
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Chronicles of the North [LotR CODA] => Chapter 12: Troubles from Home => Topic started by: tomcat on Apr 23, 2015, 12:43 AM

Title: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on Apr 23, 2015, 12:43 AM
Situation: The company is engaged in combat on the banks of the Gwathlo.

Situational Modifiers:
• none

Physical Modifiers:
• the terrain is very muddy and slippery, a PC may suffer falling prone from an extraordinary strike or a disastrous failure
• dark areas on the map will limit movement to 1/2; moving through more than 3 squares will require a STR test TN 12 or become stuck until the next round and a successful test; Disastrous failure means the bog is dragging the PC down and will take them in 2d6 rounds
• the terrain does not effect Witherfinger or the Wood Blights

Celdrahil (+6) - 13
Dirnhael (+5) - 12
Nain (+2) - 10
Blights (+2) - 10
Durgil (+2) - 9
Fengel (+3) - 8
Edrahil (+2) - 7

The three large, hulking shapes advanced on the company even as they stood with mouths agape.
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 03, 2015, 01:49 PM
:ooc: Alright - Celdrahil just needs advanced, but there is no reason we can't get this scene rolling. You guys with the initiative can start. A map is attached. You may want to re-read the physical modifiers as I have updated them.
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on May 03, 2015, 08:21 PM
 :ooc: Who is the L and the D? I forget.
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 03, 2015, 10:58 PM
:ooc: I have L for Durgil.
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: Stefan on May 05, 2015, 10:29 AM
Nain watched as the huge trees walked toward them.  After a moment he glanced down at his ax and it occurred to him that they might think that he'd been the one that chopped down their friends.  He quickly moved it behind his back.

"Celdrahil, Do ye suppose ye might convince our new friend to have a chat with these three and convince them that we're friends?"
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 07, 2015, 05:21 PM
The Sindarin Elf was as confused as the Dwarf, "My dear, Nain, I do not believe these are allies or even friends of the She-Ent, Witherfinger! I fear these are terrible spirits either from Eregion's past, or some sent to deter any from approaching these fens. I believe your axe is very much at need here!"

To the surprise of all, Witherfinger turned from the oncoming foes and began to stride away - her long gait separating her quickly from where they all stood. "TOOOOOM TUMMM TI DOOOM! The end of days. Blighted wood. Blighted days. No more to live and grow."

Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: Stefan on May 08, 2015, 06:37 PM
 :ooc: Just to make sure I'm clear on this, our Ent friend just left us here to fight these three on our own?

Hearing the Elf's words Nain swings his axe around in front him and walks forward toward them.  Fear hovering just behind his heart as visions of dead brother's bravery standing against the shadows so long ago danced at the corner of his eye. 

"Alright ye big bugger's, come meet me axe"

 :ooc: Nain moves forward as far as he can walk.  I believe that if he moved straight forward he should still be out of the muck at least for the most part.
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on May 10, 2015, 07:23 PM
 Durgil repeats his challenge, "The darkness you bring is not wanted here -- leave this place!"

Intimidate(Power) -  2d6+8 : 4, 6 + 8, total 18
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: Telcontar on May 14, 2015, 11:13 PM
"The breath and will of Elbereth is with us on this strange and dark day. These are no friends of the free folk before us and as we say in the south, 'when wisdom fails, swords prevail!'"

The knight held his sword high and advanced.

 :ooc: I will move forward and attack one on the edge. not sure how far I can move or if I can move and still attack.
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 16, 2015, 07:03 PM
Quote from: Telcontar on May 14, 2015, 11:13 PM:ooc: I will move forward and attack one on the edge. not sure how far I can move or if I can move and still attack.

:ooc:  Hey Tom, I refer you to page 214 of the Core Rulebook - you are allowed to make any of the following movements at the cost of 1 action:

Crawl/Step 2 yards; Walk 6 yards; or Jog 12 yards - above these we get into a Full-round action to sprint. On the map, each square is 1 yard. Because the dark areas reduce movement by 1/2, they count for 1.5 of your allowed movement - and/or you might get stuck.

Your PC has three actions in a round before he starts to take negative mods - all of which may be combat actions.

Matt, I will test for your affects after I roll the Blights attacks.

Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: Telcontar on May 16, 2015, 08:54 PM
 :ooc: i will move to L4 and prepare to recieve my foe.
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 17, 2015, 12:09 AM
:ooc: hey Shawn, just need your first actions here and then I can do the beasties.

Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on May 25, 2015, 12:00 PM
:ooc:  Will update this game tonight.
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on Jun 02, 2015, 11:07 PM
:ooc: Going to give Shawn one more night on this thread to see if he can post, or if real life hasn't removed interest in playing. If he is no longer interested, which will end a very long run of gaming, then we all will dicuss the future of this game. It will be the end of an era.

I will let you all know tomorrow.
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on Jun 07, 2015, 10:39 AM
The blighted trees moved forward and an eerie cry seemed to echo from some past, as if a rustle through the boughs of a forest. The lead blight lifted one of its great legs, which was the girth of a small tree itself, and slammed it onto the ground. The tremor shook the ground and caused the swampy earth to erupt up around the companions. The other two evil ents raced forward to engage the men and dwarf.

:ooc:  I went ahead and advanced Dirnhael to the attack, too. I am going to RP him until I see if Shawn is back with us.

B2 actions
Full-round action - stomp [root and stone]
auto-result, the blight smashes the ground and causes a mass of debris and mud to erupt around the companions C, N and D - each will suffer a -2 to any actions until the Blight's next turn.

B1 and B3 actions
Action 1 - both rush forward to engage
Action 2 - both attack

B1 attacks C TN 13 Melee combat [natural, branches]+8
:00: 2d6+8 : 3, 4 + 8, total 15

:dmg: 2d6+11 : 2, 2 + 11, total 15

B1 attacks N TN 12 Melee combat [natural, branches]+8
:00: 2d6+8 : 3, 4 + 8, total 15

:dmg: 2d6+11 : 6, 5 + 11, total 22
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on Jun 07, 2015, 11:00 AM
:ooc:  Celdrahil and Nain need to parry TN 15's each

Fengel runs up to help his friends

Edrahil knowing the problems he faced the last time he ran into combat will try something else.

The Sindar watched as the ground exploded up around his warrior friends and he wondered if they could endure such enemies. He then looked to the form of Witherfinger striding off towards the forest, "Lady Ent! Hear me! Surely you cannot leave us to face these terrible foes alone. The corruption of your beloved woods alone must compel you to aid us!"

Casts Evoke Awe [will allow the spell to inspire another to ally or do deeds of great valour]
TN 10 Willpower [magic ]+10 (+12 with secret fire spells); Injured -3
Roll(2d6)+7: 2,2,+7 Total:11

TN tbd inspire +6, Evoke Awe +8
Roll(2d6)+14: 6,6,+14 Total:26
cascading 6's Roll(1d6)+0: 2,+0 Total:2

There is no way that Witherfinger will not be inspired by these results...
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on Jun 07, 2015, 11:10 AM
:ooc:  I forgot to roll the opposed rolls to Durgil's Intimidation:

TN 18 Willpower +4, Size mod +2*, Area +3*
:00: 2d6+9 : 3, 2 + 9, total 14

B1 - Roll(2d6)+9: 5,4,+9 Total:18 SUCCESS - suffers -1 to all actions
B2 - Roll(2d6)+9: 4,3,+9 Total:16 FAILED - suffers -2 to all actions
B3 - Roll(2d6)+9: 1,2,+9 Total:12 FAILED - cannot perform an action next round, suffers -4 to all actions after that
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: GandalfOfBorg on Jun 07, 2015, 08:38 PM
 :ooc:  ;D  Yay
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: Telcontar on Jun 07, 2015, 08:58 PM
 :ooc:  i am not sure if I am taking a -5. To the parry for an additional action or not.

TN15 longsword+16+2 spec, -5 action, -2 mud and debris
Rolled 2d6+11 : 1, 6 + 11, total 18
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: Telcontar on Jun 07, 2015, 11:00 PM
 :ooc: Shield should be added in there too.
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on Jun 08, 2015, 04:53 PM
:ooc:  With your Swift Strike (1), you do not have the -5 penalty for your parry. You would have it if you had to do one more parry, though?

So if we take away the -5 for action allowance and add 5 for your shield, but then add in the -6 for Size variance penalty your result is: 22 VERY SUCCESSFUL.

So you are good here.
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: Stefan on Jun 09, 2015, 04:39 PM
TN15 Battleaxe +9, +2 spec, -6 size, -2 mud and debris

Rolled 2d6+3 : 4, 5 + 3, total 12
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: Stefan on Jun 09, 2015, 04:44 PM
 :ooc: Can I spend courage to use Warrior Born to give my self a +2 on this check (and the rest of the combat)?  And Does that -1 affect him for this attack or after?  If both of those stars align then we tied at 14...
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: tomcat on Jun 09, 2015, 05:03 PM
:ooc: Hey Stefan, yes, you can spend the Courage for the Warrior Born trait - but - the -1 affect happens after yours and the blights' turns on Durgil's initiative.

Still, you make it though, because you did not include your weapon's parry bonus of +1. So, you are good!

Remember to check the PC stat blocks as well as your sheets - I include all of the bonuses you get in the combat section. You'll see below the Armed Combat battle axes line has your +11 to attack (+9 skill +2 spec), but then I have your Parry bonus after that.

QuoteNAIN                       Adv9

Small Dwarf Craftsman/Warrior 9
Courage 3; Current 0/3; Renown 4; Corruption 0
Init +2; Observe +6
Languages Westron +8, Khuzdul +8, Sindarin +7
Defence 12; Armor 7 (dwarven chainmail, no hauberk, no nimbleness penalty); Shield none
Health 17; Current 12/102; Wound Level Healthy (no penalty), Hardy [-2 to all wound level penalties - Core p.147]
Weariness hale (no penalty)
Stamina +4; v weariness +6; v disease +10
Swiftness +2; dodge +2, evasion [roll 3 dice on Dodge actions, keep best two - Core p.103]; initiative +2
Willpower +1; magic +1; v intimidation +3; v torture +3; v corruption +3
Wisdom +2*; v deception +2
Speed 4 yards
Melee unarmed +3 (1d6+6); Block +3
Armed axes (battle axe) +11 (2d6+10); Parry +12
Actions 3 swift strike (1) [+1 action in a combat round - CORE p.103];  Grp +0
Atk Options none
Special Actions Evasion [roll 3d6 on Dodge, pick best 2 - Core p.103] ♦ Warrior-born [spend a courage to gain a +2 combat modifier for a single battle - Core p.103]
Title: Re: Blighted Woods - round 1
Post by: Stefan on Jun 09, 2015, 05:42 PM
 :ooc: Ah, I looked at the other char sheet.  Thanks and Yay!