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Landing Pad encounter - round 2

Started by tomcat, Jun 12, 2010, 07:47 PM

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Quote from: Jingo on Jun 12, 2010, 10:22 PM:ooc: Quick question. Kaida has the Evasion talent from her Scout class (p. 50). I'm wondering if that allows me to negate the damage from the explosion last round, since my REF defense was higher than Corbin's Grenade attack--then again, the secondary explosion from the gas tank was what actually hit me, but I didn't see that it had its own attack. Or maybe you went ahead and rolled that off-screen to determine the hit?

:ooc: It was not necessarily an attack roll from the fireball, the damage was based on proximity to the heat blast... no way out of it.

Quote from: Jingo:ooc: My understanding is that inits are only rolled once at the beginning of the encounter and are used for all rounds of that encounter and don't usually change. But if it's a house rule, that's cool.

:ooc: Thanks for the reminder of that, but since first round was more of a surprise round, I am going to go with round 2 init rolls to set the rest of the combat.

Quote from: donimator:ooc: Forgot about that one, thanks. But Sam rolled a '1' - is that not an auto-miss anyway? In any regard I'll let the miss stand. A '20' one turn a '1' the next. it all evens out!

:ooc: Yep, you are right! That will be an auto-miss.

From his covered position, IG-35 fires at Sam
DC 22 RC +12, -1 penalty
Roll(1d20)+12: 19,+12 Total:31 SUCCESS Damage Roll(3d10)+5: 6,10,1,+5 Total:22 (Sam is reduced to 18 HP and is -1 on Condition Track)

Kaida - missed the BH, she moves and activates her talent
Kara - missed the BH, and moved to better position
Britton - uses Move action to switch to top turret, fired at the BH, missed, but still caused splash damage of 32 /2 = 16; Fires again due to Kaida's talent and misses entirely due to me rolling a natural 1.
Sam - missed the brute and moved
Brim - runs to cockpit

Enjoying the effect of his first attack, Corbin turns to look for his quarry but she is no longer in sight. All he can see clearly is Caden struggling to get to his feet...
DC 18 (flat-footed due to prone status) RC +12
Roll(1d20)+12: 17,+12 Total:29 SUCCESS Damage Roll(3d8)+5: 4,6,3,+5 Total:18 (reduced to 6 hp and -1 on condition track)

Brutes fire...
R4 at Caden (DC 18): Roll(1d20)+4: 1,+4 Total:5 FAILED
R5 at Kaida (DC 20+5 cover): Roll(1d20)+4: 2,+4 Total:6 FAILED
R2 at Sam (DC 22 +5 cover): Roll(1d20)+4: 5,+4 Total:9 FAILED
R3 at Kara (DC 20 +5 cover): Roll(1d20)+4: 16,+4 Total:20 FAILED

Caden stands from prone, then uses his standard action as a move action to get in his ship

Things were becoming desperate for the heroes. Between the withering fire from the two villains, along with the volume of blaster shots from their hired thugs, the Aegis was now the safest place for them to be. They all ran to get to the ship's ramp, save Kara who was now the length of the landing pad away.

Sallo watched as the turret atop the Aegis trained in on him, and knew that he did not want to take another shot from the cannon. The first attack had been mild, but the cannon was powerful enough to kill him even if the gunner were not all that accurate. He continued to scan for his quarry, but Corbin knew that that she was behind those crates. She would be aboard that ship in no time, and his chase would begin again. Maybe it was best to call this one a draw and mark the vessel while he could. Better for him to follow it.

The bounty hunter's decision was made firm as the appearance Imperial Stormtroopers running towards the platform caught his eye. The white-armored soldiers were hastily advancing, most likely due to the explosive fireball that occurred not long ago. Corbin decided it best time to leave - let the IG droid deal with these problems.

The whine of the Aegis' engines made the bounty hunter react. He ran for the side of the platform.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]