
Reading Room - Archived Games (data may be deleted) => Chronicles of the North [LotR CODA] => Chapter 10: Vengeance! => Topic started by: tomcat on Oct 17, 2007, 07:39 AM

Title: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Oct 17, 2007, 07:39 AM
Galudir mounted atop the tall horse and nodded at Nain's remark and then spurred the animal. Edrahil's steed reacted quickly to the prompting and the rogue felt the rush of air go through his hair as they dashed down the city's cobbled streets. Townsfolk watched, and some cursed the  speed at which they passed, but no one interfered with their departure.

Soon, man and horse found themselves rushing down the dirt road that led south out of Ilanin and into the Donu valley, where Thuidmar and the host of the Éothraim lay in wait.

[OOC:] Travel tests

Nikitas, I am going to need a series of tests from you to determine how long it takes you to get to the fort Thergas, based on your endurance:

Here is a sample of the first test - Galudir is going to try to push through 15 miles, so:

TN 15 +2 for pace (Run) +0 terrain (average ground) for a total of 17

Galudir's Stamina test would be:
Stamina +2, Tireless +4, Riding a horse +1 = +7

If successful, the mileage would be covered and at the pace it would have taken just over 3 hours based on the travel charts in the CRB. If failed, both man and animal is wearied, although we will only worry about the level of your character.

I think that is everything and that should cover the mechanics on your hasty travel.
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: Nikitas on Oct 21, 2007, 06:01 PM
Sorry about the late reply, I've been all kinds of busy lately. Hopefully I won't slow anyone down.

Travel Test (TN 17):
Stamina +2, Tireless +4, Horse +1
9+2+4+1= 16 Failure

So, does that mean that Galudir made the 15 miles but lost a weariness level doing so?
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Oct 23, 2007, 09:34 AM
[OOC:] Sorry about my delay too!  ;)

What your roll means is Galudir pushed his horse for 15 miles and is now at Winded -1 and it took him just about 3 hours (that makes it about 12 noon). You have 60 more miles to go. So, Galudir can stop here and rest for the 7.5 hours necessary to recover the weariness level, or push on and try to cover more miles... doing this will require more tests and require more hours rest (i.e. going another 15 miles requires (15 hours rest) - remember these requirements are inclusive of both you and the horse.

If he decides to camp, you will make a Stamina test against the Sleeping in the Rough rules - if successful, you remove the Wearinss penalty.

Weariness penalty applies to all tests.

The point in all of this is to mainly measure the time it takes Galudir to get to Thergas... I could throw in a random encounter though, so be careful.  >:D

Let me know if you have anymore questions.
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: Nikitas on Oct 23, 2007, 06:45 PM
Alright, just to get the rolls out of the way for now. Galudir will try to make 10 more miles at a slower pace (trot) and then make camp.

Travel Test (TN 10):
Stamina +2, Tireless +4, Horse +1,
8+2+4+1-1= 14 Success
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Oct 25, 2007, 07:04 AM
Galudir rode through the morning and into the afternoon, alternating the pace of the ride from a trot to a run. They covered just over eight leagues in five hours before the rogue decided to stop and make camp to rest himself and Edrahil's horse. He was well aware that pressing their stamina to its maximum would serve no one - especially he and his horse!

The rogue settled against a large rock and chewed on a piece of dried meat. He was amazed at how his legs ached - and he could still feel the vibration of the horse's tromping hooves.

Back in Ilanin, the companions were again dealing with the threat of Koskas!

[OOC:] I need Galudir to make his Sleep in the Rough test.
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: Nikitas on Oct 26, 2007, 02:53 PM
Should I assume all the conditions you listed apply?
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Oct 28, 2007, 05:08 PM
[OOC:]  For the sleeping in the Rough test, just make a TN 12 Stamina test and apply the same failure results as listed above.

Do me a favor and just roll the whole series of tests - travel tests / than resting tests until you reach the total of 75 in in travel tests. So far, Galudir has cover 25 miles and has 50 left to go - so you could just mimic the tests you have done.

Again, I only really need to see the results here so I can see how fast Galudir gets word to Thuidmar.
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: Nikitas on Oct 29, 2007, 10:31 PM
My mistake, I misunderstood earlier and I thought you wanted to do this step by step.

Resting (TN 12):
Stamina +2, Courage +3
7+2+3= 12 Success

15 hours of rest, so I suppose Galudir starts early in the morning on Day 2, sticking with a jog/trot pace.

Travel Test (TN 20):
Stamina +2, Tireless +4, Horse +3
9+2+4+3= 18 Failure

20 miles in 4 hours, continuing on for the rest of the day at a slower pace.

Travel Test (TN 13):
Stamina +2, Tireless +4, Horse +5, Winded -1
6+2+4+5-1= 16 Success

15 miles in 4.5 hours, I assume it's after midday about now so Galudir will rest for about 18 hours and wake up early in the morning on day 3.

Resting (TN 12):
Stamina +2
5+2= 7 Failure

I take this to mean that Galudir stays at Winded w/ 15 miles to go and he will foolishly try to run the rest of the way  ;D

Travel Test (TN 17):
Stamina +2, Tireless +4, Horse +1, Winded -1
8+2+4+1-1= 14 Failure

I figure that it took about 2 hours to make this last bit of the journey though Galudir is now Tired, my best guess is that he arrives at Thergas early on the 3rd morning.  Let me know if everything checks out and if it does I can write up a narrative post on it.

Doesn't seem though that Galudir did that trip too quickly, I think he was only about half-a-day faster than the party when they first travelled to Ilanin. Since that second rest didn't change anything status-wise, could I drop it assume that Galudir ran through the night and made it to Thergas on the evening of Day 2?
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Oct 30, 2007, 04:31 AM
[OOC:] Excellent Nikitas! Yea, that is cool about your evening of 2nd day arrival... Give me your narrative/dialogue and I will then give you some new stuff to work with!  ;D
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: Nikitas on Oct 31, 2007, 08:18 AM
Galudir awoke on the second day of his travels rested but deeply concerned. He made little more than 8 leagues in the previous day's travel, and twice that distance lay ahead of him on the road to Thergas. The rogue saddled the elven steed and prepared for a difficult day. Running his hand through the horse's mane, Galudir informed the horse of the marathon ahead, "Listen here horse, we are going to reach Thergas before the sun sets today or else all the overbred, lady, elven horses will the think the less of you. Now go!". The pace was a trot to a walk for most of the day but the gently rolling countryside past quickly enough. Once Galudir was within 4 leagues of Thergas he pushed the horse to a near gallop and rode hard into the fort, not stopping until he reached the keep.
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Nov 01, 2007, 04:23 PM
"Rider! Rider! Rider approaches!" were the cries that greeted Galudir as he rode up into the Dinvuld hills and to the keep of Thergas. "T'is a messenger for the King!"

The rogue quickly dismounted, as a man came up to take panting horse's bridle, and after a quick drink of water from an offered cup, asked for the whereabouts of Thuidmar. The Éothraim warrior looked Galudir up and down and recognition filled his eyes as he remembered the spies that the king had sent north. "Come," he said and the two strode off towards the fortification's small inner keep, a crowd gathering behind them as they went.

The doors opened into the hall and there sat Thuidmar and a few of his council. Maps and small carved blocks of wood, each with an identifying flag, were ignored as the men laughed and dined on a large spit of pig. The Éothraim's high chieftain looked in the direction of those entering his chamber and he held up his hand - silence fell upon the table, opening the floor for Galudir to speak.
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: Nikitas on Nov 04, 2007, 03:06 PM
"King Thuidmar, lords of the Eothraim" Galudir paused, not uncertain as to who all the men in the room were, "... and all the rest of you. Harizan is moving his forces across the Carnen river and is preparing to ride you down. My company has stayed in Ilanin to attempt to rally the people. But know this, Harizan has made league with such evil that will break the spirits of your men and scatter your army to the winds."
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Nov 08, 2007, 06:32 PM
"Get this man food and drink!" shouted Thuidmar.

The high cheiftain rose to come around the long table and come before Galudir, "Do the Easterlings rally for war? Or do they still sit and grow fat upon the wealth of this land?"

[OOC:] Remember that you are essentially two days ahead in this thread, so pose your responses with the understanding that you do not know what is going on in Ilanin since your departure. Thanks!
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: Nikitas on Nov 13, 2007, 07:58 PM
Galudir took his seat and eargerly awaited the refreshment, but he dared not delay giving the king his report. "No doubt the Easterlings have soften some, enjoying the easy prey of Ilanin. But they do prepare for war, I saw them gather at the shore of the Carnen." The rogue found a mug of some brew in front of him, he took a deep draught before continuing. "If the people of Ilanin do not resist, then the Easterlings will likely have assembled by the time your men reach Ilanin."
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Nov 15, 2007, 06:56 AM
Thuidmar listened intently to Galudir.

When the rogue had finished his report the Éothraim chieftain spoke, "Get rest and eat and drink your fill. I thnk you for your efforts for my people." He then spoke to his cohorts, "PREPARE YOUR MEN! WE RIDE WITH THE NEW DAY'S SUN! We will meet this Easterling murderer, whether it is on the shores of the Carnen or on the plains south of Ilanin... and we will bury him there!"
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Dec 01, 2007, 10:59 AM
Galudir slept soundly.

It had been a tiring two day's ride and the down mattress of Thergas was a true comfort. But soon the rogue awoke and a new sun shone brightly through the window. He stretched and then got himself out of bed.

Once ready, Galudir left his small room and made his way out of the barracks and into the courtyard. It was a grand sight to see as he stepped out into the well-ordered commotion. The Éothraim were mustering!

WIthin the confines of Thergas was a great gathering of horses and a few supply wagons - beyond the gates the rogue could see a larger host gathered on the fields. He was sure that there were at least 300 hundred horses arrayed and a stern warrior to mount it.

Thuidmar had spoken true - he was going to bring the battle to Harizän the Easterling and drive him back into the east.

Galudir made some calculations in his head... such a force would probably take three or four days to get to Ilanin. He hoped his comrades were still holding out.
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Dec 04, 2007, 07:06 AM
By mid of morning, the riders of the Éothraim were ready.

The men sitting atop their horses, all in ranked order, with their spears held aloft looked like a forest tipped with glinting stars. Suddenly a great, deafening shout came from the troop as their leader rode out of the keep of Thergas and down the sloped road until he came to the fore of the army.



Again the battle cry rose from the mass of soldiers and Galudir could not help but be moved by the scene. A great banner was lifted at Thuidmar's side and with but a gesture of his hand, the Éored's, the name given the Ailgartha cavalry units, moved out as one. The rogue watched from his saddle as the troops rode forward and then spurred on Edrahil's horse, riding alongside the impressive troop.

Behind all came the support wagons filled with food, water and tents.

[OOC:] Nikitas - what is Galudir going to do? Ride ahead of the army to see if he can get back to Ilanin? Stay with the army? To fight? Watch? Let me know...
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: Nikitas on Dec 06, 2007, 04:11 PM
Galudir weighed the many options available to him. He could stay with the army and reinforce his company at a later day. He could also ride out ahead of the army and seek out his companions in Illanin. Yet, the rogue wondered if the company would still be in Illanin by the time he arrived, and if they were how could he find them without drawing the attention of the Easterlings. Finally Galudir decided that it was his companion's task to defend Illanin while it was his task to fetch the Éothraim, he would stay with the reinforcements and fight alongside them once they reached Illanin. Fight alongside the rear ranks at least.
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Dec 19, 2007, 04:30 PM
The host began to move north along the western feet of the Dinvuld hills. It was quite picturesque thought the rogue, as he rode along the back end of the large troop. To the west could be seen nothing but rolling grass lands that went on for leagues, and east rose the grass covered hills. At times, large crags of red-brown stone and earth broke through the rich greens to add variety to the surroundings, and then the land would give way to the majestic blue of the clear sky. There was little in the way of trees and  the land rose no more than the heights of the Dinvulds, which bothered Galudir who had grown up at the feet of the Misty Mountains. Still, on occassion they would pass by hardy scrub or a lone grove of woods.

They moved through the better part of the day and finally Thuidmar called for them to break for camp. The rear echelon then moved into a northern-facing semi-circle made up of the many riders and there they broke out the wares for feeding such a large force. All in all, Galudir was impressed by these simple folk who he thought un-learned, but were proving him wrong.
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Jan 07, 2008, 08:25 PM
It was well into the second day of marching, and Galudir was becoming bored. He was not anticipating the outcome of this host of men, but it would break the monotony of the saddle. He did a silent count and realized it was four days since he had left Ilanin.

To keep our story in line:

Day 1, morning - Galudir rode from the River Cross and rides the whole day; Dirnhael and friends are escorted to the merchant ring for safety; that night Fengel and Durgil go to scout the Easterling camp.
Day 2, morning - Dirnhael and Nain go to Falin's Forge; in the evening of this day Galudir arrives and tells Thuidmar of the Sagath position; not yet sure what comes of Fengel and Durgil's activities... still in play.
Day 3 - Thuidmar musters and starts first day of marching forth; other companions aren't to this time yet.
Day 4 - Day two of Thuidmar's march; again other companions aren't to this time yet.
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: Nikitas on Jan 09, 2008, 04:42 PM
OOC: Quick question TC, is the Eothraim army entirely mounted? Or do they have infantry as well?
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Jan 09, 2008, 05:42 PM
[OOC:] Hey Nikitas, it is an entirely mounted unit that is being followed on by a support unit of wagons (for cooking, and other needed stuff for encampment).

Some of the Éothraim can dismount and become an archer unit, too.
Title: Re: Solo Ride
Post by: tomcat on Feb 06, 2008, 12:04 PM
The host traveled for two more days.

On the afternoon of the second day, the Éothraim cavalry rode down from a high cliff wall to a vast green field. In the distance could be seen a homestead. Galudir heard the king of these folk speak, "This is where we shall meet out foes! We rest for the day, but in the morning we will send forth scouts to both find and lead our enemy here."