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Hallway melee - round 3

Started by tomcat, Nov 29, 2009, 10:08 AM

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 :ooc: I wrote this back in November for this game while sitting around thinking of some place and events other than the ones i find myself in. I was saving it for when we had a moment by the fire, or holed up for the night in Moria. I want to make sure this makes it into the historical record of the game so i am going to throw it out there now.  :ooc:

Gumbo looked around at his companions in the deeps of Moria. The darkpit was all around them, but also under that darkness there was a dwarfness about it that hadnt been destroyed. It was in the very stone as if it called out to the ancient dwellers of the halls and deeps. Gumbo taking out his pipe and packing a smoke risked lighting it in the deeps for the smell and light might attract unwelcome guests. He looked out into the dark...

The Lay of Dain

The sun on earthen ramparts shown,
     stakes and pikes firmly planted.
There was no time for works of stone,
     Dwarven day of vengeance granted.

Lines of battle firmly and resolutely strung,
     thump, thump, thump the boots of Aule's sons.
Clash, clash, clash axe and hammer rung,
     in Dimrill Dale where the Silverlode Runs.

From the dank ranks of Orcin spawn,
     Harsh cries and curses were chanted.
Weapons of dwarven steel were drawn,
     Dwarven day of vengeance granted.

Upon the gate and from within the keep,
     ranks of Orcs and trolls with drums.
Vomited up from Moria deep,
     in Dimrill Dale where the Silverlode runs.

From the plains the Dwarves up lept,
     Stout legs pounding, mouths panted.
"For Thror and the Halls where Durin slept!"
     Dwarven day of vengeance granted.

Upon the stairs the battle thickly fought,
     battle marked only by the passing of the sun.
The champions each other sought,
     in Dimrill Dale where the Silverlode runs.

Orc King Azog all clad in mail,
     with deadly lance did he impale.
All warriors that upon him set,
     those before him death quickly met.

Boast most foul from his mouth did swell,
     "Where does the pride of Durin dwell?"
Who would meet him upon the stair,
     and withstand his arms to bear?

From the ranks rose the kinsman of the murdered King.
Brave Nain! Forth would the battle bring!
Boldly met the Orc before his liar,
     and fought upon the stair.

Lance and Axe flashed and crashed,
     the shields of both were rent and bashed.
All faces around were drawn to stare,
     while they fought upon that stair.

With vicious blow did Nain give,
     to the ground went Azog, yet live!
To Nain he cried in twisted plea,
    the Bane of Durin he would pay in fee.

The girdle of Thror from his waist he offered,
      and more within in wergild proffer.
Nain paused when his eyes did see
      the belt of Thror, his king and kinsman as fee.

The lance of Azog quickly shot,
     and in the breast of Nain it caught.
The mighty dwarf did swoon and fall,
     but lo from the ranks another call!

Up stepped Dain the fallen's young son,
     with axe up held upon Azog he sprung. 
The Orc King laughed and lance he swung,
     but quickly did Dain run.

Uplifted foot upon the lance he struck,
     while the axe his neck stuck.
"Ironfoot! Ironfoot!" The dwarves chanted,
     Dwarven day of vengeance granted!

The battle lines of Orcs to the depths did flee.
Dain looked in the halls untouched by sun,
     the bane of Durin then did he truly see.
In Dimrill Dale where the Silverlode Runs.


Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Quote from: tomcat on Jan 02, 2010, 08:14 PM
:ooc: ....

So to Tom, Jingo, and Don... I welcome you all to generate a PC for the Chronicles game if you'd like, or if you just wanna watch here from afar until What Once Was comes back outta mothballs. Either way, just know I don't wanna lose you as players so I will stay in touch.

If Chronicles is not your cup of tea, you are also welcome to look into my Star Wars game or perhaps Star Trek, which I may be resurrecting again after the almost two-year break.

:ooc: Thanks for the update. Too bad it's being put on hold, but I know how that is. I have an play by email campaign that's been running like 5 years now and it goes in phases too. I'd rather participate in an adventure that has a big more activity anyway, so it sounds like now may be a good time to enter the black sun star wars game I was considering joining a couple of months back. I'll work on putting together the character I was working on and see what you think.


:ooc: Tom, so you know, I will be moving your post as soon as I see an end to the melee. That way it can be put in its proper place.  ;)
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]