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Started by tomcat, Jan 15, 2006, 08:56 PM

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OOC: Do we have to speak out loud, and would a whisper do, when calling to Edrahil?  That was one of my questions earlier, but now we are really close to the wights and I don't want to give away our position, if its not already given.


Quote from: tomcat on Jan 18, 2006, 12:13 PM
OOC: Sorry for the delay! Been busy...

Hey Palandil to answer one of your questions a bit ago, Edrahil has placed the enchantment on everyone in the Company (but Nain, cuz he hadn't joined yet) with the ability of Calling. This allows said individual to call to Edrahil and he will hear although he may be to far away to do anyting about it. It doesn't happen in reverse though; the only way he could call to you is by using Farspeaking.

Seriand's feet come to rest 10' down on a second level of the barrow hill; presumably the second barrow that could be seen from the outside. The torch held over his head, the Elf looked about while next Dirnhael and then Nain came down, to only be followed by Fengel and Durgil. The Eothraim still had the bag of trinkets grasped in his fist.

The group, now with two torches lighting their surrounds, looked around and saw a less formal and what appeared to be a much older burial chamber. It was round room with nothing within except a large, mottled, wooden sarcophagus. The ornamentation that was ensconced on its sides was now faded and rotten, although traceries of silver and gold could still be seen shining through. There was a lone passage similar to the one that the Company had entered above that extended out towards a mortared seal - the outside world.

A sudden child's scream brought everyone back to the moment, and not a couple left the floor as they jumped from the cry. Nain, watching the next hole in the floor to an even lower barrow, saw a darker shadow move below in the glow of the torch in his hand and the mystic light that may have come from Edrahil.

OOC: How long is our rope? Can we use it to drop another level, or is there a passageway down?


"They're here," Dirnhael said, his voice barely more than a whisper. "We must move quickly".

"We are coming, my friend," he whispered, hoping Edrahil could hear him.

The child had screamed in terror, and Dirnhael could no longer wait. They were armed, they had light, and the narrow passages of the tomb would make any oncoming enemies more or less predictable in their approach.
Besides, the wights had encountered Seriand already - they already knew there were others nearby.
With every heartbeat, the young girl and the Elf were in increasing danger... they were out of time - and Dirnhael chose not to be timid.

With a shout and a thump of shield against the ancient stone wall, he bellowed, "Spirits! Stand aside lest ye suffer the consquences! The Free Peoples have come to re-claim their own!"
--Intimidate (Power) +6: Roll(2d6)+6:4,6,+6 Total:16

His voice echoed through the halls and he heard his comrades shuffle behind him. He had committed them to this, and though he thought it necessary, he hoped they would forgive him nevertheless.
He tapped Seriand on the shoulder, indicating that the Elf should let Dirnhael pass him and take the lead.
Dirnhael had to get the wights to leave their captors before something awful happened to them - and now, something awful would likely happen to him, instead - but this is who he was; why he left Tharbad in the first place.

"So be it," he thought.
He readied his shield and longsword, wishing that it was Anduring in his hand once more.

LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, VĂ¡ri
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


Seriand was more than relieved when he heard Dirnhael speak, the words filled his own ears and heart with at least a little more courage, and at this point he needed all the extra courage he could come by.  On top of the spoken words the Dunedain's actions helped to steel his hand as well, Dirnhael drawing the sword and preparing to look for their comrade.

His own sword drawn and ready for action, an action he desperately hoped they could avoid and leave this vile place once and for all, Seriand stood beside Dirnhael and used his keen eyes to see if there was anything that would indicate the presance of the black creatures who had nearly captured and tore out his heart.

Observe (Spot): Roll(2d6)+10: 1,4,+10 Total:15