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Chapter 02: Of Shaelina

Started by dustinrstrong, Mar 21, 2008, 11:36 AM

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Mar 21, 2008, 11:36 AM Last Edit: Aug 10, 2008, 03:26 PM by dustinrstrong
With the green eyes of her Laiquendi mother and the powerful grace of her Sindar father, she was tall and beautiful.  Never content, Shaelina had an adventurous streak that was rarely seen in her race, a trait she considered a blessing and her father a curse. 

Born during the Years of the Trees, in the forest of Nan-Tathren along the confluence of the River Sirion and River Narog, Shaelina had grown to love the whisper of the water, a melody she called The Song of Ulmo.  This song called to her from her earliest childhood.  In time, it became an almost unbearable desire to leave her beloved forest and explore the world around her.

As a child, Shaelina often heard stories of orcs and other such evils in the north, but these things were unknown to her.  Her life had known only peace.  The only tales she had been interested in were about the sea and adventure.  She was especially interested in tales about the Isle of Balar and Cirdan the Shipwright.

When Shaelina reached adulthood, she decided that she would fulfill her dream of exploring Middle Earth.  She had grown up on tales of the Great Journey from Cuivenien to Valinor.  She dreamt of meeting the Vanyar and Noldor of those legends, of exploring the forests and rivers of Valinor, and of learning from the Valar all the knowledge possible.  Now, considered to be of mature age, Shaelina set out on her great adventure.  But what fate had in store for her was more than she could possibly fathom.

In the years before Melkor's betrayal of the Noldor and his return to Middle Earth, Shaelina began her quest.  She first journeyed to Ossiriand to live with her mother's people.  There, she learned the many rivers that crossed the land, how to handle the small boats of the Laiquendi and how to "listen" to the water, to predict its mood.  She learned the Song of Ulmo. 

After several years with the Laiquendi, Shaelina's wondrous spirit could no longer be contained.  Again, she yearned for adventure, to travel and explore.  She returned for a short time to Nan-Tathren where she recounted her adventures in Ossiriand, including her first meeting of the Naugrim along the River Ascar in the north of Ossiriand.  She had marveled at their stature and hardiness, and she had admired their craftsmanship in all that they made.  But in all of her encounters with the Naugrim, she was never able to learn their language, for it is a closely guarded secret.

Shaelina was soon off again.  Though she loved Nan-Tathren, she could not be dormant for long.  She journeyed to the south coast of Beleriand, following the River Sirion to the Bay of Balar.  The skills she learned in Ossiriand served her well as she built and sailed her own craft down the Sirion.  But once she reached the open sea, Shaelina had to learn another verse of the Song of Ulmo. 

This verse, however, was difficult to learn, nearly costing Shaelina her life.  The seas were rough and her small craft was wrecked.  For several days, she floated on the scant wreckage until she was pulled from the sea by a passing ship, bound for the Isle of Balar.  During the voyage, Shaelina began to learn the ways of the open sea.  She absorbed everything she could about handling such a large vessel.  She repaid the Sindar crew by playing her fife, a gift from her relatives in Ossiriand.  Impressed by her eagerness to learn, and by her gentle spirit, she was made an honorary member of the crew.  Shaelina's dreams were coming true.

While on Balar, Shaelina discovered the island's wealth of pearls.  These treasures were abundant in the shallow waters off the coastline.  One could simply wade out into the waters and pick them from the sea floor.  The pearls were highly valued throughout Beleriand, and the people of Balar often made gifts of them.  Shaelina spent countless hours on the beaches searching for pearls.  Most of what she found, she gave as gifts to visiting sailors, keeping only those that were near perfect.  The most spectacular, and unique, was small, but had a brilliant blue radiance that reminded her of her father's eyes.  This one would she would make a gift to her father.

Shaelina spent many years at sea, traveling to all parts of Beleriand, even into the far south of Arda.  She made several voyages to Balar and to Cirdan's cities along the coast, Eglarest and Brithombar.  But her life of peace would soon come to a tragic end.

Morgoth had begun his war. 

When word had come of the Battle of Amon Ereb, Shaelina began to worry about her friends and family.  The death of Denethor, the Laiquendi King, weighed heavily on Shaelina's heart, for he had been a kindly soul that had shown great patience with her education.  But mostly, she was concerned about her home. 

Her ship began to ferry refugees from the mouth of the River Sirion to the Isle of Balar.  In all of these short trips, she had received no word of her family's welfare.  She could not stand it any longer.  Shaelina deserted her crewmates.

Journeying up the Sirion, Shaelina was surprised. The rumors of the orc rampage of destruction had been exaggerated.  Much of the landscape looked the same as it had those many years ago when she departed for her life on the sea.  But there were signs of war.  Several small homesteads that lined the river bank had been destroyed.  Bodies of orc and elf had been left where they fell.

Several days after leaving her ship, Shaelina finally saw home.  Or what was left of it.  An orc raiding party had passed through here, leaving havoc in their wake.  Shaelina's heart began to race uncontrollably.  Her home was destroyed, but maybe her parents had escaped to Balar.  Maybe they had boarded another ship and were waiting for her to return.  Maybe.  Just maybe.

Racing to the door of her wrecked home, Shaelina almost lost her footing as she rounded the corner and saw her mother's blonde hair draped across the floor.  Next to her lay her father.  Shaelina fell to her knees and sobbed uncontrollably.  Her life had been shattered.  She began to regret all of the time she had spent away from home on her adventures. 

As if a powerful voice had rung out, Shaelina abruptly stopped.  A brilliant blue light shown from beneath her father's body.  Carefully, Shaelina felt underneath her father and retrieved a beautiful silver necklace that was wrapped in a dirty bit of cloth.  Set in the necklace was the pearl that she had given to him so many years past.  She recognized the craftsmanship as her father's as she slipped the chain over her head.  Tucking the pearl under her tunic, she swore that no force would ever take the necklace from her—not even death.

She spent a wary night in the ruins of her home.  There, the Maia Osse came to her in a dream.  Though she vaguely remembered what he said, she felt a new vigor course through her veins.  She felt as though Osse would protect her in her greatest need. 

With a renewed spirit, Shaelina returned to the coast to rejoin her shipmates, setting sail for Balar, and safety.