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U.S.S. Merrimac [shuttle]

Started by tomcat, Apr 10, 2010, 12:57 AM

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:ooc: Hey Bizzaro... not sure what you put in the code for the dice roller, but it would have been 2d6+(mod) surrounded by the [ roll ][ /roll ] code or in the case of your PC [ roll ]2d6-1[ /roll ] (spaces have been put in the code so that it will appear as written instead of giving a result.

I have a question though... why did you roll 3d6? CODA rolls are made with 2d6. You do get the option to roll a third die if you get a result of double sixes (or double ones - my house rule), which you may add (or subtract) to the result. I did not see any trait for Phillips that offers him the take the best of 3 dice option, so let me know.

Also, make sure you look at all mods that might apply - Devon has sustained enough injury to take him -1 to all tests.

So, if the double sixes result is what you rolled, and then you rolled a 3rd dice and got four, the 16 applies, minus 1 for the injury, for a net result of 15 - which is a SUCCESS. If the above is not what happened, please give me a re-roll.

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


 :ooc: oh snap! My bad! Got in late last night..and wanted to get my post in...misread...but will correct...(^_~)


Stamina: TN12 Roll(2d6)+4:1,2,+4 Total:7 FAILURE
Perception: TN12 Roll(2d6)+1:1,3,+1 Total:5 COMPLETE FAILURE

Ug. Nice rolls :(

Once the shuttle came to a stop Doc performed a quick self-diagnostic. He was winded, and still a bit queazy from the ride over, but for the most part everything seemed intact. After a quick assessment of his team, he assigned uninjured medics to tend to the most serious cases, then he moved forward in the cabin to check on the injured navigator.


The Aladdin seemed a cramped space for so many to be working - but the craft had never been intended for such things. Doc Sherman had gotten to his feet and moved first to check on his team of medics, just as all others in the away team went to their perspective friends and crewmates. The outcome was not so grim, although there had been some injuries and even a loss. The science officer, Howard, had not been secured in his seat when the shuttle was hit and he was thrown into the opposite bulkhead. The injuries sustained to his neck and skull were mortal, and there was nothing that even 23rd century medicine could do for him. Two of Phillips security team handled the dead man's body and carried him to the back of the shuttle where he was laid until better arrangements could be made.

Doc went next to the navigator and looked at his burns. They were serious. The man's right hand and arm had been seared with third degree burns and the outer dermis was badly damaged or even gone in some places. The left hand was in bad shape, but nothing near what the other arm had sustained. Sherman gave the man a seditive and sprayed the wounds with a local anesthetic while he called out to his team to begin triage on those most wounded. In all, out of the twenty-four people on the Aladdin, one was dead and seven others were injured to the point of being ineffective for the exploration of the Merrimac.

While the medics did their things, the engineering crewmen set about taking diagnostics of the Aladdin to see what had happened to her. The shuttle pilot looked through the forward port and saw that the huge hangar door that had been jammed while being drawn back, was no longer and looked like it had returned to its closed position.

"I guess the gears in the hangar door motors gave way and that door slammed back closed... hitting us in the process." The pilot spoke to no one in particular, the shock of the moment still making him feel as if he were in a dream land. He looked down at his console, and then over to the navigator whose face was a mask of pain, until Doc adminstered the drugs. He shook his head and remembered he was a Starfleet officer. He touched a control on the flight console, hoping it worked as he spoke aloud, "Columbia. Columbia. This is Lt. Marsden, flight officer of the Aladdin, reporting in. We have a situation here... seems our ship was hit and may be damaged. Landing party disposition to follow, although I know that we have one casualty thus far. Marsden out."

Phillips had five of his people available - the sixth sat in her seat with a broken arm. Not wanting to be in the way, but wanting to help, they waited until there was a need for them and then quickly stepped in to assist. The security team members paired off with the medics to be an extra set of hands.

An engineer spoke up, "Well... we're not going anywhere soon. Looks like the right nacelle has been fractured and so doing it cut the ionic-flux displacer, which renders the repulsorlifts inert. Without those, we can't lift off vertically and maneuver out of here. I think we can get the line re-linked, but it will be a while. As for the rest of the ship... we have environment and power. Shuttle sensors have been taken offline, but the comm antenna is still intact and working. We can live in her, but she won't be going anywhere for at least 36 hours."

:ooc: Away team disposition:

Pilot Marsden - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Navigator Kelwicz - badly injured and out of action

Sorek - okay (damage and wearines sustained has been marked on sheet, if any)
T'Plek - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Jemmison - badly injured and out of action
Howard - dead

Crewman 1 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 2 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 3 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 4 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 5 - badly injured and out of action
Crewman 6 - badly injured and out of action

Doc - okay (damage and wearines sustained has been marked on sheet, if any)
Crewman 1 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 2 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 3 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 4 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 5 - badly injured and out of action

Phillips - okay (damage and wearines sustained has been marked on sheet, if any)
Crewman 1 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 2 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 3 - okay (all crewmembers will suffer a -2 to ALL rolls due to injuries/weariness of some sort)
Crewman 4 - badly injured and out of action
Crewman 5 - badly injured and out of action

Doc may make TN 15 tests to all crewman marked okay. A success will remove the negative modifier. Each test treatment will take 1/2 hour and the person will be out of use for that time frame.

He may treat badly injured crewmen at TN 20, and each test will take 1.5 hours, during which time the crewmen will be out of use.

The Aladdin's damage will need to be repaired and it will take an extended test TN 250 with the following conditions:

-Each test is 1/2 hour long.
-Each test is a base TN 15, and if failed do not count towards the end repair, although the time will still be spent.
-75 points of the extended test must come from outside work, which means any modifiers for EVA suits will affect tests.
-Each test will be rolled based on Ramos' skill level +4 (for the number of available crewmen to do the work)
-Any equipment bonuses from engineering kits (as listed in the PG) are available.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]



Sorek's Stamina test
TN 12 Stamina +3
Roll(2d6)+3: 6,2,+3 Total:11 FAILED - reduced to Winded -1

Doc is also Winded -1 based on his failed test score above.

Sorek's Perception test
TN 12 Perception +1
Roll(2d6)+1: 2,2,+1 Total:5 FAILED
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]



Sorek closed his eyes for a few seconds upon the ship's unfortunate landing on the Merrimac, he shook his head briefly clearing away any confusion before opening his eyes and looked around.  Everyone seemed to be fast at work at there jobs as best they could be and he didn't intend to be any different.  He took hold of his tricorder and immediately began going to work trying to determine what scannings he could on the Aladdin as well as on the Merrimac, hoping that being inside the Merrimac might give better reading with less distance and possible interference from space.

:ooc:  I assume the tricorder I was given for the mission can do what i said above...if I need to be more detailed in what I'm wanting to look for let me know and I'll edit or post to reflect said possible points.  Also I'm not entirely sure what I'd roll to use a tricorder...I assume it's System Ops(Sensors) but I'll edit this post after my potentially dumb question is answered.
Sorek's Perception test
Roll(2d6)+-1:6,4,+-1 Total:9(11 if Listen)...FAIL either way(gonna have to put some advancement picks into Observe later)


:ooc: Yea, Rictor, I am going to need some more detail as to what you want to do. I will then give you a hand with how a tricorder can aid in the tests.

And your questions aren't dumb... I had to open my PG and SOM to make sure I could answer them!  ;)
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


 :ooc: Alright, getting ready to leave the house to go to a family cook-out...when I get back from that I'll PM you what I'm wanting to do.  Also I should get my copies of the books back from my cousin who apparently my brother let borrow without my knowledge, which might give me the answers I need in and of themselves for some of my questions.  Also thanks for moving my post, can't believe I clicked on the bridge portion of the forum instead of the shuttle portion  :-[ hopefully it won't happen again.


Devon tended to his injured crewmen, trying to keep them encouraged, knowing that they felt like the "third wheel" due to them being sidelined..He then looked over at the dead crewman, **My God..It all happened to fast--,** he thought, then trying to refocus, **I'm supposed to be the head security my detail has been taken down a few notches...and the rest of us...How can we keep them protected when now we are in the midst of needing it ourselves?** Devon looked over towards the doctor first, then the others, giving them a reassuring face that the security team was still ready and able; trying to hide his apprehension...


:ooc:I'll do all the treatment rolls but I just want to confirm some assumptions:

- Assuming that Doc is supervising all the work, I use Doc's First Aid bonus (+10) for every roll, modified by Winded (-1) [are there any any other modifiers to be applied?]
- The total time for all the treatments is split up among the medical staff.



:ooc: First Aid rolls for the 'okay' crewmen (TN 15):

Addingin in +3 bonus for medkits, and a +2 for available personnel to assist...

Roll(2d6)+9: 2,2,+9 Total:13 +5 = 18 (20 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 5,4,+9 Total:18 +5 = 23 (15 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 3,3,+9 Total:15 +5 = 20 (20 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 5,2,+9 Total:16 +5 = 21 (15 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 1,3,+9 Total:13 +5 = 18 (20 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 1,6,+9 Total:16 +5 = 21 (15 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 5,2,+9 Total:16 +5 = 21 (15 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 2,4,+9 Total:15 +5 = 20 (20 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 3,4,+9 Total:16 +5 = 21 (15 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 4,5,+9 Total:18 +5 = 23 (15 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 2,1,+9 Total:12 +5 = 17 (20 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 1,2,+9 Total:12 +5 = 17 (20 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 4,4,+9 Total:17 +5 = 22 (15 min.)

Crew still suffering from the -2 penalty: None
Total time spent: 225 mins, or 3.75 hours


:ooc: First Aid rolls for 'badly injured' crewmen (TN 20):

Roll(2d6)+9: 3,5,+9 Total:17 +5 = 22 (68 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 4,4,+9 Total:17 +5 = 22 (68 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 5,5,+9 Total:19 +5 = 24 (68 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 5,3,+9 Total:17 +5 = 22 (68 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 4,6,+9 Total:19 +5 = 24 (68 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 4,3,+9 Total:16 +5 = 21 (68 min.)
Roll(2d6)+9: 3,2,+9 Total:14 +5 = 19 FAILURE (90 min.)

Total time spent: 498 min, or 8.25 hours


Doc and his team treated the wounded as best they could, considering the situation they were in. For the most part, the milder cases were able to continue with their duties, but those that were badly injured in the crash presented other difficulties. Sherman was frustrated that the best they could do was stabilize the patients and make them as comfortable as possible within the remains of the shuttle. They would all require evac to the Columbia for proper treatment.

Doc looked about the shuttle cabin for an officer to report to, then he realized he was the most senior officer on the away team. With a sigh he opened a channel on his suit communicator to the bridge of Columbia. "Captain, in addition to the one casualty, we've got seven serious injuries here. They're stable for the moment, but we can't do much else for them until we can get them back to sick bay. Sherman out."


Quote from: BrianM on May 06, 2010, 05:57 PM
Doc and his team treated the wounded as best they could, considering the situation they were in. For the most part, the milder cases were able to continue with their duties, but those that were badly injured in the crash presented other difficulties. Sherman was frustrated that the best they could do was stabilize the patients and make them as comfortable as possible within the remains of the shuttle. They would all require evac to the Columbia for proper treatment.

Doc looked about the shuttle cabin for an officer to report to, then he realized he was the most senior officer on the away team. With a sigh he opened a channel on his suit communicator to the bridge of Columbia. "Captain, in addition to the one casualty, we've got seven serious injuries here. They're stable for the moment, but we can't do much else for them until we can get them back to sick bay. Sherman out."

Captain Stonn's calm voice came back over the speaker.
"Doctor Sherman, we are readying an evacuation shuttle as we speak and will be able to launch within minutes. However, we must determine the status of the hangar bay doors before we can proceed with evacuation procedures, lest the same accident re-occur. Within what time frame do our injured need to be returned to the Columbia's sickbay?"
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Just like a Vulcan ... needs a scheduled itinerary for a medical evac.

"As soon as we can get back, Captain. We're stable for the moment, and we certainly don't want a repeat accident. Let's get these doors fixed then. Sherman out."