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U.S.S. Merrimac [landing party]

Started by tomcat, May 21, 2010, 01:15 AM

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Doc paused when he heard the voice. He looked at the others, and assumed they were experiencing similar phenomenon. I wonder if we're hearing the same words ... he thought as he did a quick inspection of the scene.

Keeping one eye on the other away team members, to see if they exhibited any odd behaviour, he began a more careful examination of the first body, the young woman near the door. "Such a shame ... " he mumbled, pulling his medical tricorder from his satchel and using it to determine cause of death, and to locate any other anomalies.


Diagnosis roll: +16 (+5 for the tricorder)

Roll(2d6)+21: 1,1,+21 Total:23 (humph ... natural 20 in Star Wars, snakeyes here ... karma at work). BTW please adjust if I got the equipment bonus wrong.


:ooc: Sorry for the delays... no excuse really other than everytime I sit down at my machine, I have twenty other things that need done.

Now to the game... two things:

Brian I have a house rule in place that works like the CODA double 6's rule, but for double 1's. You can read it in the House Rules thread if you'd like, but basically it says when snake-eyes come up, you roll another d6 and subtract that from the result. If a six shows, roll again, etc. This can turn a bad roll into a disaster depending on how the dice fall. So, here is what I am reducing your results by:

Roll(1d6)+0: 3,+0 Total:3, still resulting in a 20... good roll. Now I reduce it by the EVA suit penalty of -2 for a net 18.

Also, remember to include the EVA suit penalty to any physical test rolls. Characters with the EVA suit training Edge can negate this penalty.

Sherman's tricorder flashed with light and color as it scanned the dead woman's body. The readings were nothing more than the doctor expected. Massive internal hemorrhaging on the cellular level as internal body pressure was exposed to the absence of external pressure. The doc grimaced to himself when he thought of some of the ancient Earth movies about space, and how the astronauts would burst in pulpy explosions if they were exposed to space. It was true in one respect - internal cellular pressure would cause the body to literally burst its seams, but it was not an explosive pressure. And so, certainly in massive pain, this woman died as her body came apart and froze at the same time. "Horrible," the physician thought.

Doc looked down the hall. There were a lot of dead people here. He would need to have them gathered so that they could be identified and a crew manifest drawn up. They were going to need more people here.

Sorek was talking to one of the engineers. "Commander, the Aladdin is definitely grounded for a while. She will need to have that displacer replaced so that we can re-energize the repulsor lifts. We might be able to tow her out with that Galileo-class, right there." The engineer pointed over Sorek's shoulder to the other shuttle that sat on the flight line. As they spoke, movement caught the Vulcan's eye as another shuttle, dispatched from Columbia, appeared outside the open hangar doors. The incoming shuttle was lining up to commence its landing. Sorek looked around and hoped that there would be enough room to bring the craft in. Once landed, he and his teams would see about moving the injured from the Aladdin.

Phillips and his people were moving up the central corridor that led from the hangar bay towards engineering. The three security members opened doors as they came upon them, peering inside and taking account of the ship's and crew's status.

It was eerie to Phillips. He knew that two of his team were following behind him, but the young officer felt terribly alone. He stepped over dead bodies, only to look where he placed his foot for fear of stepping on another. The dead faces looked up at him in frozen agony, some with torn eyeballs that were blue or black from the frozen blood that filled them.

It was a nightmare.

Devon turned a corner that went to his left and the corridor darkened. The lights above were either blown or they flickered, casting a haunting strobe. He approached a door, maneuvering around a dead engineering crewman that sat upright against the wall in his uniform coveralls. The crewman's face hung slack, the ship's gravity having pulled it down after all life in the muscles had ceased, and now it was frozen. It reminded Phillips of rubber and bile formed in the back of his throat. He breathed deep. Getting nauseous in an EVA was not the best thing to have happen.

The door in front of him silently opened and revealed the botanical environmental control room. Within the central area of the secondary hull of most Constitution-class vessels, right behind the main engineering room, was a botanical chamber. It was large, encompassing three deck levels, and within it were grown plants and some even had animals and insects. The goal was to create a living chamber that mirrored the ecology of the planet that the crew primarily shared. It allowed for R and R, and it also provided the crew with fresh fruits and vegetables. Lastly, it allowed scientists to study the effects of prolonged time in space on vegetation and other fauna. Holodeck chambers could reproduce the same vision of planetary ecology, but Starfleets physicians and psychiatrists all agreed that a true, living, chamber within a starship aided in crew morale and well-being.

Phillips looked at the readings that were displayed within the control room. All seemed normal... but... Phillips suddenly realized all was normal. The botanical room had an environment!
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Sorek saw the approaching shuttle and recognized things would get confused on the deck as more teams arrived and needed to be briefed and assigned. He hated the disorder and lost time that would result, but the crew would recover quick and get back up to speed. He knew what had to be done and had to temper his frustration of depending on others to do something he could do more quickly. He was always more comfortable hands-on. Managing people was never his strong suit.

Sorek quickly refocused on the engineer team he was addressing. Best to get them on to something before the new arrivals cluttered the deck. "Please evaluate the status of the Galileo, Ensign. Another craft on stand-by may be beneficial." He quickly turned on heel and strode to the side of hanger bay. He observed the teams working as he awaited the arrival of the other shuttle.


"Aye, Commander," replied the engineer to Sorek's request. The Science Officer then heard his communicator, "Commander... Phillips, here. Sir, I believe that the botanical atrium has an environment."

The Vulcan raised an eyebrow at the statement. Neither their local sensors, nor the Columbia's, registered a breathable atmosphere on board the Merrimac. Sorek's attention was drawn back to his surroundings and he began to move back as the Galileo from their ship entered the main hangar bay, slowing as it did and coming to a gentle landing.

In the botanical environmental control room, Devon began to adjust controls to get as accurate a reading as he could. With his attention drawn to the panels, he did not notice the doors to the chamber slide silently closed. He was not aware of anything until the lights suddenly went out.

:ooc: More to come...
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


The Galileo 042 came to a rest on the deck and a moment later, the ship's hatch opened and eight crewmen, of varying departments, exited the ship. Sorek saw that he had three more engineers, three more medics, and two security personnel. The newcomers fanned out and went to their perspective senior officers to inquire what was needed.

The engineering officer approached Sorek, "Sir, I'd like to take my team to Engineering. We might be able to do something about the ship not having a workable environ."

Behind the man, Doctor Sherman was directing his staff in the offloading of wounded crewmen from the Aladdin and moving them to the Galileo for a return trip to the Columbia. Already the pilot and navigator were rotating the small craft with the ship's repulsor lifts so that it might launch directly out of the Merrimac's hangar. The wounded crewmens' EVA suits were buttoned up and then they were assisted across the landing deck to the awaiting shuttle. Once done, the pilot closed the hatch and re-activated the ship's internal environment. That completed, he proceeded to launch.

Lt. Sorek's mind was drawn back to the question at hand, from the engineer officer before him, but first they needed to know that the path to Engineering was safe. Which reminded him of Phillips... and his last communiqué. Sorek hit the transmit button on his comm unit, and waited for the reply from the young lieutenant.

None came.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Sorek waited a moment with impatience before activating the suit's comms again, "Lt. Phillips...Report." Nothing. He tranmsitted again. "Security Team. Report in. Is anyone with Lt. Phillips?"

Sorek looked around as the Columbia's Gallileo glided out of the bay on its return trip. Things were in hand in the bay. The Engineering officer was still standing there. What was his name? Telek. His personnel file reported him a competent, promising young officer.

"In time, Lt.Telek. We haven't secured the ship yet. You have crews working on the Aladdin's ionic-flux displacer and another checking on the Merrimac's Gallileo. Coordinate their activities until we are able to move through the ship."

Sorek disliked disorder. Where was Phillips? Where was anyone on his security team?


Doc watched the tail end of the rescue shuttle as it slid out of the hangar, satisfied that there were no further problems and those onboard would be quickly stabilized once they reached a proper medical facility onboard Columbia. He was pleased with the efforts of the away team medics. They had done well in a difficult situation. There's hope for these kids yet, he mumbled to himself as he returned to his investigation of the horrific demise of Merrimac's crew.

Gathering up a team of uninjured medical staff, Sherman led them to the hall at the back of the hangar bay, instructing them to begin recording the identities of the deceased. Once his team was busy, he found Sorek. "Did I hear that young lieutenant say there was atmosphere somewhere onboard this ship? Makes no sense to me considering the entire crew died from lack of it out here."

:ooc: I assumed Phillips was on an open channel when he reported from the botanical bay. Wait ... did I just type that ... Botany Bay! ... Khaaaaaaaaaan! ;)


Sorek turned his attention to the Doctor as the engineering officer left. "That was the initial report, Doctor, but I am unable to contact him for confirmation. Until we can hail the security team you should ensure all of your team who exit the hangar are under guard. I trust it won't interfere with your initial work, but some caution is prudent until we account for our personnel."

Satisfied, Sorek edged towards the connecting hallway. Was a trace of anxiety entering his voice? Certainly not. It was natural to show concern for missing crew. They were  under his orders and locating them would mean lost time and redeployed resources. He was fine. He was in control.

Punching the transmit button on his suit communicator perhaps a little too harshly he fought to keep an even tone, "Security Team. This is Commander Sorek. Report in."


Sorek finally heard a voice, "Sir? This is Ensign Anderson... Lt. Phillips is not with me, sir. He moved ahead us going around a corner." Another voice confirmed, "Sanchez, here sir... Lt. Phillips is not here with me either. Nothing here but the dead."

The Vulcan could hear a lost sound in the voice of Sanchez, maybe even fear. The young crewman was alone in a large ship surrounded by the bodies of the Merrimac's crew. Sorek was certain it was fear.

Doc's presence interrupted Sorek's analysis of Sanchez's mental condition. With a look at each other, both knew it was time to move into the ship.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


"Anderson. Sanchez. Return to the main corridor. We will advance together to the Botanical Atrium." Sorek turned to the Doctor, "Doctor. Your team with me, please." He again activated his communicator to talk with the Engineering officer, "Lt. Telek. Report with a team member to the main corridor. Someone with experience in environmental controls."

The team re-assembling, Sorek sent a message to the Captain, "Captain Stonn. We have lost contact with Lt. Phillips. We are advancing in force to secure the botanical atrium...and to try and locate Phillips."

Sorek's hand grazed the phaser attached to his suit, but instead activated his tricoder. If the botanical section was still operational, he should be able to detect the life readings emitting from it, even through the internal bulkheads. If anything was preventing an accurate reading, it might be as telling.

Sorek's tricoder check - signs of plant/animal life in botanical atrium
Assumed bonuses: Sys Ops (Sensors) +8, +2 spec., Tricoder use +5 = +15
Assumed penalties: EVA Suit physical test -2, Winded -1 = -3
Potential factors not added: Science (Biology) affinity, Range penalty, bulkhead (cover?)

Rolled 2d6+12 : 2, 2 + 12, total 16

:ooc: I threw a bunch of assumptions in there. Pls modify result to suit actual conditions. (if this even works!!)

Sorek started calibrating his tricoder as the security personnel appeared from side rooms further up the hall. The light flickered around the corner but their goal was the atrium door directly ahead. Lt. Telek arrived with a crewman to form up behind Doctor Sherman. He hoped the tricoder scan at a closer range would produce some result. "Ready everyone." (more a statement than a question) "Let's move."


Doc did not like the sound of this plan, but somewhere in this ship one of their own was down. "Med Team Alpha, you're with me. The rest of you continue with the identification of the bodies in this section."

As his staff assembled, Sherman took a long look down the imposing hallway filled with the dead, hoping he and the crew from Columbia weren't about to join them. With a sigh of resignation he trudged after Sorek and the others.


The landing party members gathered and then moved up the corridor gathering the two security officers that exited from doors on either side. The door to the botanical atrium was before them as the corridor turned left and then made another quick change to the right. To their left was another door that was closed that enclosed the botanical room environmental controls.

Sorek's tricorder began to give off a faint whine as it began to scan for any life, or biological readings. The Vulcan quickly changed settings on the instrument so that it ignored biological matter that was no longer living. The screen data dramatically reduced as all the dead crewmen were excluded from the scan readings. Still, Sorek raised an eyebrow at the readings that his scanner was picking up.

Botanical rooms on starships were always kept lush and even fauna was allowed to live within, but the plant and animal life was kept contained and minimalized within the atrium - at least to a level that could be successfully maintained in the space provided. Sorek checked his tricorder's calibration to make sure the readings were correct.

:ooc: I changed the picture a little by widening the second hull. After looking at some pics of Constitution-class vessels and modern day carriers, I could see that my pic was too thin.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Sorek checked the readings again and was satisfied they were the best he was going to receive. There was interference of some sort, but a source was not evident. Conditions in the atrium were confirmed, but what of the other reading? Phillips?

His hand again moved for his phaser, but he stopped. No. There was no indication of other life forms that were a threat. He would move to the control room. No need to explain. This was his mission to command.

He gestured to a security crewman, "Stand post at the atrium door." and pointing to another, "Take up a position in the corridor ahead" :ooc: (Just around the corner, a space or two west of the control room door) And finally at the third, "Crewman. You and Lt. Telek with me. Doctor Sherman - stand by. I'm getting a faint life reading from the control room."

Walking abreast with the security team, Sorek steps past the bodies into the flickering light of the corridor and heads for the manual door controls if the sensors do not open it automatically.


What does he mean by "faint"? Doc thought, as he tuned his medical tricorder on the control room to see what Sorek had detected. Perhaps his practiced physician's eye would reveal more detail about Philips' condition, if he was still in there.


 :ooc: Sherman's scan - Medical Systems Op +12 -1 (winded) - not sure about equipment bonus (no book handy) so I will let you adjust.

Rolled 2d6 : 3, 2, total 5