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Empty Hall, Empty Soul

Started by tomcat, Apr 02, 2019, 11:18 PM

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:ooc: You have voiced thoughts very similar to mine, sir. 

How's this for a way to get them back:

Item: Both Arbogast and Grimbeorn feel a great deal of responsibility for the protection of their peoples.

Item: Both Grimbeorn and Arbogast are in the business of building alliances where they can. 

Item: They each have their suspicions about Caewin the Generous, after all that helm nonsense. 

Item: They know that, if the road they've been building for years is to matter at all, they'll need to go about on the eastern side and tout its value as a trade route. 

In 2955, they're back in the Sunstead.  Ostensibly, they're there to drum up business - the Forest Road is (from memory) nearly complete at this point, so it's a logical time to do this.  In reality, they're in the Sunstead to check up on Caewin - travellers from the East Bight tell of him becoming increasingly erratic and having... 'episodes'.  They know there isn't much they can do to be rid of him, but they both want to know what might be heading their way once the road is fully open. 

In the same vein, they  plan to head north to Esgaroth and Dale afterwards, both to make contact with the great and the good there, and to assess any opportunities to bind the Free Peoples more closely together. 

Hathcyn is with them because he goes where Grimbeorn goes, no questions asked.  Anar is possibly with them, if only to carry on to Erebor or the Iron Hills after they're done. 
Reason is a tool.  Try to remember where you left it.  - John Clarke

The Warden's Axe: :dmg: 5/7, Edge 9, Injury 18/20
Woodcrafty - In wooded areas, Parry is based on favoured Wits score.
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