was sure that he had heard blaster fire come from there not long after the explosion. Reaching from pipe to pipe and holding his blaster rifle in his other hand, the Trandoshan hopped towards his objective.

The clones waited patiently as Haywire worked. It had been a seemingly eternal period for his first attempt to hack the ship's system only to have it fail; now the time stretched even further. They all knew that sitting in place could be a quick way to die. Longshot swept his rifle over the cargo hold deck for any movement, along with Hammer. Mitts and Martel moved the dead body into whatever nook they could find and Haywire crunched data.

The binary language was rolling before his eyes and he read the many operations that the ship's system were performing - it was in the billions. He needed time to filter and find the definitive application that controlled ship environmental integrity and, even with the mech-droid helping, it was taking time.

Longshot suddenly saw a figure standing in the far portal that led to the sensor dome chamber. The dark shape was armed and bringing up his own weapon.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Oct 28, 2014, 03:48 AM
"Target," Longshot said calmly into his helmet.
There wasn't time to settle his aim any further; he took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger of his rifle.

Rolled 1d20+10 : 17 + 10, total 27

Rolled 3d8+7 : 8, 2, 7 + 7, total 24

Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Oct 28, 2014, 09:30 AM
Hammer listened as Long shot fired once at whatever he'd seen.  He kept scanning his own sector and waited.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Nov 01, 2014, 12:15 AM
Even unaimed, the sniper's shot was accurate and deadly. Hassthak felt the blaster bolt hit him, even as he took cover in the doorway. Fortunately for the Trandoshan, it had struck first on the ship's metal frame, absorbing some of the damage. Still, the pirate choked off a hiss of pain as it seared his flesh.

Seeing where the fire had come from, Hassthak now had a target and fired back.

Hassthak is hit for 24 damage --or-- 46/78 CT -1

DC 25 Ranged blaster rifle +7 (3d8+6), CT -1
:00: 1d20+6 : 4 + 6, total 10

:dmg: 3d8+6 : 8, 1, 4 + 6, total 19
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Nov 01, 2014, 12:24 AM
Haywire pushed harder now as blaster fire began to wind over their positions. Not far from him, Martel still felt the malevolence reaching out to him through the Force, as if it sought to locate his position. What had seemed an eternity of waiting before, now went even slower as the team became adrenalized due to combat. The tech specialist continued to watch the code stream for the environmental safety protocols - the ones he was trying to override, so as to jettison or at least vaccuum the cargo hold above them. Even as he did this, Haywire and the mech-droid finalized the commands to auto-lock all access points on the living decks above.

On the bridge, Captain Ginova turned to the hissing sound of the environmental doors dropping into place and sealing. "They are overriding our systems!" he shouted, "Locking us in! You need to get them out of our ship's command system."

One of the pirates turned to his console and began typing commands to wrest control of the Action VI's computer back to he and his captain.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Nov 03, 2014, 10:15 AM
"Longshot, report, what are you looking at? How bad is it?"  Hammer glanced back over his shoulder to see what his brother had been shooting at but did see anything from his position.  He waited, not wanting to leave their flank uncovered to help if Longshot could handle this.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Nov 03, 2014, 12:50 PM
 :ooc: Sorry, I can't remember, but is there a way to mask Martel's presence with a UtF check or is it a Force Power?
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Nov 03, 2014, 05:29 PM
 :ooc: Does Haywire need to make another opposed roll?
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Nov 04, 2014, 07:49 PM
:ooc: hey guys, I haven't forgot the games. I will have an update tonight after my Taekwondo class.

To answer questions:

Matt, you can only screen yourself in the Force with the Force Talent Clear Mind - that said, I will allow you to use the talent for the cost of a Force Point [this is a GM caveat and it is something I may or may not allow in future situations]. This said, if you do use it you will hide yourself within the Force, but they DO know where you physically are right now, so it would be wise to move on after taking the roll.

Disench4nted, no, you don't need to roll another opposed test. They need to roll an opposed test against your roll of 31 back when you had to correct the roll because of id20. But, that was the environment level you set to work within the Action VI's computer core that the crew needs to overcome to regain control of the basic functions you have usurped. Cool?

Give me until later and I will have some more stuff for you guys to work with. As always, sorry for the delay.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Nov 05, 2014, 10:14 AM
 :ooc: Ok, I'll do it.  Understood on future applications.

"Those dark beings... don't know what they are, but they know where we are," said Martel.  "We need to move ASAP to a another location."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Nov 06, 2014, 09:28 AM
"We can't move just yet Sir, we need to give Haywire a little more time to work his magic.  Plus, we need to deal with what ever Longshot saw back the way we came.  Any idea how long before the boogeymen get here?"
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Nov 06, 2014, 07:15 PM
"Soon is all I can say.  I'm doing what I can to avoid their detection," said Martel.  "Prepare to move as soon as Haywire is ready."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Nov 06, 2014, 08:42 PM
Longshot spoke through his internal helmet comm to his commanding officer, "Sir, the Trandoshan just poked his head out down at the door to the sensor chamber. I hit him, but must not have been enough as he is returning fire. Maybe converge?"

While the clone troopers discussed tactics, Martel drew upon the Force to envelope himself in a haze, thus hiding his impression within the living Force. The darksiders would no longer be able to pinpoint where he was, only where he had been and so the need to move. But, Haywire was in the middle of his task and to move would end its effect. The Jedi could feel the others moving, though, like deeper shadows in an already dark room. The movement was odd, as if simian in nature, hunched or loping. There was a definite malign intelligence present within each, so he was sure that they were not animals - just animal-like.

The impression continued and Martel realized that the darksiders had moved to exit the fourth cargo hold - the one which Haywire was even now trying to vacuum - and were dropping down to the next deck lower, closer to the team.

:ooc: It's your initiative. I am not going to start combat rounds yet.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Nov 07, 2014, 08:47 AM
"Take care of it," Martel commanded.  "Haywire, vent cargo hold 4 now!  We're about to lose them."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Nov 07, 2014, 10:05 PM
With Martel's rushed command, Haywire felt stress rise. He stared at the rushing stream of code going across his monitor and willed it to go faster.

:ooc: We know that a total of twenty minutes needs to pass for Haywire to succeed - 10 for his first attempt (fail) and 10 for his retry (success). I am going to say that at least 15 minutes of time has passed as he worked, as Hasthaak crawled to an attack position, and Martel searched/evaded within the Force. This said, there is obviously another 5 minutes before the code is located and deleted, thus allowing the ship to vent the 4th deck environment to space.

I will allow Haywire to suddenly 'find' the code at the cost of 1 Force Point. Understand, at this point, some of the darksiders have escaped the deck in question and you may not kill them all.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Nov 07, 2014, 10:56 PM
 :ooc: Go for it, Haywire will use the Force Point. :ooc:
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Nov 10, 2014, 03:47 PM
Knowing that the Trandoshan had seen him, Longshot scrambled to find a new firing position, with the opportunity to provide overwatch for the team if they advanced.
"Moving," he snapped into his helmet.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Nov 13, 2014, 09:38 PM
The stream of code suddenly stopped. Highlighted on the screen was a line of binary language that controlled the computer's artificial intelligence - at least what intelligence it did have. By programmers, it was called the 'do no harm'-code and it was meant to stop Haywire from doing what he was about to do. If deleted from the environmental control software, this failsafe allowed him to open the ship to space even though living beings were aboard.

The Mechdroid continued to hold the program at the needed location, but even it could not sweep the needed code from the software, as it, too, was bound by such programming. Haywire was not handicapped by this and he hit delete on his bracer-computer. It would take a moment to refresh the operation and then he could activate the ship's vents. He pushed another button and watched as the environmental software re-booted.

Time. He needed time.

A blaster bolt flew through the air from where the Trandoshan had cover. It was no threat to the team's engineer. Longshot on the other hand had to crouch for his own cover.

Martel could sense an urgency in the darksiders - as if they were possibly aware of their potential fate. They were now moving through Deck-three, directly above the team's position. He needed to let his demo-specialist know that they were one deck closer. The threat, though, was now an explosive decompression of the ship could take them out, too.

DC 25 Ranged blaster rifle +7 (3d8+6), CT -1
:00: 1d20+6 : 17 + 6, total 23

:dmg: 3d8+6 : 6, 4, 1 + 6, total 17
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Nov 13, 2014, 09:39 PM
:ooc: Hasthaak will use a FP

Rolled 1d6 : 2, total 2
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Nov 13, 2014, 09:40 PM

Longshot is hit for 17 -2 (DR) = 15/81
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Nov 14, 2014, 09:11 AM
"Uhh, Haywire, they're right above us now.  Urgency just became more urgent," stressed Martel.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Nov 14, 2014, 10:42 AM
"Sir, decompressing that deck is somewhat risky for us as it could puncture the deck seals and compromise the environment of our deck. It's your call, I don't know how dangerous these darksiders you're sensing will be."

:ooc: Does Haywire have an approximate idea of the % chance that evacuating Deck 3 will harm us?
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Nov 14, 2014, 12:18 PM
:ooc: Based on the age and condition of the ship, I will say he fears an inter-deck integrity issue of about 25+%
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Nov 14, 2014, 02:52 PM
Longshot's surprised yelp of pain echoed through helmet -- and that of his comrades.
"Whatever we're doing, let's make it quick," he called out.
Their position fully revealed, Longshot knew it was only a matter of time before they were overrun.
He tried to push away the pain, looked down his scope at the Trandoshan, and fired.

:00:(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_warn.gif) This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d20+10 : 9 + 10, total 19

:dmg:(http://rpg.avioc.org/boards/Themes/default/images/dice_warn.gif) This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 3d8+7 : 4, 5, 7 + 7, total 23
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Nov 18, 2014, 09:42 AM
Hammer hears Longshots pain through the comm and turns to see if the enemy is in view. 

(Assuming he can see the Trandoshan)
He braces his weapon and fires at the enemy, hoping at the some time that those beings that Martel is afraid of won't be sneaking up behind them while he's focusing on their current enemy.

DC - 22 Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle* +10 (5d10+8) with Burst Fire and braced and Point Blank Shot
:00: 1d20+10 : 15 + 10, total 25

:dmg: 5d8+8 : 2, 3, 1, 7, 7 + 8, total 28
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Nov 19, 2014, 03:43 AM
 :ooc: Not sure why it's saying my rolls above have been tampered with... promise, I didn't change anything! :?
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Nov 29, 2014, 09:39 PM
Quote from: disench4nted on Nov 14, 2014, 10:42 AM"Sir, decompressing that deck is somewhat risky for us as it could puncture the deck seals and compromise the environment of our deck. It's your call, I don't know how dangerous these darksiders you're sensing will be."

:ooc: Does Haywire have an approximate idea of the % chance that evacuating Deck 3 will harm us?

Quote from: tomcat on Nov 14, 2014, 12:18 PM:ooc: Based on the age and condition of the ship, I will say he fears an inter-deck integrity issue of about 25+%

:ooc: Matt or Stefan, give us an In-Character response to Haywire's concern.

Hasthaak saw the blaster fire but his reactions were too slow. The Trandoshan took both hits from the Clone Troopers and fell backwards against the bulkhead - a clean burn through his skull.

Where he stood, Martel could now sense the darksiders leaping into the long inter-deck tube that contained the personnel lift - their shadows dropping down towards them.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Dec 01, 2014, 08:38 AM
"Too late now," sighed Martel.  "Can you kill the personnel lift?  It could buy us some time."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: disench4nted on Dec 01, 2014, 11:44 AM
"On it"

:ooc: Haywire is going to look and see the current position of the personnel lift. If it is moving, he will stop it. If it isn't currently moving he will send it moving at full speed towards Deck 3 with the intention of hitting anyone jumping through the shaft.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Dec 02, 2014, 09:36 AM
He didn't agree with Martel's command but now wasn't the time to discuss it, and the Jedi was the commander so it was his call.  Hammer watched the trandoshan slump to the ground then turned back to the lift to cover it in case whatever the commander wanted to stop managed to get through.

"Longshot, go make sure that Trando is dead and do a quick check for any other survivors.  Mitts, cover him.  Be ready to get back here, boss thinks something coming down the lift and I don't want to be fighting both directions."

Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 03, 2014, 03:02 PM
Quote from: Stefan on Dec 02, 2014, 09:36 AM
"Longshot, go make sure that Trando is dead and do a quick check for any other survivors.  Mitts, cover him.  Be ready to get back here, boss thinks something coming down the lift and I don't want to be fighting both directions."

"On it," Longshot replied. Keeping his rifle at the ready, he scrambled toward his target's position -- whose condition was obvious.
"Target neutralized," he said calmly. "No sign of anyone else."
He rubbed at his wound; it stung, but he was more angry than hurt. "Request permission to find an overwatch position; I want first crack at whatever steps out of that lift."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: Stefan on Dec 03, 2014, 04:46 PM
"Good idea.  Make sure you have good cover, it's likely going to get hot over here pretty soon."
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: sdrotar on Dec 03, 2014, 05:09 PM
Quote from: Stefan on Dec 03, 2014, 04:46 PM
"Good idea.  Make sure you have good cover, it's likely going to get hot over here pretty soon."

"Roger that," Longshot replied. "Moving."

:ooc: Longshot will look for the highest vantage point possible that allows him a) significant cover and b) an escape path.
Title: Re: The Action VI
Post by: tomcat on Dec 21, 2014, 06:45 PM
Haywire's new order was too little avail, as his prior instructions to the ship's mainframe was to securely lock down the ship. The shaft which rode up the center of the ship was essentially locked open. Forms began to fall out of the lift's shaft landing on all fours like the feline nexu, or on their two feet. They were hooded and cloaked in a shadow that was unnatural, and within the hoods glowed luminous eyes.

None of the troopers, including their jedi commander, had ever seen their like and knew little of what they faced - save that they were allied with the dark side of the Force. There were six of them and all were humanoid - two of which stood on their feet and held long staffs whose ends glowed with an arcane light. The other four stay low on all fours and moved like simian-creatures. It was obvious, two masters and their pets.

These were the Bando Gora - insidious evil within the galaxy. They were unknown to most - a secret cult that cultivated their followers through evil drugs and aid from the Darkside. From their homeworld of Kohlma, they rain terror on the Outer Rim. The cult used assassination to influence the Republic and extended their reach through an addictive drug that they added to other stimulants such as Spice. So it was here - the Gora again striving to insert their control of high places and industry even after the decapitation of their leadership not long ago by the notorious bounty hunter, Jango Fett.

The Clone troopers watched as the man-like things moved with inhuman speed, rushing to attack.

:ooc: I am creating a new combat thread. I will roll initiatives for both sides. You may act in your order.