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The King's Hall

Started by tomcat, Dec 07, 2008, 10:53 AM

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[OOC:] I am moving the Gloraglil thread to here so that scene locations stay separate.

OOC: I`m still here. Just not able to post as often as I would like until my broadband is sorted out. Die Sky! Die!

Gloraglil sighed with much relief as he crossed through into the palace itself. Once his faithful, weary steed had been taken to the stables, he made his way to the offices of the Kings Senior Herald Rapping lightly upon the mans outer door, he paused and waited patiently for an answer.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


OOC: Hope this is the sort of thing you were looking for :)

Arthul, Kings High Herald of Arthedain, rose from his desk as the envoy entered.

"Gloraglil. I did not expect to see your face again. Not after so long on the road. I take it then that your road was unsuccessful? It is of no mind, I had little hope in your quest. When you volunteered for this fools errand, I had thought you sought your own death."

The pepper-bearded man, still tall and straight despite his advanced roll of years, made his way around the great wooden table at which he sat, moving to pour two small goblets of wine  from a jug suspended above a glowing brazier.

"Forgive my saying so, lord Arthul, but in this you are mistaken. I have found the young lord, and brought him hence, and in the company of his remaining companions."

Gloraglil could mistake the pause in his captains movements, as the older man finally set the earthenware jug back upon its hook. A silence lingered while the Lord Herald passed a steaming cup to the cold and far-travelled Gloraglil.

"This news is... weal indeed. Yet I find some woe in it, also." The old man paused, swirling the ruby liquid of his wine around its receptacle, staring into it as though the answers to his questions lay within. "Tell me, did the young Knight, Dirnhael, return in your company?"

"Aye, he did." Gloraglil replied, wariness slowly unfolding within him like a wolf worrying at his innards, "And fortunately so, for does not our embattled Kingdom need warleaders such as he? Dinrhael and Fengul both have returned, and to the benefit of our kingdom also. All three, including the young Lord, have gained great reknown as battle leaders in the East. An Easterling horde lies crushed in part due to their leadership, and in greater part still due to their diplomacy. Such men as these favour our Kingdom, do they not? Milord, the warrior Fengel was even offered a Kingship of his people, yet he declined it for love of friendship and boon companions."

"Then he was foolish, reckless and perhaps even selfish to do so, if he is half so gifted as you say."

The old man seemed to weigh the words of the younger heavily in his heart. "I do not doubt you Gloraglil, nor do I seek to challenge the weight of your accomplishments in returning such mighty men to the service of our King.  Yet the King himself is not here. He winters at his country manor. Where I too, would be, had I the years left in me for travel in such a deathly cold."

As if to add gravity to these words, the Lord Herald resumed his padded seat, grimacing as his bended knees took the weight of his descent.

"More has happened in your abscence than you know. So long have your companions been absent, without word even from you, faithful Herald, that the betrothal of this captain you mention has been annulled by the King. She is betrothed now to one well known to you, a leader of that faction of your people who fled the ruin of your homeland."

Old Arhur looked long into the eyes of the worthy Herald before him.

"I see that I need not speak this mans name. Or of what such intrigue implies. Go now to your friends. Though they may already have heard these tidings, see to it that their actions do no harm to this Kingdom. For, muddled though this knot may be, I have no doubt such intrigues are beyond so young a Nobleman and new a Captain of men, let alone the Eastern barbarian that accompanies them. The Elf might know better perhaps, yet I have not heard you mention him and so fear the worst.  Neither of these young men have much knowledge of intrigue and courtly ways. Young men have rash ways about such things as honour and romantic love- despite what you say as to their wisdom. Help them if you must, Gloraglil, but remember always that your first and only duty is to your King and the saftey of his Kingdom."

The old man drained his cup, which Gloraglil took as a sign that he should drain his. For so this audience had ended.

"I will consider sending another man to see the King. I have no doubt this situation may be resolved by Spring. It would be better if it may be resolved without need for the Kings interferance at all. It would not do well for our enemies to believe the Kings Court cannot function without his presence. We are in no position to advertise our weakness."

The Lord Herlad looked down upon the many documents littering his desk once more.

"You may go Gloraglil. I will expect a full accounting of your travels and expenses in a few days. But for now, go to these young venturesome folk of yours, and keep them from straying."

Gloraglil closed the door gently behind him as he departed.


[OOC:] Real nice post man! I like the way you expanded our world around us and created the people your PC works for/with.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]