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FELLOWSHIP PHASE - The Road East And West

Started by Eclecticon, Jun 27, 2021, 05:29 AM

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:ooc: I absolutely approve of that idea, Tom.

Also, I've been thinking about Hathcyn's idea for a trading settlement at the western end of the Road.  I'm very happy for you to narrate its founding (probably as little more than a jumped up steading with an attached trading post).  Unless story events impact it directly, it'll grow with Hathcyn's Standing - as he gets more important, it will too.
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


Quote from: Eclecticon on Jul 05, 2021, 03:42 AM:ooc: I like the idea of her receiving a title from Bard, but I'm going to flip the choice back to you,with some options.  She is named a thegn of Dale, but how that queries out for her is either:

1. Bard sees the strategic importance of the Forest Road and wants to keep his own eyes on it.  Esgalwen is granted a plot of land in the Nether Marches which, by strange coincidence is right on the river and very close to the Road's eastern end.

2. The recent brush with treachery in the household of a trusted ally makes Bard somewhat paranoid for a while and he insists on forming a small cohort as his queen's personal bodyguard. It's members, for propriety's sake, will all be women, and Esgalwen is named as its head and given a home in Dale itself.

Also, no helping the Road?  It's been a group effort so far, and it isn't done until it's done.

I see #1 as the better option, as it will give her the freedom to operate outside Dale. The second option looks like she would not be able to leave for any extended periods of adventuring.

As for the Road, Esgalwen has not played any direct role in finishing the road since early in the adventure. If she needs to perform that function, I will change her second undertaking.

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


:ooc: If you want to go with option #2, I'll make it work - Queen Una is less uneasy than her husband, and recognises both Esgalwen's need to wander around Wilderland and the value to Dale of her dealing with threats while they're still far from the city's walls, so she'll  release her for 'errands' when necessary.  This is meant to be a reward, not leg irons! 

As for the Road, I suppose I hadn't kept track of whether she'd been actively working for it.  I know she didn't over the last Fellowship phase or two, and looking back I can see your arguments that things like this shouldn't need the entire Fellowship to jump in.  I sort of disagree, because the ultimate outcome mechanically is not just that it's quicker to get from one side of Mirkwood to the other, but that everyone gets a pretty sweet Holding, and I don't think anyone should be free-riding their way to that. 

I don't want to get into a knock-down-drag-out argument over it, but as I see it there is one last task to get done before you can all settle back and enjoy two Undertakings at the end of each year.  Why not get it over with now?  As a bonus, it sidesteps the 'is a Barding at home in Esgaroth' discussion we might otherwise have to have. 
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


:ooc: Laeral spends 8 AP to increase her Travel score to two, and 10 XP to bump her Valour up to four.  Her Spear of the Last Alliance retroactively has always been Keen. 

I'm going to shuffle her offscreen until it's appropriate for her to reappear, but in the meantime she will spend one of her undertakings to become an honourary burgesse of Lake-Town, and the other to talk up the Road. 

Doug, how's this for a thought: given that Laeral has a virtue which approaches post-hypnotic suggestion in its ability to influence Men, and the fact that she's not going to be gaining a Holding at the end of the process, how about we say that Laeral covers Esgalwen's part in that endeavour?  That way you don't need to re-write anything. 
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


Quote from: Eclecticon on Jul 05, 2021, 08:43 AM:ooc: I absolutely approve of that idea, Tom.

Also, I've been thinking about Hathcyn's idea for a trading settlement at the western end of the Road.  I'm very happy for you to narrate its founding (probably as little more than a jumped up steading with an attached trading post).  Unless story events impact it directly, it'll grow with Hathcyn's Standing - as he gets more important, it will too.

I was thinking about this yesterday. I was going to take the Road Holding and manifest that as an Ale House at the western eaves of the wood.

Also, do still have an undertaking to finish the road  or is it complete? I'm confused on this a bit.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


:ooc: Yeah,everyone has one more Undertaking to spend on the Road, then it's sweet, sweet passive income time.
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


Damn okay. I thought when you said we had a road holding it was done.

1 will be for the road, my ale house at the west gate.

The other i think will be guard the forest road (using Old Ford Table)

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Quote from: Eclecticon on Jul 05, 2021, 08:21 PM:ooc: If you want to go with option #2, I'll make it work - Queen Una is less uneasy than her husband, and recognises both Esgalwen's need to wander around Wilderland and the value to Dale of her dealing with threats while they're still far from the city's walls, so she'll  release her for 'errands' when necessary.  This is meant to be a reward, not leg irons!

I think this is probably more apropos. I do not see Esgalwen being a thegn drawing men and women to her house, in these lands and so the apartment in Dale is more to her liking now. Still adventurous and wanting to go forth to join the fellowship, she would be better suited in this task. Her idle flaw might also play against her if she took responsibility with guarding the western end of the road.

Quote from: Eclecticon on Jul 05, 2021, 08:21 PMAs for the Road, I suppose I hadn't kept track of whether she'd been actively working for it.  I know she didn't over the last Fellowship phase or two, and looking back I can see your arguments that things like this shouldn't need the entire Fellowship to jump in.  I sort of disagree, because the ultimate outcome mechanically is not just that it's quicker to get from one side of Mirkwood to the other, but that everyone gets a pretty sweet Holding, and I don't think anyone should be free-riding their way to that. 

I don't want to get into a knock-down-drag-out argument over it, but as I see it there is one last task to get done before you can all settle back and enjoy two Undertakings at the end of each year.  Why not get it over with now?  As a bonus, it sidesteps the 'is a Barding at home in Esgaroth' discussion we might otherwise have to have.

I had no intention of taking a holding for the completion of the road. Since before I turned the GM'ing to you, I had Esgalwen up north and she was doing her own thing. She rolled a :g: on the last Weal and Woe roll I did for her a few years back in story, and thus won favor in Bard's court as an emissary from Gondor. This has progressed to our current place in the story, where she has now been given title in those lands - with title comes land or a home. Because she is up north by herself, I just thought her wandering the marshes for the King of Dale seemed a probable chore/task and she found herbs along the way.

The road undertakings, when I GM'ed our story, have always been a cumulative thing - not a group thing. So, if a player did an undertaking to work on the road, it went towards an overall cumulative goal for each step of the build. Anyway, you run the show now, so you tell me what needs done.

Quote from: Eclecticon on Jul 05, 2021, 08:21 PMDoug, how's this for a thought: given that Laeral has a virtue which approaches post-hypnotic suggestion in its ability to influence Men, and the fact that she's not going to be gaining a Holding at the end of the process, how about we say that Laeral covers Esgalwen's part in that endeavour?  That way you don't need to re-write anything.

That definitely works for me and if it fulfills the group undertaking, then it is a win win. :tup:
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Couple if questions.

What is the current year?

When is the next adventure starting?

What is the final division of treasure?

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


The long nights of Yule pass in Lake-Town, and Arbogast lends his voice to the singers who pass along the wooden streets as Lindwine dances upon the frozen surface of the lake.  Only the twins, however, find great joy in the season, as they are set loose in the market pool with a handful of silver coins to buy sweets and playthings.  The songs in the Dalish tongue are strange to the Fire-watcher's ears, and the ice, his wife cryptically explains, has not the good character of that of the Black Tarn.  The decision to leave Esgaroth as soon as the weather allows it is made quickly, and with much relief. 

Before the lake is fully thawed, then, the small family joins Tait and Laeral as they sail downriver, both bound, they say, for Dorwinion, he to seek profit in trade and she to attend to an errand of the Lady Irimë that she will not name.  They leave the boat at the Eastfort and Arbogast, mindful of the hardships he has brought upon his womenfolk, spends coin freely to ensure their comfort on the month-long journey back to Sweartmereseld.  He takes cheer in the flush of health on their cheeks from the well-sewn furs, comfortable lodgings and plentiful meat and ale that the recovered orc-stolen goods that once he carried upon his back through the Long Marshes now buy. 

Finally, though the snows still lie so heavy that the family's wain struggles at times to make headway, they bid good-bye to the Dwarf road and turn south toward the land of their folk.  The vales they find near empty, the winter keeping the shepherds far from their summer folds, and so their possessions are loaded on to the backs of their horses and they venture once again under the western eaves of Mirkwood, their hearts gladdening at each familiar sight. 

Great is the celebration when the family reaches Woodland Hall, bringing with them news of the Council and other far-off deeds, to say nothing of new songs and tales of Esgalwen the swordmaiden and her battle against the ferocious monster of the Long Lake.  Gifts, also, they bring for their kinfolk from the markets of Esgaroth: Dwarf-wrought tools and rings, fine linen tunics and colourful ribbons, and toys from the craftsmen of Dale, each one a delight to the children of the wood.

The Men of Mirkwood have further reason to rejoice, they are told, for a great wizard of the southern lands, said to be the father of Radaghast the Brown, is to come and dwell with his kinsman in Rhosgobel.  Tongues are busy guessing how long he shall stay, with some speaking of mere weeks and others holding forth that he has been driven from his home and will live forever more in Wilderland.  Arbogast's heart lifts further at this news, for he has seen how the brown wizard has withdrawn into himself in recent years. 

Tragedy, however, awaits once they arrive at Woodmen-Town, for Arbogast learns from his brothers that Lafdag, who was more like a father to him than the man who sired him, has perished, his frozen body found close to his steading, his good leg buckled and broken after what would be a minor fall to another man on another day.

Thus is joy mixed with grief at their homecoming, as it is for so many in these waning days.
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


Also can I get a break down of the Road Opening?

Last Fellowship phase we touched it was two ago so like january 2020.

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


Quote from: Telcontar on Jul 07, 2021, 02:50 AMCouple if questions.

What is the current year?
It's currently 2956, going into 2957.

Quote from: Telcontar on Jul 07, 2021, 02:50 AMWhen is the next adventure starting?
That will be in April 2957.

Quote from: Telcontar on Jul 07, 2021, 02:50 AMWhat is the final division of treasure?
Let's see - Arbogast, Laeral and Hathcyn have all taken shares, so at least 12, assuming Grimbeorn wants a share as well.  The remaining two points can either go to PCs or can be used to pay for funerals for the men killed during the adventure, or some such.

If Matt doesn't want to dip his hands in the chest, each share goes up to 16 points, with the same remainder.

That reminds me - I never did Laeral's Corruption roll.
:00: 1d12 : 4, total 4
Rolled 3d6 : 6, 1, 4, total 11
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


Quote from: Telcontar on Jul 07, 2021, 03:01 AMAlso can I get a break down of the Road Opening?
Sorry - I don't quite know what you mean.  Are you taking in terms of when it opens and how, or more geographically?
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
Character sheet


Quote from: Eclecticon on Jul 07, 2021, 03:51 AM
Quote from: Telcontar on Jul 07, 2021, 03:01 AMAlso can I get a break down of the Road Opening?
Sorry - I don't quite know what you mean.  Are you taking in terms of when it opens and how, or more geographically?

Mechanically where are we at in terms of undertakings to get it open. Do we all need to burn an undertaking to all complete or is it individual efforts of under takings to complete. If its together we have one left? If its by player where are we at in the undertaking requirements? 

Great Spear
2h.  4d :00: 9 :dmg: Edge 8 Injury 18


I don't think Paul uses this, but here was our status on the road a few years ago...

Undertaking statuses (or is it stati)
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]