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Chapter 05: An Unexpected Encounter

Started by dustinrstrong, Mar 21, 2008, 11:41 AM

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Mar 21, 2008, 11:41 AM Last Edit: Aug 10, 2008, 03:35 PM by dustinrstrong
The voyage to Nevrast was uneventful and even relaxing.  After months of constant fighting, Taurensil had needed the respite to recover his strength.  He enjoyed being back on the water again.  It had been a long time since he had worked the ropes and lines of a sailing vessel on the open sea.  Feeling fully rested, he offered his services in handling the ship, often working beside Shaelina.  The two soon became friends.

The ship's captain plotted a route that would take them far from the prying eyes of the enemy on shore.  He sailed over the horizon for much of the trip, only venturing into shore to check his navigation against known landmarks.  For the entire trip, the sea was still, almost like glass, and all hands simply went about their normal routines.  Nothing unusual happened until the end of the second week of sailing.  There was a bright light on the northeastern horizon.  It was the light of a massive conflagration. 

The blaze caught the attention of all on board.  Fearing a new trick by the enemy, the captain was reluctant to investigate at first.  He had not the numbers aboard to fight a full-fledged battle with thousands of orcs.  Taurensil and Shaelina, however, convinced him that it was their duty to find out what was going on.  If this was a new threat, they must understand what it is so they could devise a defense against it. 

The ship turned toward the blazing light and made full sail.  The size and scope of the fire began to baffle all comprehension.  At first, it appeared to only on the horizon, a few leagues away, but as the days wore on, they were not getting any nearer.  Taurensil began to fear that his homeland had been put to the torch, and he regretted leaving his people without his sword.  For a couple of agonizing days, the ship approached the coast of Nevrast, heightening Taurensil's anxiousness.  He could clearly see the tops of the flames licking the sky.

Rounding the coast of Nevrast a few days later, the captain ordered a course change into the Firth of Drengist, a long, narrow, finger of water that cut across the northern boundary.  By now, the fire had subsided into a dark column of smoke, almost invisible against the black sky.  With extreme caution, the vessel made its way into the firth before being ordered to stop.  The captain decided not to risk his ship in the more shallow waters at the end of the firth but put a small landing party ashore to investigate.  Taurensil and Shaelina, along with a half-dozen hands, disembarked the ship and made their way to the dark column.

Carefully, the landing party moved along the shore of Dengrist, always wary of an orc ambush.  Much to their surprise, and relief, no such danger materialized.  Instead, another, unexpected, encounter took place.  This encounter seemed not to pose a threat, but rather a curiosity.

It began with the sound of sobbing.  Not the crying of a child, but the weeping of anguish and despair.  Not sure what to make of the encounter, the shore party spread out among the thickets along the shoreline, surrounding the noise in a crescent shape.  Moving slowly in loose order, the ends of the crescent began to circle around the presence.  Once the noose was closed, it began to draw tightly around the sound.  Nerves were on edge and hands began to grip sword hilts, bow staves, and arrow shafts.

As the shore party drew closer and readied for the quick assault that was to follow, a golden shimmer caught Taurensil's eye, giving him pause.  He quietly signaled the shore party to halt.  There was something different about the situation.  He crept closer and peered through the thickets, seeing a lone figure kneeling on the ground with its head in its hands.  This was the source of the sobbing.

The figure was clearly an elf.  Even kneeling, it was clear to see that this Eldar was too tall to be an orc.  He was even taller than most Eldar.  This figure was clearly a warrior, for the glimmer that had caught Taurensil's attention was the sheen of the armor.  It was obvious that this armor was of a greater quality than anything seen before in Beleriand, rivaling that of even the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains.

Taurensil stepped forward, letting the strange Eldar see him clearly.  The ranger raised his hands to show no aggression and took another step toward the Eldar.  Shaelina saw what Taurensil was doing and she too stepped forward, armed only with her fife.  It was only then that the Eldar acknowledged their presence and rose to his feet.

He was magnificent looking in his armor and great helm, standing nearly a full head taller than Taurensil.  Even under the dark sky his exquisite armor shown brightly.  His weapons were of a style that Taurensil had never seen before.  A long sword hung at the Eldar's side, a ruby encased in the pommel.  Realizing that Taurensil meant no harm, the Eldar removed his helmet and bowed his head. 

Shaelina spoke to the Eldar, but many of her words were clearly not understood.  The Eldar replied, but his words too were mostly lost.  But his tongue was clearly of elvish origin, from an ancient dialect.  Although communication was difficult, it was not impossible.  Throughout the rest of the evening, Taurensil and Shaelina came to learn of the Eldar's name and origin. 

He was a Noldor, come from Valinor, and his name was Telemire.  This was news that they greeted with great relief.  The Valar had not forgotten them in their time of strife.  The greatest of the Eldar had come to deliver their brethren from the evils of
the North.