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Waylaid by Trolls - Round 6

Started by Eclecticon, Sep 10, 2022, 09:27 PM

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Situation: The companions have been attacked from above by hideous mountain trolls. 

Combat Advantage dice:
• Arbogast 0/1
• Esgalwen 0/0
• Gwaithlim 0/0
• Hathcyn 0/2

Situation Modifiers:
• The Fellowship has the initiative.

Physical Modifiers (complications):
• Characters without bows will need to scale the bluff, requiring two Athletics rolls (TN 16 due to the danger of having rocks dropped on their heads) before they can engage the trolls (Arbogast 2/2, Hathcyn 2/2). 

PC/NPC  :+~:PARRY  :<>:ARMOUR  :vv:HOPE  :<3:END  :-X-:STANCE  :##:STATUS
• 6 (:<|: +3)
• 6 (:<|: n/a)
• 7 (:<|: n/a)
• 7 (:<|: n/a)
• 2d (:C|: +4)
• 2d (:C|: n/a)
• 3d (:C|: n/a)
• 3d (:C|: +4)
• 8/16
• 12/14
• 12/12
• 10/13
• 12/26
• 21/27
• 25/30
• 19/29

ENEMY  :+~:PARRY  :<>:ARMOUR  :@:HATE  :<3:END  :csu:NOTES
Tusked troll
Stony troll
• 7
• 7
• 4d
• 4d
• 2/9
• 0/9
• 49/96
• 0/96

- action order 1

Close combat
TN 6+ parry
- action order 2

Close combat
TN 9+ parry
- action order 3

Close combat
TN 12+ parry
- action order 4

Ranged combat
TN 12+ parry
Must be 2 other PC's
in Close Combat; May not
use if outnumbered 2:1

:<>:From any Stance

Escape combat
Must start in Rearward or roll
TN 10 + highest attribute level of opponents Athletics roll.
On success, may safely flee from the scene of combat
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


The roaring of the troll above is suddenly joined by the howling of wolves below, and that close by.  Gwaithlim, inwardly cursing his time spent in song and study, and not practicing the arts of battle, snatches a glance to his right at the fallen form of Beorn.  But though the stone that felled him lies in the same place, the huge man himself is gone.  Withdrawn perhaps into the mist to hide, he thinks. 

But then a new roaring sounds from the same direction and a titan of muscle and musky fur, a bear greater than any the Elf has seen in his long life, thunders past, barely altering its course to avoid knocking him over.  Into the mists it vanishes, the sound of crashing among the trees following its path.   
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


 :ooc: Did Beorn/bear go up to meet the troll or down to the wolves?
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


:ooc: Down.  As far as you know, there's no way up from where you are except climbing the bluff. 
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


Hathcyn Foresthelm moved about to stay clear of the follow through of the troll and then ducked in to make a stab with his great spear.

Rolled 1d12 : 12, total 12

Rolled 4d6 : 6, 4, 2, 2, total 14

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


The spear finally found purchase upon the hide of the troll.

 :ooc: That's a protection test and a great success.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


:ooc: Yes,indeed it is.  Let's see how well the troll fares:
:00: 1d12 : 1, total 1
Rolled 4d6 : 2, 6, 1, 3, total 12
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


The troll flails about as the spear strikes deep. His hands grip tight to the shaft of the spear even as the beast spins in pain. The Beorning is carried over the edge of the precipice, his grip upon the shaft the only thing keeping him aloft until the beast turns again and his boots grind in the rocky mountain soil again. The spear lodged into his side to the crossbar. 

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


As Hathcyn wrestled with the troll to keep both his spear and feet, Esgalwen let fly another arrow. She looked to set the shaft in its eye or other soft spot.

:ooc: TN 19 great bow 4d
:00: 1d12 : 10, total 10
Rolled 4d6 : 2, 2, 6, 6, total 16

:dmg: 7   edge: 10   injury: 16
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


:ooc: Well hot damn! That is two nice rounds of shots!

Esgalwen has a :%: :%: success for 19 :<3: loss and another <-{ blow that requires a :<>: TN16 roll.

TN 16 armor 4d
:00: 1d12 : 5, total 5
Rolled 4d6 : 5, 4, 1, 1, total 11

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Bleeding copiously from the spear wound in its side, the troll is knocked sideways by the force of Esgalwen's arrow striking home below its ear.  Badly injured, beset by foes it can see and foes it cannot, and with its companion dead at their hands, the troll shakes its great tusked head back and forth and waves its arms wildly.  Then it ploughs forth, seeking not to do further harm but to escape. 

:ooc: The troll is trying to push past Hathcyn and Arbogast to break free from combat.  I'm going to set the TN for its attempt at 15 (10 plus Hathcyn's Body score) but of course it only really matters if you're inclined to try to stop it. 
:00: 1d12 : 2, total 2
Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


:ooc: Looks like it's up to you guys. 
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Too far out into the mountains to gey wounded. I suppose reluctantly we should let it go.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18