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Hallway melee - round 2

Started by tomcat, Oct 31, 2009, 03:34 PM

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Situation: The company is attacked by the undead that reside in an old dwarven estate. The company must has run up the hall to engage the mewlips.

Situational Modifiers: The ghouls (mewlips) exude Terror that needs resisted with Willpower at TN 13, each round. The hallways are only 7' wide at most (two combatants may stand and fight abreast with swinging weapons; polearm type weapons I will allow three, but if an enemy gets inside the pole length, you will have penalties to defend).

Physical Modifiers: Moria Darkness will apply to all physical actions and PC's must apply their modifier for Total Darkness (minus any trait mods), unless the lanterns will be unmasked... and even then, all will be at -2.

Idhriel (+3) - 13
Ghouls (+3) - 13
Vári (+2) - 10
Gumbo (+3) - 9
Nori (+2) - 8
Kori (+2) - 7
Turumarth (+2) - 7

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


:ooc: Not too familiar with this system. I think I only get two actions, but can do more with -5 per action but can only get a maximum attacks = to my total number of actions... so 2? So if I did two attacks now, I could still parry, but would incur a -5 penalty?
Anyway, she'll attack once at the one that attacked her (m2 or m3?) and save her other action(s) for defense/parrying.

Willpower Reaction first to overcome Terror
TN 13 Willpower +1, Ghost Scorn +2*
Roll(2d6)-3: 6,5,-3 Total:8  FAILED [Idhriel is panicked -2]

*Ghost Scorn states that Elves are immune to effects from the spirits of Men, but mewlips are possessed by fell-spirits of Morgoth.

Now Idhriel rolls to hit
TN 12 AC +9, Specialty +2, Weapon master +3, Dim lighting -2, Panicked -2 = +10
Action 1 - Roll(2d6)+10: 2,3,+10 Total:15

If hit: Roll(2d6)+6: 2,6,+6 Total:14

Idriel slashed out at the undead creature in front of her, an upwards slash from stomach to face. It was dark and difficult to tell how much damage she was inflicting--if any. Her face was a mask of intense calm which belied the panic that fluttered just beneath the surface. She gritted her teeth as she battled these unwholesome creatures. But she managed to spare a grateful nod to the dwarf who moved up on her left and the smaller figure on her right... She had half feared that the grumbling voices would recede in the other direction, leaving her to her fate here in these dank halls.

Init for next round:


:ooc: Hey Jared,

Here is an example of combat in CODA using your character and one of the creatures she is facing:

First, let's start with Action Allowances (called AA from here forward). Idhriel may make as many actions in a round as she would like with the understanding that above her current AA, which is 2, she incurs a cumulative -5 until it becomes moot to roll the dice.

That said, the most offense-type actions she may take is limited to her AA (so, 2), but she may make as many defense-type actions or non-combat actions as she wants, again with the understanding of cumulative penalty.

So, let's see an example of combat:

The mewlip (ghoul) rushes to attack Idhriel. It is draped in Terror (TN 13) and so a Willpower test needs rolled to overcome said Terror each round. She has initiative for round 1, but first...

Idhriel rolls Willpower test to overcome Terror - this is a Reaction test and so does not count against her AA.
TN 13 Willpower +1
Roll(2d6)+1: 3,4,+1 Total:8 FAILED [Panicked - Idhriel suffers a -2 to all actions for this round]

Now, Idhriel, though panicked attacks the undead monster with her scimitar - this is her first usage of her AA.
TN 12 AC +9, Specialty +2, Weapon Master +3, Panicked -2, Dim Light -2 = +10
Action 1 - Roll(2d6)+10: 6,3,+10 Total:19 SUCCESS [damage if not parried Roll(2d6)+6: 2,1,+6 Total:9]
Action 2 - Roll(2d6)+10: 6,4,+10 Total:20 SUCCESS [damage if not parried Roll(2d6)+6: 5,3,+6 Total:14]

No matter what she does from this point forward, Idhriel may not make another offensive-type action this round.

The mewlip, in its unknowing, undead way, allows the sword to cut into it, ignoring the damage as it does. It actually only takes half of the damage from normal physical attacks, so 5 + 7 = 12 total.

The mewlip now attacks Idhriel
TN 13 AC +6, Specialty +2, Ferocity +3 = +11
Action 1 - Roll(2d6)+11: 4,3,+11 Total:18 SUCCESS [damage if not parried: Roll(1d6)+5: 1,+5 Total:6]
Action 2 - Roll(2d6)+11: 1,4,+11 Total:16 SUCCESS  [damage if not parried: Roll(1d6)+5: 6,+5 Total:11]

Idhriel may attempt to parry the attacks (as that would be defensive-type actions)
TN 18, 16 AC +9, Specialty +2, Weapon Master +3, PB +1, MAP -5 (-10) Panicked -2, Dim Light -2 = +6 (+1)
Action 3 - Roll(2d6)+6: 1,4,+6 Total:11 FAILED [Idhriel takes the first attack damage of 6 -2 for armour = 4]
Action 4 - Roll(2d6)+1: 2,2,+1 Total:5 FAILED [Idhriel takes the second attack damage of 11 -2 for armour = 9]

She has been reduced 13 points and would now be in the Dazed -1 wound level. With the hits she took, she could even attempt to jump away from the mewlip to try and escape and the dice roll would look like this:

Idhriel attempts to jump away and increase the distance between her and the undead
TN 12 Jump +3, Dazed -1, Panicked -2, MAP -15 = -15
Action 5 - Roll(2d6)-15: 6,2,-15 Total:-7 FAILED DISASTROUSLY

As GM, I would tell you what her disastrous failure resulted in...

but as you can see, even though she made 5 actions in the round, only two were offensive, and the results of the others were awful because the penalties make it so a PC can truly be effective doing a few concentrated things in the 6 seconds that a round constitutes. For her to try anything else, the dice roll would be moot.

I hope this helps you to get a firm understanding of how Actions work in CODA. I now return to the combat round where we left off... btw, I may have tweaked your post above - and - I made a few corrections/changes to your PC sheet.

Here is the definitions of my acronyms above:
AC = Armed Combat
AA = Action Allowance
PB = Parry bonus (most weapons and shields offer a parry bonus to defensive actions)
MAP = Mutiple Action Penalty (this penalty applies cumulatively for all actions over a character's AA)
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


 :ooc: Thanks for the description. That helps. Didn't realize about Ghost Scron. I've modified my previous post slightly to reflect her increasing panic.


BARRAK KADUK!!!   :ooc: Class is over let's close with and destory the enemy!  ;D

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Turumarth rushes to follow (1 action) increasing the intensity of the light to it's full effect (20' radius) so that he may see. The undead were familiar from their previous encounter and the creeping fear was recognized. Summoning calm he chanted the words to fight this terror and extended it to the others. The warm flow of the magic coursed through him, preparing him for the fight ahead. Gone was the fear and the uncertainty. The depths of Moria were no longer a concern for him. He wielded power and bent it to his bidding. His voice, strong and powerful fell into Sinda again, but the message was one of confidence.
"Avo 'osto, mellon! Hain ú-'rogon"

(Fear not, friends! I do not fear them)

Willpower Roll to resist Terror
TN 13 - Willpower +5, innate +1
Roll (2d6), 4,6 +6 = 16 - passed

Cast Resist Fear (2nd action)
Weariness TN 8
Willpower +5, +2 charm, +2 spell specialty, -3 (active spell)
Roll (2d6), 6,1 +6 = 13 - passed
Effect: +5 to Wil tests to withstand Terror to all within 16' (8 rounds)

:ooc: Init for next round
Roll 2d6 +2 -
5,3 +2 = 10



Quote from: Jingo on Oct 31, 2009, 08:45 PMThanks for the description. That helps. Didn't realize about Ghost Scron. I've modified my previous post slightly to reflect her increasing panic.

No problem Jared, the Ghost Scorn penalty is just me house ruling this trait - it is very vague in its definition.

Don, you could have made these actions in the first round, but will go with it as stated.

With the light from Turumarth's staff now illuminating the hall, the companions can see a young elven maiden, dressed in leather armour of earthen browns and greens. She is currently hard pressed in defending herself against what appear to be feral orcs, though their eyes seem blank and lifeless. It is also easy to see the guantness of their bodies and what would be mortal wounds covering some areas. Whatever foul spirits now resided in Moria, it was apparent that some had taken up in the corpses of orcs and now haunt the dark halls as ghouls!

With the elf fending off one, Gumbo can see four others racing down the stairs to engage.

Mewlip (M1) ignores Idhriel's attack and takes 7 damage

Mewlip (M1) attacks Idhriel with claws
TN 13 AC +6, Specialty +2, Ferocity +3
Action 1- Roll(2d6)+11: 4,3,+11 Total:18 SUCCESS [dmg if not parried: Roll(1d6)+5: 2,+5 Total:7]
Action 2- Roll(2d6)+11: 1,4,+11 Total:16 SUCCESS [dmg if not parried: Roll(1d6)+5: 1,+5 Total:6]

Mewlip (M2) attacks Gumbo with claws
TN 12 AC +6, Specialty +2, Ferocity +3, size mod -2
Action 1- Roll(2d6)+9: 4,1,+9 Total:14 SUCCESS [dmg if not parried: Roll(1d6)+5: 1,+5 Total:6]
Action 2- Roll(2d6)+9: 5,6,+9 Total:20 SUCCESS [dmg if not parried: Roll(1d6)+5: 4,+5 Total:9]

Mewlip (M3) attacks Vári with claws
TN 12 AC +6, Specialty +2, Ferocity +3, size mod -2
Action 1- Roll(2d6)+0: 3,2,+9 Total:14 SUCCESS [dmg if not parried: Roll(1d6)+5: 2,+5 Total:7]
Action 2- Roll(2d6)+0: 5,5,+9 Total:19 SUCCESS [dmg if not parried: Roll(1d6)+5: 3,+5 Total:8]

The other two mewlips, like feral dogs wiggling and flaying squeeze between their companions and the front line of the party to get to those PC's behind - will not be able to engage or be engaged until next round.

Kori and Nori can do nothing this round due to the tight confines of the passage. Turumarth has done his actions. I need Vári and Gumbo's actions, but I am going to add the new combat round thread.

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


:ooc: Idriel attempts to parry the claws again.

2nd attack as parry against M1 attack vs TN 18
2d6+12 +2 specialty -2 dimness -2 panic = +10 modifier


2nd parry against M1 attack vs TN 16
(3rd action, so multiple action penalty of -5. So a final mod of +5)
Total:13 (I'll spend 2nd courage here) +3 = 16 and barely parries

Beads of sweat began to form on Idhriel's forehead at the concentration needed to fend off the foul claws that sought to steal her life. Her scimitar flashed quickly in the ever-increasing bright light provided by the tall man's staff as he drew near. She moved gracefully, as a dancer would, barely stopping the claws before they could tear her flesh.

As the light increased Idrhiel felt a cleansing a cleansing feeling pass over her, and the fear seemed to lessen somewhat as the tall man spoke in Elvish. Yet even so, she did not think she could keep this up for much longer without taking some kind of hurt. And her blade didn't seem to be doing much damage to these unnatural incarnations which seemed created for only unholy purposes.

:ooc: I will first try to resist the terror for next round.
TN: 13
4,5,+6 (+1 Will + 5 spell) = 15 - 2 for panic = 13 which barely passes


Quote from: TomcatKori and Nori can do nothing this round due to the tight confines of the passage. Turumarth has done his actions. I need Vári and Gumbo's actions, but I am going to add the new combat round thread.

:ooc: Sorry for the delay in game here everyone... just waiting for players to get back online. Tom is in Afghanistan so I am hoping he is all right, and Shawn is moving. If no responses come by tonight/tomorrow morning, I will post their actions. I may come back in later to do it anyway, but I want to hang with my wife for a while.

Talk to you all very soon.

Testing the dice roller just for fun...

Rolled 2d6+11 : 2, 2 + 11, total 15
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


5,1,+2 (Will)
Total:8 Failed willpower roll

5,4,+10 (spear) +2(spec), -2 (darkness)

6,6,+10 (spear) +2(spec), -2 (darkness), 6(extra d6), 3 (extd6)

Gumbo, running up to the growing melee, is struck by the stench and sight of the undead. His stomach rolled at the sight of the decayed Orcs. He kpet his wits about him to parry the blows but the act itself forced him back amongst his friends. He recoiled and holding his spear before him backed away from the Orcs.

:ooc: Sorry all I have been moving around a lot and the internet is spotty. I should be making it to my last assignment soon. Not sure what the internet situation is going to be. Also I am not sure what the mofdifer is for failing the willpower roll.   


Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Total:6 Failed Willpower roll

Nori seeing the Hobbit recoil from the fight tries to make his way into the opening. As his gaze falls upon the goblins his body roots to the spot. A grimace on his face, as he was about to charge, but his feet remain anchored and his brain frozen at what he sees.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


:ooc: Don't forget the spell that Turumarth cast. Not sure, but you might actually resist the fear effects:
Effect: +5 to Wil tests to withstand Terror to all within 16' (8 rounds)


 :ooc: the spell is after us in initiative so not until next round.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


:ooc: Yea, Tom is right. Turumarth's spell will activate at the end of this round and for a number of rounds beyond (don't remember the duration, but I will look it up).

Vári's Willpower roll to resist Terror
TN 13 Willpower +1, Hardness of mind +2, Valour +4
Roll(2d6)+7: 4,4,+7 Total:15 SUCCESS

Vári attempts to parry M3
TN 14, 19 AC +14, Specialty +2, Weapon size -3*
*because of the width of the hall, all weapons with a L (large)  for size will suffer a -3 penalty while in the halls, and lose parry bonus.

Action 1 - Roll(2d6)+13: 6,4,+13 Total:23 SUCCESS
Action 2 - Roll(2d6)+13: 2,4,+13 Total:19 SUCCESS

Vári attacks M3
TN 12 AC +14, Specialty +2, Weapon size -3*, (MAP -5, -10...)
*because of the width of the hall, all weapons with a L (large)  for size will suffer a -3 penalty while in the halls, and lose parry bonus.

Action 3 - Roll(2d6)+13: 4,6,+13 Total:23 SUCCESS [dmg if not parried Roll(3d6)+5: 6,5,6,+5 Total:22]
Action 4 - Roll(2d6)+8: 2,4,+8 Total:14 SUCCESS [dmg if not parried Roll(3d6)+5: 6,3,1,+5 Total:15]
Action 5 - Roll(2d6)+3: 1,3,+3 Total:7 FAILED

Mewlip M3 cannot evade Vári's attacks and takes 22 + 15 = 37 / 2 = 19 damage.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]