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CHAPTER 9 - Mountain Passage to Wilderland

Started by tomcat, Oct 26, 2006, 02:20 PM

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Quote from: Nikitas on Nov 07, 2006, 01:03 AM
Galudir was struck silent when Dirnhael offered to help the dwarves. He was accustomed to taking work on short notice, but this company seemed to be preoccupied with charity where they went.

OOC: That's absolutely classic.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


OCC: Thanks. I figure though that  in the future I will have to be careful so Galudir doesn't cross the line from cynic to arse.  ;D


OOC: Sorry I couldn't post for a few days.  I regret that, since Fengel was a close friend to Lunduf and he just sat dumb and mute during the entire discourse.

Fengel sat and listened to Dirnhael retell the tale of their adventures.  He could see each scene clearly pass before his eyes.  And then he became lost in his own memories of Lunduf.  He missed most of the conversation but when he heard Dirnhael speak of going in search of missing dwarves, possibly in the hands of trolls, his attention snapped to.  "Dirnhael, we have spent much time in this journey already.  I feel we mus'nt tarry any longer.  An ergency has risen in my heart...  I feel my sister needs my help."  Fengel's head hung low, as he sat for a second in thought.
With a sigh he raised his head again "You of all, know my vow to aid those in need... and my loyalty to you.  If it be your decision to aid in this search... I will follow."


Quote from: Palandil on Nov 07, 2006, 08:36 AM

"Dirnhael, we have spent much time in this journey already.  I feel we mus'nt tarry any longer.  An ergency has risen in my heart...  I feel my sister needs my help."  Fengel's head hung low, as he sat for a second in thought.
With a sigh he raised his head again "You of all, know my vow to aid those in need... and my loyalty to you.  If it be your decision to aid in this search... I will follow."

"We will make it to your lands, my brother. But I would rather do so making allies along the way than enemies," Dirnhael said. "These are darkening times, and every light we can make is a good one."

Besides, Dirnhael figured that a Dwarven patrol, likely on foot, couldn't get too far away. On their horses, they could cover ground quickly. Patrols have patterns - they would also know which direction to look. He hoped they could reach the patrol before nightfall...
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Edrahil had been unusually quiet throughout the entire trip to the gate. In truth, he had been preoccupied with the thought of traveling beneath the mountains, without the opportunity to view the sun or stars for many days. Now, faced with the prospect of aiding with the search for the dwarves, the elf felt guilty that he was so relieved to put off the journey beneath the rock, if only for a few hours. "Hopefully my sight will help to locate the dwarves more quickly. I will assist wiith the search."


Quote from: GaludirGaludir was struck silent when Dirnhael offered to help the dwarves. He was accustomed to taking work on short notice, but this company seemed to be preoccupied with charity where they went.

OOC: First of all, I must agree with Shawn on this... that was awesome! I am really, really enjoying this rogue in the mix. I hope we find reason for him to stay... LOL!  ;D

Quote from: FengelI regret that, since Fengel was a close friend to Lunduf and he just sat dumb and mute during the entire discourse.

OOC: Hey Paul, dont' worry about where it would fall in the order of posts, give me Fengel's dialogue, or prepare to give it when the Company reaches the city. Giving Dwolin the account merely secures his willingness to let you all pass. If you guys get audience with King Bain, then the story must then be recounted... so keep that in mind.

Lastly, I apologize for the delay in the post but I had two nights of challenge working on a loan for one of my clients... left me a little mentally deficient afterwards.

Anyway.... on to new and exciting dialogue!

I have split this thread into two... one for the troll hunters and the other for Durgil.

With things decided, and the noon day sun still riding high in the sky, those companions that would follow Dirnhael led their horses over to stand beside his as the Dúnadan listened to Dwolin - the Dwarf giving directions on which way the patrol had gone.

"If you cross the span here and follow the old road back west for less than half a league, you will come across a ruined wagon. The broken cart was ransacked a night back, and where it sits, a trail leads up higher to a mountain ridge. It was there that the patrol was sent and they followed great striding tracks, so we know it must be trolls." Dwolin continued, "I do not think your horses will be able to take the trail as it is steep and uneven, but you have plenty of day left to see if there are any clues as to where the patrol has gone. I will wait here for your return, while the rest of your comrades proceed east to the city doors to announce your arrival."

Dwolin pointed the opposite direction of the road across the span, "The road follows the Water-stairs up to where the West Gate sits. Your company shall be watched along the way, though you may not realize it, so I suggest no funny business. Once there, tell the Door Ward that I have sent you and that you seek audience with King Bain."

Dwolin walked to the south side of the span and stood on old Hollin Road, allowing the Company to cross and go in their individual directions along the route.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]