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In the house of Tom Bombadil

Started by tomcat, Feb 12, 2006, 03:44 PM

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The companions rode quickly, trying to keep up with the little man atop his pony. Still, it seemed that Tom put distance between them all and they began to worry that they would not find his home. It was becoming dark and they were still well within the barrow hills.

Fengel had taken up the young girl to ride in front of him and she shivered in the gathering dusk. Olin was also now mounted behind Edrahil and the Elf wondered if he knew where the jovial man dwelt. Olin could offer no information.

As they rode, a fog began to rise about them adding to the dread of the land and Dirnhael wanted to shout out to Tom to wait, but he felt it would disturb the hills about and draw attention to them... attention he did not want. Instead, the riders gathered closer together so no one would get lost. Even in their gathering, the terrible feeling of dread did not subside, and mournful cries could be heard out in the mists.

"T'would seem our benefactor may have abandoned us," said Edrahil, his voice muffled by the suppressing fog. Only the far off cries replied back to the Elf, and the companions began to seriously worry if they were going in the right direction. And what direction were they going in? Was Tom Bombadil really a friend in this harsh land... or perhaps a greater power that had ensnared them? Or if just a normal man, perhaps some villainous rogue companion of Olin's who was leading them into a trap? It would not have been the first time that brigands had waylaid the Company in these hills. Dirnhael thought back to those long days ago when they had ridden out of Tharbad and come north to Bree - they had been attacked at the old farm house in that town... what was it called? He had forgotten.

Suddenly, warm glowing windows could be seen in the night fog and a looming shadow stood over them. They came out of the mists and saw before them a quaint little cottage sitting on the edge of a great wood. Inside the home, the lithe figure of a woman could be seen moving about. She worked over a table and platters preparing... a dinner?

Fengel knew where they were at once, "The Old Forest? We have ridden to the Old Forest? That is impossible!"

Dirnhael listened to his friend and made some mental calculations - if Fengel was right, they just traveled about 20 miles in what could have only been an hour. In the fog and dark! It was impossible! And they came right to Tom's home no less! At least, Dirnhael hoped this was the funny fellows home.

Any doubt the Dúnadan harboured was quickly lost as the form of Tom Bomadil could be seen coming from one of the small buildings, walking to the companions. Tom laughed and pointed...

"My but you take your time! Quick now, dismount so Tom can get your trusty horses into the barn. They can rest with my old Fatty tonight... he'll have a story or two to share with them, I'll bet. You all can hurry inside to wash up and get ready to sup. Can't keep my Goldberry a waitin'!"

The Company hesitantly did as Tom said... they had come this far, why not see it to its end. They walked up to the small little home and opened the door. Their senses were immediately assaulted by sweet smells of honey and baked goods. Candles made of beeswax burned and gave off a fragrant aroma and the table was set for ten.

"Greetings my friends," said the woman Tom had referred to as Goldberry, "and well met indeed. Come partake of our table and rest yourselves both body and mind."

OOC: This is the end of this scene - experience awards have been uploaded to the Experience page. That does not mean that you cannot roleplay still - in fact I recommend it. This would be an ample time to sit and talk to Tom Bombadil, while you can, to learn of all the things that you want to know (that he is able to tell of).

I have to say that some of the posts you guys have made would normally have required Lore tests, or perhaps an Insight or Wisdom test, to say the least. Remember that your characters do not know of all of the doings in Middle-earth, or all of its inhabitants - except perhaps for the few well-traveled and even they may not know a lot - and certainly not to much about its greater folk. As an example, Elrond was known only to Celephain (Angbor's father) as a name; an Elf mighty in the ways of healing and that he lived in a far off land called Rivendell.

Sauron has been gone for over 1,600 years now and no one really knows he has returned to Middle-earth as the Necromancer... no one even yet knows that the Witch-king is a Nazgul. The Elves have become very xenophobic since the end of the last age (except for the few that go off on their own or on missions for their lords i.e. Edrahil and Seriand) and the alliance, and even Dwarves may only be seen on well-traveled roads.

I am not pointing this stuff out to come down on the posts you guys are giving me, only to remind you of what you guys may really know or understand. For the most part, these character's (not including the Elves) would be mainly aware of only the natural things of Middle-earth and the concerns of their immediate homelands - so seeing some of the stuff they have seen would be great indeed.

Besides, I may want you guys to roll me a Lore test now and then, but if you post stuff that you know from the books, it limits your dice rolling fun! ;D
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


OOC: Gotta love the XP...

Now this place certainly piqued the curiosity of Durgil.  He would have never imagined such a lovely... bewitching... woman to be the companion of such a rustic -- this Tom Bombadil certainly was much more than he seemed.  In many ways, he was much like the Yare he had heard spoken of by Dirnhael.  He had questions to ask, but they were lost upon his tongue when opened his mouth; all he could do was put in a roll or a draught of water.  He caught himself staring more than once at the vision of Goldberry when she talked or laughed, very much like music and oddly thoughts of his mother when he was very young sprang to him and he felt ashamed and would look away.
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


Despite Tom's assurances Nain put Jethro into the stable with Fatty himself.  The pony seemed thrilled to be in his company which once again quelled any fears that the dwarf had about the situation.  The place seemed very serene despite the fact that they were in the Old Forest.  He'd only seen in on maps before and heard a few horror stories that the travelling dwarves had told, many that they had heard into the taverns of Bree.  He could attest to the feelings of unrest that he had felt on the way to this place but here all seemed well. 

He unsaddled Jethro and brushed him, the pony seemed antsy and wanted to go and visit with fatty so it too a little longer than normal.  Once he was done, Nain let the pony go.  Jethro practically jumped and went over to Jethro to do whatever horses were wont to do when they were together.

Nain then headed into the house to wash up as Tom had suggested.  The smells that assaulted his senses when he walked in were heavenly.  He felt as though he hadn't eaten in months.  Once he'd washed the dirt of the road from his hands and face and joined the others who were already supping at the table.  The lady of the house was more lovely than a flower and her cooking was a godsend.  Nain made it a point to save the happenings of this evening for the tales that he would tell to his grandchildren when he returned to the mountains. 


Dirnhael felt slightly dizzy.
In the last year, he had had more encounters with supremely potent beings - both magnificently good and terrfiyingly evil - than he ever could have imagined. It was impossible to remain nonplussed by his experiences.

This man was no different. The energy, the uniqueness of his abode was undeniable, almost as if it were set apart from the world at large.

Yet in a world filled with so much darkness, Bombadil and his wife seemed blithely peaceful, as if nothing could ever bother them. Dirnhael was admittedly envious, and wished he and Ioreth could live the rest of their days in such obvious happiness.

At the table, Dirnhael was certain to thank Bombadil and Goldberry for their hospitality, which he appreciated, but most of all, for healing the wounds of Edrahil and young Erin, as well as providing passage through the cursed Downs.

He had many questions: Who was this man and how had he come to live here? How did his song clear the sky? How did they traverse such a distance so quickly, and how did he know to come to them in the first place?
The questions ate at him, but for the time being, he held his tongue for fear of seeming ungrateful.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Seriand felt ashamed at his failings, on both occassions, within the wigths resting place.  He had given it his all and had failed utterly in trying to save the elf and the girl, without the work of Edrahil's companions he would probably be dead now, almost surely.

The arrival of Tom was nothing short of perfect in Seriand's mind, and while his heart lept he was still distraught with his failings.  As he cleaned up and sat at the table he gave a quiet yet thankful word to their hosts and went about eating the filling meal.


It was Edrahil who spoke first. He tore a roll in half and slathered it with some of the rich butter that sat in a wooden crock, and then he asked...

"Were you near us Master, when we were in the crypt? Did you know we were in need?" Edrahil was not sure why he had called Tom master, it just seemed appropos.

Tom looked to Edrahil and laughed, "No... Tom was down by the river fetchin' berries for my Lady when I heard a' callin'. I didn't know what be wrong though I figured it might be those ol' bones in the barrows. Then I came upon young Olin a runnin' about all frantic and warbling on about his young Erin and I figured that you might need some help."

"What was it in my nightmare that came took me? Will they be back to get me?" asked the young child, her voice hinting of a slight tremble.

"Oh now lass, you need not fear no spirits here... none may pass these walls that Tom does not permit, and within them will you find rest, healing and be able to forget such horrible dreams. Fear no nightly noises here," said the fair voice of the Lady Goldberry and she smiled at the young girl. All in the room felt her warmth and each felt a slight twinge in their hearts, not for Goldberry herself, but of a love that was left somewhere behind.

"Yes! Fear no nightly noises!" said Tom as he sprang up and danced jovially about the room. "Let's leave such talk for when the sun rides high in her travels... now is the time for sitting, resting, and smoking. My Lady will show the youngling to a bed and get her off to sleep... we'll take care of the crocks and cups and then sit by the fire, at least those that will."
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


It had been a long time since he had smoked a pipe, Dirnhael thought.
But tonight, for some reason, he felt like celebrating...
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


This place, Durgil thought, feels like hearth and home, the warmth of family and friendship, safe and secure.  These things felt good to him... a longing he's felt since the loss of his mother; the petty, and sometimes not so, bickering with his father just made things worse.  When the meal was finished, he asked permission to be excused and if it was permitted to step out for a bit of fresh air -- he didn't want to bring down the merriment in the others with his burdens, he needed to get his bearings so to speak.
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


Quote from: DurgilWhen the meal was finished, he asked permission to be excused and if it was permitted to step out for a bit of fresh air -- he didn't want to bring down the merriment in the others with his burdens, he needed to get his bearings so to speak.

The table was cleared of food and spirits and cups and crocks were brought over to the washbasin. Tom laughed and whistled as he carried stacks of dirty dishes and then commenced washing them in a large tub of suds. To his guests he spoke, "There be wash tubs awaitin' if you'd like to bathe and just leave your linens layin' and my Goldberry will see to the washing - tomorrow is her washday!"

To Durgil's question, Tom replied, "You're welcome to go out and catch a sniff of fresh air, but don't go a' wanderin'... Ol' Willowman weaves some strong magics and he'll lose you in the forest right quick. His hide is old and gnarled but his spirit is as ripe as a apple on the branch and it's darker than the night about us." Then a laugh and, "Just stay close to ol' Tom's and you'll be fine."

OOC: You guys are welcome to continue to post on this thread if you want, but I am going to start a new one to move the story on. Please do not be offended by this, because I love how you all roleplay your characters, but the last few threads of posts have been just introspective thought from your characters. I cannot do anything with that unless you guys talk to each other, give me an action that you are looking to achieve, or talk to NPC's. For example, everyone just sat around the table with Tom Bombadil and no one gave me anything... I had to use Edrahil to strike up a question and I hate using NPC's to drive a story.

Now in saying this, please don't stop giving me introspective thoughts from your characters... it is what is cool about roleplaying this way, you get both what's inside the characters head as well as what he shows on the outside. But it is very hard for me to know if you guys want to continue on with this line of the story or not when you do not interact with the NPC's or the PC's for that matter. Talk to one another... it may take a day for a response, but we have a real good gaming group and everyone is very responsive.

Okay... done ranting! ;D And again, please, don't take any offense to the above, I am not coming across shitty... just letting you know what I need.

Anyway, I am starting the new thread and and scene so add to this one as you please, but you can commence with the next if that is your preference.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Fengel was amazed at this man, creature, ...  Tom, and it took a while for him to get his mouth to function.  Though Fengel wasn't customed to doing dishes he went over to give Tom a hand, though his motives were more selfish.  "Tom, uh,  how is it that we rode from the Downs to your home in such a short time?"  Feeling a little embarrsed by his next question, "You are no mere man Tom, of this I am sure.  But I can't say I've ever heard of your kind.  Are you of the fair folk, for I have felt the power of their song, yet yours is still more powerful then they?"  Fengel attempts to dry the dishes, but the awkwardness of the duty and the amazement of Toms presence causes him to almost drop a dish.


When they had retired to the great room to smoke and talk, Dirnhael finally asked what was on his mind.
"I do not mean to pry, sir, but how is it that you have come to live in this place and remain untouched by the darkness of this land? Your powers seem great indeed, but to choose to live... here... I do not understand. Are these lands of your family? Had they been passed down to you since a time brighter than these?"

Dirnhael looked forward to an answer. The man was obviously quite powerful, but he was an odd man, as well - out of sorts with his surroundings. Dirnhael hoped that Bombadil might indulge his curiosity - he was an enigma...
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


The night was fair and Tom was right -- even at the doorstep of his house, there was a song of beckoning upon the wind calling him away though he resisted.  After some time of quiet reflection, he set off to bed, thanking his hosts for their kindness and generosity.  When he awoke, the sun was just rising yet he felt refreshed in mind and body as he hadn't felt in many a year.  Breakfast was hearty fare and soon time came of farewell.  To the both of them, Durgil couldn't say enough, "Tom... Lady Goldberry... your hospitality is beyond reproach: beds rejunvenating and board refreshing.  There is nothing I can say or do that could repay you for your aid and generosity, but should you ever need me, you need but give the word."  With a bow, he mounted and joined the others.
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


Quote from: Fengel"Tom, uh,  how is it that we rode from the Downs to your home in such a short time?"  Feeling a little embarrsed by his next question, "You are no mere man Tom, of this I am sure.  But I can't say I've ever heard of your kind.  Are you of the fair folk, for I have felt the power of their song, yet yours is still more powerful then they?"

Tom responded to Fengel, "Tom's song is still strong enough, but it was your strong hearts and those of your beasts that wished to get here." To the Eothraim's second question Tom stared off, "My kind... of the fair folk? No. Tom was here before the river and the trees; Tom remembers the first raindrop and the the setting of the sun in the sky. Tom saw the waking of the First and watched as they migrated across mountains to Beleriand and across the Western Sea. Tom remembers when the Old Forest started with the first acorn and then grew to cover this land from mountain range to mountain range; and Tom remembers the re-shaping of the world. No... Tom is not of the Fair folk, nor of the Men or Dwarves, or the little people to the west... he is Tom. But who are you if nameless? Eh?"

Quote from: Dirnhael"I do not mean to pry, sir, but how is it that you have come to live in this place and remain untouched by the darkness of this land? Your powers seem great indeed, but to choose to live... here... I do not understand. Are these lands of your family? Had they been passed down to you since a time brighter than these?"

The smallish man turned as Dirnhael came into the conversation, and he pulled his hands from the tub, drying them on a towel. "Tom is master here, as he has been since the beginning. Tom has always been here, and there is no darkness that cannot be swept away with the light, so Tom does not fear. Yet, Tom is no master beyond his borders and so he resides here with his Lady Goldberry until the world is again re-shaped."

That said, Tom went back to his chores, as if his answer cleared up the mystery that surrounded this little home for both Eothraim and Dunadan.

It did not take much longer than the chores were done and the companions all sat down before the fire and lit their pipes (those that smoke) with glowing kindling. They sat back in the quiet of the room, the fire popping and then Tom began to talk - almost a canting - and as he did he spoke of pebbles roiling down streams to rivers that cut great swathes in the earth to form valleys and mountains. They saw in their mind's eye through the eyes of eagles that soared over the vast plains and forested realms of the north and felt the wind blow, and rustle the leaves that grew on boughs that had stood for ages of the new sun and moon.

Then Tom began to talk of the doings of Elves, and Men, and how little kingdoms under little kings rose and fell while the Eldar toiled in the lands over the mountains, before the great seas came smashing in, sinking those fair realms. He spoke of the coming of the Dark Lord out of the Void, and as he did, the fire seemed to dim and the room became subdued... branches seemed to claw at the window panes of the little house. He spoke of how Sauron, servant of the Dark Lord remained when his Master was cast out, and how he continued to be a plague to both the few Elves that remained in Middle-earth as well as the Men; even the great Men that had come up out of the sea would struggle against the Servant of Morgoth and all that they built would eventually fall as the once proud Tower on Amon Sul, leaving only bones in hills and broken stone as signs of their greatness.

Tom patted out his pipe and smiled, "Let us get some rest now! Remember, fear no nightly noises!"
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Dirnhael was speechless.
He sat, silently staring at the man in front of him, struggling even to blink.
There was no doubt that what Bombadil said was the truth - and that was the shock of it.

What this man - this being - had seen... the history of the world in it's entirely?
Unimaginable it was to Dirnhael, yet there he stood.

He would never see the stretch of years that Bombadil had, but Dirnhael thanked the fates that he had somehow encountered such wondrous people in the small span of life that he would enjoy on this Middle-earth.
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Quote from: tomcat on Feb 15, 2006, 10:56 PM
Tom responded to Fengel, "Tom's song is still strong enough, but it was your strong hearts and those of your beasts that wished to get here." To the Eothraim's second question Tom stared off, "My kind... of the fair folk? No. Tom was here before the river and the trees; Tom remembers the first raindrop and the the setting of the sun in the sky. Tom saw the waking of the First and watched as they migrated across mountains to Beleriand and across the Western Sea. Tom remembers when the Old Forest started with the first acorn and then grew to cover this land from mountain range to mountain range; and Tom remembers the re-shaping of the world. No... Tom is not of the Fair folk, nor of the Men or Dwarves, or the little people to the west... he is Tom. But who are you if nameless? Eh?"

"I, uh, oh, I apologize, my name is Fengel and I am from the lands of Rhovanion.  That is our destination, for it has been long since I've been home.  I do not mean to bother you with questions, I have just not met anyone else like you Tom.  You have been so kind to us, and we complete strangers to you.  I will be sure to tell my people of you.  If you don't mind I don't mean to offend you, if your not elf, man or dwarf and have been hear for what would seem the begining, are you one of the Valar"  Fengel paused for if it where true, if Tom was of the Valar then he was afraid he did not give the respect that he should have.  He found his knees going slightly weak waiting for Tom's answer.