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Around town (Kara)

Started by tomcat, Dec 14, 2009, 11:21 PM

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Kaida studied the other woman carefully as she brushed a strand of brown hair out of her eyes and surreptitiously checked her belongings under the guise of straightening her clothes. Everything seemed to be in place.

"I'm fine," Kaida answered carefully forcing a wan smile, wondering how much to say. It wasn't true of course. Not down deep inside anyway. The other woman didn't LOOK like an informant--not like anyone could really tell of course. But she was generally a good judge of character and the other woman didn't seem to bear her any ill intent-- at least not yet.

But she knew she had to take risks sometimes. And more importantly, she had to find someone she could trust and perhaps this woman was just the person. This other woman had the look of someone who knew the underside of a city--Maybe this was serendipity? Fate?

She frowned slightly and nodded. "No, you're right. Not really my type of hang out," she admitted. "But where else would someone find a ship off this--" she waved her left hand airily, gesturing at the fouler parts of cloud city that surrounded her. "--place?"

Her face went from guarded to something more open and trusting. She was very good at this, she knew, but the best part is that it wasn't a guise at the moment. She really did want a way off this place and really did want to find a ship that would take her.

After all, no one from her family had turned up here-- not that she could tell anyway--and it was always good to stay one step ahead of any imperial agents who just MIGHT be trailing her. But she was tired of running too. There had to be more out there than constant flight.


Kara immediately thought this woman was telling the truth, but wasn't sure until she spoke about finding a ship off the city.  Kara thought for a moment and gave a slight shrug.

"I came here on a ship, and we probably wont be here too long, where are you looking to head to?" she asked.


Kaida couldn't believe her luck and her face brightened at the the other woman's news. Maybe the fates were on her side after all. Now to press her luck a bit further.

"That," she continued, "is welcome news. Let's just say I want to be wherever the Empire isn't!" She finished not quite concealing the disgust in her voice. Then she watched the other woman carefully for any signs of possible Empire affiliation or fanaticism.


Kara looked at the woman who seemed a bit happy at the news.

"Well, I'm not a fan of any kind of government or authority.  Politicians, nobles, governors, emperors are all the same.  They are corrupt and want to control things they should have no say in."
  Kara stopped herself, now was not the time to discuss politics.  "Well at least that's what many of us Corellian's feel.  Now if you want a ride off planet, you should follow me back to the ship.  You can talk to the Captain and crew, maybe they can help you arrange passage, or if you have any talents or skills they need, you might even be able to earn your passage."


Kaida bit back a retort when the woman started lumping all politicians and nobles in with the Empire. There was, she felt, a galaxy of difference between the way her father had ruled and the way the Empire had conived and abused their way to power and dominance. What was this woman saying? That anarchy was some blissful alternative to freedom-loving government? Perhaps the criminal underworld would think that, but how could-- That stopped her line of thought. The criminal underworld? Is this what she was getting herself into? No matter. Time to push her luck further. It had held out thus far.

"Thank you," she nodded politely, and then held her head high. She was NOT anything like the Empire! "Yes," and she flashed another smile. "I think I would be interested in meeting this captain of yours. Most interested. Lead the way."

"By the way, my name is Kaida."

After the introductions, she followed after the woman, engaging in minor small talk as she went wondering all the while what this seemingly fortuitous encounter portended.


Kara nodded.  "The name's Kara, I'm sort of the ships mechanic, though I've only just joined the crew recently."  Kara was hoping to stop by a bank, but that would not be happening now.  Her best hope was to get back to the ship and stash the load of credits she was carrying in her bunk.


 :ooc: I just follow her to the ship


 :ooc: Think we'll wait for Tomcat, maybe we will meet the rest of the crew.  ;D