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PC's [deceased or OOG]

Started by tomcat, Jul 12, 2015, 03:45 PM

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This thread is for me to post stat blocks or other information I need as a GM.


Don't peruse the thread if you want to keep some things suspenseful.

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


SM-O4b 'Sam'                       HL 9

Medium Droid (4th degree) Soldier 6/Independent droid 3
Force 10; Destiny 4; Dark Side 0
Init +13; Senses normal, low-light vision [ignore concealment from darkness]; Improved sensor package [low-light vision and +2 to Perception - Core p.196] Perception +13
Languages Basic, Binary, Huttese, Rodese
Defenses Ref 25 (flat-footed 21), Fort 21, Will 25
hp 94; second wind +23/47 Current 0/94 Hit die d10; Threshold 21
Condition none; used 0/100 hours until power down necessary
Droid vulnerabilities and immunities
-Ion Damage vulnerability
-Maintenace 1 hour / 100 hours operational
-Non-living: immune poison, disease, radiation, vacuum, mind effects, stun effects
-Sapience: can choose to ignore 'Non-living' penalties

Speed 6 squares; Jump servos [consider all jumps running jumps] Magnetic feet [can cling to metal surfaces, even at high speeds] Running attack [may move, attack, and finish move - Core p.88]
Melee unarmed +7 (1d4+3) or
Melee stun baton +7 (1d6+4+2d6 stun)
Ranged blaster pistol +11 (3d6+4) or
Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+5) with Point blank shot or
Ranged blaster pistol +9 (4d6+4) with Rapid shot or
Ranged blaster pistol +10 (4d6+5) with Point blank shot and Rapid Shot or
Ranged blaster carbine +11 (3d8+4) or
Ranged blaster carbine +6 (3d8+4) with Autofire or
Ranged blaster carbine +12 (3d8+5) with Point blank shot or
Ranged blaster carbine +9 (4d8+4) with Rapid shot or
Ranged blaster carbine +10 (4d8+5) with Point blank shot and Rapid shot or
Ranged blaster carbine +7 (3d8+5) with Point blank shot and Autofire
Ranged blaster carbine +4 (4d8+4) with Rapid shot and Autofire
Ranged blaster carbine +5 (4d8+5) with Point blank shot and Rapid shot and Autofire
Base Atk +7; Grp +11
Atk Options Autofire (with blaster carbine) [may target 2x2 area at -5 penalty and roll against all targets' Reflex in that area; hits do full damage, misses do half damage; costs 10 shots] Devastating Attack (rifles) [treat target's damage threshold as -5 lower on a successful attack - Core p.53] Point blank shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Precise shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a tartget engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87] Rapid shot [-2 penalty on attack roll, but +1 die of damage - Core p.88] Running attack [may move, attack, and finish move - Core p.88]
Special Actions Hot-wired processor [as a Swift action, can hot-wire processor to gain +5 on Int- or Wis-based skills, and a +1 to ranged attack rolls - lasts 1/2 level and moved -1 persistant step on CT - TFU p.47] Independent spirit +1 [as a Reaction, may increase a defense score by 1/2 class level, per encounter - TFU p.48] Quick draw [draw or holster as Swift action - Core p.87]
Abilities Str 11 (+0), Dex 18 (+4), Con -- (--), Int 14 (+2), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 10 (+0)
Droid traits/add-ons/upgrades Diagnostic package [+2 to mechanics - Core p.193], Durasteel armor (+4), Hands, Heuristic processor [think, reason, and learn], Improved sensor package [low-light vision and +2 to Perception - Core p.196], Interior compartment, Internal comlink (encrypted), Internal recording (audio/visual), Jump servos [consider all jumps running jumps], Locked access [shutdown switch - Core p.195], Magnetic feet [can cling to metal surfaces, even at high speeds], Plasteel shell, Sapience [can modify immunities to allow positive mind affects, and behavioral inhibitor is deactivated - TFU p.47], Standard walking and arm appendages
Talents Armor defense [Core p.52] Devastating Attack (rifles) [treat target's damage threshold as -5 lower on a successful attack - Core p.53] Hot-wired processor [as a Swift action, can hot-wire processor to gain +5 on Int- or Wis-based skills, and a +1 to ranged attack rolls - lasts 1/2 level and moved -1 persistant step on CT] Improved armor defense [may add 1/2 armor rating to Reflex] Independent spirit +1 [as a Reaction, may increase a defense score by 1/2 class level, per encounter - TFU p.48] Modification specialist [no penalty on self-repair or modifications - TFU p.47]
Feats Armor pro (light, medium) [Core p.82] Point blank shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.82] Precise shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a tartget engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87] Quick draw [draw or holster as Swift action - Core p.87] Rapid shot [-2 penalty on attack roll, but +1 die of damage - Core p.88] Running attack [may move, attack, and finish move - Core p.88] Skill focus (mechanics) [Core p.88] Weapon pro (heavy, pistols, rifles, simple) [Core p.89]
Primary Skills Initiative +13, Jump +9, Mechanics +16 [diagnostics package +2 to Mechanics - Core p.193], Perception +13 [improved sensor package +2 to Perception - Core p.196], Use Computer +11
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +4, Deception +4, Endurance +4, Gather Information +4, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +6, Knowledge (galactic lore) +6, Knowledge (life sciences) +6, Knowledge (physical sciences) +6, Knowledge (social sciences) +6, Knowledge (tactics) +6, Knowledge (technology) +6, Persuasion +4, Pilot +8, Ride +8, Stealth +8, Survival +6, Swim +4, Treat Injury +6
Possessions 1,300 credits, blaster pistol with 2 spare power packs, hip holster, Satchel shoulder, blaster carbine with targeting scope, standard, stun baton, tool kit

Background Cobbled together from the discarded chassis of a B2 Battle droid, 'Sam' bears only a slight resemblance to that model. The addition of a Durasteel shell covered most of his mismatched skeleton and gives him a cleaner and more uniform appearance. His head is modified from a protocol droid, giving him a more humanoid look. 'Sam' has standard appendages and wears knee-length leggings and a leather jacket to make humans more comfortable with his appearance.

'Born' on Bestine IV, a Mid Rim world that joined the Separtists during the Clone Wars, Sam was created by a power plant mechanic to provide security for a remote power node. Sam's creator was a tinkerer and scavenged many parts in the isolated area of the planet from the devastation that the Clone Wars brought. Constructed from a battle droid base, Sam was a machine meant for war, but the integration of protocol droid circuitry and a heuristic main processor, allowed him to develop into a friend and companion for his creator. The fortunes and misfortunes of the Clone Wars saw him active in his duties as he learned to perform his functions, but also acquired much of his creator's mechanical ability.

Attrition and exodus from the planet soon left Sam and his creator alone in the forgotten area of the planet, their node station uneeded and falling into disrepair. When the Separtist Army was overcome and the Clone Wars concluded, Bestine IV was assimilated by the Empire and most of its population shipped off-world. Sam returned from a scavenging patrol to find his creator gone. Weeks stretched to months and Sam finally determined he was not coming back. He resumed his duties for some time, but eventually decided that continuing was fruitless. Sam gathered what he could and left for an isolated settlement where he found sporadic employment, before paying dearly to book passage off-world.

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


BETTY                       CL 4
[Droideka Series Destroyer Droid]

Large Droid (4th degree) Nonheroic 12
Init +9; Senses normal, low-light vision; Perception +12
Languages Basic (understood only), Binary
Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 15), Fort 13, Will 11
hp 40; second wind +10/20 Current 0/40 SR 20/20; Threshold 18
Condition none; used 0/100 hours until power down necessary
Droid vulnerabilities and immunities
-Ion Damage vulnerability
-Maintenace 1 hour / 100 hours operational
-Non-living: immune poison, disease, radiation, vacuum, mind effects, stun effects
-Sapience: can choose to ignore 'Non-living' penalties

Speed 2 squares (walking), 10 squares (wheeled); must spend a MOVE action to engage/disengage wheeled locomotion
Fightign space 2x2
Melee unarmed +12 (1d4+3)
Ranged (standard) laser cannon +13 (3d8) or
Ranged (standard) laser cannon +8 (3d8, 2x2 square) with autofire or
Ranged (standard) laser cannon +14 (3d8+1) with Point Blank or
Ranged (standard) laser cannon +11 (4d8) with Rapid Shot or
Ranged (standard) laser cannon +8 (5d8) with Burst Fire or
Ranged (standard) laser cannon +9 (3d8+1, 2x2 square) with autofire and Point Blank or
Ranged (standard) laser cannon +12 (4d8+1) with Rapid Shot and Point Blank or
Ranged (standard) laser cannon +9 (5d8+1) with Burst Fire and Point Blank or
Ranged (standard) laser cannon +6 (4d8, 2x2 square) with autofire and Rapid Shot or
Ranged (standard) laser cannon +7 (4d8+1, 2x2 square) with autofire, Rapid Shot and Point Blank or
Ranged (full round) laser cannon +11 (3d8) and laser cannon +11 (3d8) with Dual weapon mastery II or
Ranged (full round) laser cannon +6 (3d8, 2x2 square) and laser cannon +6 (3d8, 2x2 square) with Dual weapon mastery II and autofire or
Ranged (full round) laser cannon +12 (3d8+1) and laser cannon +12 (3d8+1) with Dual weapon mastery II and Point Blank or
Ranged (full round) laser cannon +7 (3d8+1, 2x2 square) and laser cannon +7 (3d8+1, 2x2 square) with Dual weapon mastery II, autofire and Point Blank or
Ranged (full round) laser cannon +9 (4d8) and laser cannon +9 (4d8) with Dual weapon mastery II and Rapid Shot or
Ranged (full round) laser cannon +4 (4d8, 2x2 square) and laser cannon +4 (4d8, 2x2 square) with Dual weapon mastery II, autofire and Rapid Shot or
Ranged (full round) laser cannon +6 (5d8) and laser cannon +6 (5d8) with Dual weapon mastery II and Burst Fire or
Ranged (full round) laser cannon +10 (4d8+1) and laser cannon +10 (4d8+1) with Dual weapon mastery II, Rapid Shot and Point Blank or
Ranged (full round) laser cannon +5 (4d8+1, 2x2 square) and laser cannon +5 (4d8+1, 2x2 square) with Dual weapon mastery II, autofire, Rapid Shot and Point Blank or
Ranged (full round) laser cannon +7 (5d8+1) and laser cannon +7 (5d8+1) with Dual weapon mastery II, Burst Fire and Point Blank or
Base Atk +9; Grp +17
Atk Options autofire [blaster rifle - take -5 penalty, but attack 2x2 square and do full damage if hit, half if miss] Burst Fire [when firing a weapon with autofire capability, may fire a short burst at single target at a -5 to ranged combat, but gain +2 dice of damage - cannot stack with Rapid Shot; expends 5 shots - Core p.82] Point Blank Shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.82] Rapid Shot [may fire two shots with a ranged weapon but suffer a -2 to attack and gain +1 dice of damage; does not stack with Burst Fire - Core p.82]
Special Actions Recharge shields [Endurance +6 vs DC 20; regain SR 5 (3 SWIFT actions, may be spent across consecutive turns]
Abilities Str 16 (+3), Dex 17 (+3), Con -- (--), Int 8 (-1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 7 (-2)
Droid traits/add-ons/upgrades walking locomotion, wheeled locomotion, remote receiver, 2 tool appendages, shield generator (sr 20), integrated comlink, bronzium shell (+5 armor; treat as quadranium plating)
Talents none
Feats Armor pro (light) Burst Fire [when firing a weapon with autofire capability, may fire a short burst at single target at a -5 to ranged combat, but gain +2 dice of damage - cannot stack with Rapid Shot; expends 5 shots - Core p.82] Dual Weapon Mastery I [reduce penalty for attacking with two weapons from -10 to -5 - Core p.84] Dual Weapon Mastery II [reduce penalty for attacking with two weapons from -10 to -2 - Core p.84] Point Blank Shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.82] Rapid Shot [may fire two shots with a ranged weapon but suffer a -2 to attack and gain +1 dice of damage; does not stack with Burst Fire - Core p.82] Weapon focus (rifles) [gain a +1 to attack with focused weapon - Core p.89] Weapon pro (heavy, rifles)
Primary Skills Perception +6
Secondary Skills Deception +4, Endurance +6, Gather Information +4, Initiative +9, Knowlege +5, Mechanics +5, Persuasion +4, Stealth +4, Use Computer +5
Possessions 2 laser cannons (treat as blaster rifles)

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


TC-1089 "BOOTH" CL 8

Medium Human scout 1/soldier 5/noble 1/officer 1
Force 7; Destiny 5; Dark Side 0
Init +13; Senses normal, low-light vision; Perception +12
Languages Basic, Mando'a
Defenses Ref 27 (flat-footed 23), Fort 24, Will 22; Evasion [area attacks do half or no damage - Core p.50] Vehicular Combat [may negate a weapon hit with successful Pilot check; also considered proficient with vehicle weapons that can be fired from the pilot position - Core p.89]
hp 89; second wind +22/44; Current 0/89; DR 2; Threshold 24
Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed 6 squares, Running Attack [may move before and after an attack as long as distance moved is not greater than your speed - Core p.88]
Melee combat gloves +7 (1d6+6)
Ranged S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) +9 (3d8+4) or
Ranged S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) +10 (3d8+5) with Point Blank or
Ranged assault blaster rifle* +10 (3d8+4) or
Ranged assault blaster rifle* +11 (3d8+5) with Point Blank or
Ranged assault blaster rifle* +5 (3d8+4) with autofire or
Ranged assault blaster rifle* +6 (3d8+6) with autofire and Point Blank or
Ranged frag grenade +10 (4d6+4, 2-square burst) or
Ranged ion grenade +10 (4d6+4 ion, 2-square burst)
*assault blaster rifle is considered accurate so no penalties at point blank or short range
Base Atk +6; Grp +10
Atk Options autofire (assault blaster rifle) [may target 2x2 area at -5 penalty and roll against all targets' Reflex in that area; hits do full damage, misses do half damage; costs 10 shots - Core p.156] Cover Fire [when you make a ranged attack, all allies within 6 squares gain a +1 bonus to Reflex defense until the start of your next turn - Core p.52] Point Blank Shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Precise Shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87]
Special Actions Battle Analysis [Swift action to make a DC 15 Knowledge (tactics) check; if successful you know which allies and enemies within your line of sight that have been reduced to at least half their total hit points - Core p.52] Inspire Confidence [as standard, may inspire a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and skill checks for an encounter, canceled if you are slain or unconscious - Core p.44] Shake It Off [two swift actions to reduce CT by 1 - Core p.88]

Abilities Str 14 (+2),  Dex 16 (+3), Con 13 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 8 (-1)
Talents Armored Defense [when calculating Reflex, may add either armor or heroic level - Core p.52] Battle Analysis [Swift action to make a DC 15 Knowledge (tactics) check; if successful you know which allies and enemies within your line of sight that have been reduced to at least half their total hit points - Core p.52] Cover Fire [when you make a ranged attack, all allies within 6 squares gain a +1 bonus to Reflex defense until the start of your next turn - Core p.52] Evasion [area attacks do half or no damage - Core p.50], Improved Armor Defense [Core p.52] Improved Armor Defense [when calculating Reflex Defense, you may use your heroic level plus one half your armor bonus – Core p.52] Inspire Confidence [as standard, may inspire a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and skill checks for an encounter, canceled if you are slain or unconscious - Core p.44]
Feats Armor Proficiency (light) [Core p.82] Martial Arts I [damage from unarmed attacks increases by one die step; you gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense - Core p.86] Point Blank Shot [+1 to attack and damage if firing within point blank - Core p.87] Precise Shot [may shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with no penalty - Core p.87] Running Attack [may move before and after an attack as long as distance moved is not greater than your speed - Core p.88] Shake It Off [two swift actions to reduce CT by 1 - Core p.88] Skill Focus (pilot) [Core p.88] Vehicular Combat [may negate a weapon hit with successful Pilot check; also considered proficient with vehicle weapons that can be fired from the pilot position - Core p.89] Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons) [Core p.89]
Primary Skills Endurance +11, Initiative +13, Knowledge (tactics) +10, Perception +12, Pilot +18, Stealth +18, Use Computer +10
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +5, Deception +3, Gather Information +3, Jump +5, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +5, Knowledge (galactic lore) +5, Knowledge (life sciences) +5, Knowledge (physical sciences) +5, Knowledge (social sciences) +5, Knowledge (technology) +5, Mechanics +5, Persuasion +3, Ride +8, Survival +4, Swim +5, Treat Injury +4
Possessions assault blaster rifle with 8 spare power packs (tech specialist mod: improved accuracy with improved energy cell +1 to attack and 100 shots per power pack),  bandolier, blank datacards, bracer computer, combat gloves, electrobinoculars, encrypted comlink (miniaturized) with holo capability, enhanced low-light targeting scope, 4 FastFlesh medpacs, 3 frag grenades, 3 ion grenades, S-5 heavy blaster pistol (ascension gun) with 2 spare power packs, stormtrooper armor (+6 armor, +2 equipment bonus to Perception and Fortitude; DR 2 with shadowskin (+5 to Stealth)), utility belt (miniaturized)
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


KORIF TAU                       HL 6

Medium Human Jedi 6
Force 6; Destiny 6; Dark Side 0
Init +7; Senses normal; Perception +4
Languages Basic, Durese
Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 17), Fort 17, Will 18; Block [as reaction, may block a melee attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive block in a turn - Core p.41] Deflect [as reaction, may deflect a ranged attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive deflect in a turn - Core p.41]
hp 65; second wind +16/32 Current 0/65 Threshold 17
Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +6 (1d4+1+3)
Melee lightsaber +11 (2d8+1+3) or
Melee lightsaber +11 (2d8+2+3) with both hands or
Melee lightsaber +9 (3d8+1+3) with Rapid Strike or
Melee lightsaber +9 (3d8+2+3) with both hands and Rapid Strike
Ranged DH‐23 "Outback" blaster pistol +5 (3d6+3)
Ranged frag grenade +10 (4d6+3, 2‐square burst) or
Ranged EMP grenade +10 (3d6+3 ion, 2‐square burst) or
Ranged ion grenade +10 (4d6+3 ion, 2‐square burst)
Base Atk +6; Grp +10
Atk Options Droid hunter [+2 bonus on damage / +4 with ion damage against droids - CWCG p.29] Rapid strike [may make two strikes as a single attack against a single target, -2 to hit but +1 dice of damage - Core p.88]
Special Actions Lightsaber throw [may make a ranged attack with thrown lightsaber, if target is within 6 squares may pull saber back with a UTF DC 20 - Core p. 41] Quick draw [may draw or holster weapon as a Swift action - Core p.88]
Abilities Str 12 (+1), Dex 18 (+4), Con 10 (+0), Int 13 (+1), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 16 (+3)
Talents Block [as reaction, may block a melee attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive block in a turn - Core p.41] Deflect [as reaction, may deflect a ranged attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive deflect in a turn - Core p.41] Lightsaber Throw [may make a ranged attack with thrown lightsaber, if target is within 6 squares may pull saber back with a UTF DC 20 - Core p.41]
Feats Droid Hunter [+2 bonus on damage / +4 with ion damage against droids - CWCG p.29] Force Sensitivity [Core p.85] Force Training (3) [Core p.85] Quick Draw [may draw or holster weapon as a Swift action - Core p.87] Rapid Strike [may make two strikes as a single attack against a single target, -2 to hit but +1 dice of damage - Core p.88] Weapon Finesse [may use Dex mod instead of STR mod when using light weapons on attack rolls - Core p.89] Weapon Focus (lightsabers) [gain a +1 on all attack rolls - Core p.89] Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons) [Core p.89]
Force Powers

fold space [JATM p.25](full; one held or unattended object within 6 squares and line of sight or one vehicle you occupy)
DC 20: move Medium up to 6 squares
DC 25: move Large up to 12 squares
DC 30: move Huge up to 18 squares
DC 35: move Gargantuan up to 24 squares
DC 40: move Colossal up to 30 squares
Spend a Force Point to increase size by up to two size categories (maximum Colossal [cruiser]) or double distance
force shield [TFU p.54/LECG p.86](reaction; you) •Telekinetic
DC 15: gain SR 5 until start of your next turn, cannot be recharged
DC 20: as DC 15 except SR 10
DC 25: as DC 15 except SR 15
DC 30: as DC 15 except SR 20
Spend a Force Point to increase SR by 5, maintain as a standard action
force slam [Core p.97](standard; all targets within a 6 square cone) •Telekinetic
+11 vs. Will, deal 4d6 damage and targets are knocked prone; half damage on a miss
Spend a Force Point to deal +2d6 damage
repulse [TFU p.87](standard; all adjacent targets) •Telekinetic
+11 vs. target Strength checks + BAB + size modifier, push 1 square + 1 square for every 5 points exceeding the check, if pushed into a larger object, target takes 1d6 damage
Spend a Force Point to apply a -5 penalty to opponent's check, and deal 2d6 damage if pushed into larger object
saber swarm [JATM p.34](standard; one enemy in reach) •Lightsaber Form
DC 20: make two lightsaber attacks vs. a single target at -5 each
DC 25: as DC 20 but only -2 each
DC 30: as DC 20 but only -1 each
DC 35: as DC 20 but no penalty
Spend a Force Point to move 2 squares before or after you use the power without provoking attacks of opportunity
vital transfer [Core p.100](standard; one ally touched) •Light Side
DC 15: heals 12 hit points
DC 20: heals 18 hit points
DC25: heals 24 hit points
Take half of the damage you heal; spend Force Point to avoid taking damage; spend Destiny Point to move target +5 steps up the condition track
Primary Skills Acrobatics +12, Endurance +8, Jump +9, Use the Force +11
Secondary Skills Climb +4, Deception +6, Gather Information +6, Initiative +7, Knowledge +4, Mechanics +4, Perception +4, Persuasion +6, Pilot +7, Ride +7, Stealth +7, Survival 14, Swim +4, Treat Injury +4, Use Computer +4
Possessions 14,950 credits, DH-23 "Outback" blaster pistol, 2 EMP grenades, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, lightsaber, utility belt (3 day food supply, 3 medpacs, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, comlink, liquid cable dispenser), visual wrist comm, code cylinder, concealed holster, credit chip, field kit (2 condensing canteens, sunshield roll, 7 day food supply, 24 filters, 12 atmosphere canisters, 2 glow rods, 2 breath masks, all-temperature cloak)

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


KORIF TAU            CL 10

Medium Human Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 3
Force 8, Strong in the Force [Roll d8's instead of d6's - Core p.88]; Destiny
Init +19; Senses normal; Perception +11
Languages Basic, Kel Dor
Defenses Ref 26 (flat-footed 22), Fort 22, Will 23; Block [as reaction, may block a melee attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive block in a turn - Core p.41] Deflect [as reaction, may deflect a ranged attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive deflect in a turn - Core p.41]
hp 102; second wind +25/51; Current 0/102; Threshold 22
Condition normal (no penalty)
Speed 6 squares, Running Attack [may move before and after an attack as long as distance moved is not greater than your speed - Core p.88]
Melee lightsaber +15 (2d8+8) or
Melee lightsaber +15 (2d8+9) with both hands or
Ranged lightsaber +14 (2d8+8) when thrown; within 6 squares, DC 20 Use the Force check as a Swift action to draw the saber back
Ranged by weapon +14
base Atk +10; Grp +14
Atk Options Lightsaber throw [standard action, may hurl lightsaber as a thrown weapon all range penalties apply; targets within 6-squares, DC 20 Use the Force check as a Swift action to draw the saber back - Core p.41] Redirect Shot [once per round when you successfully deflect a blaster bolt, you make an immediate ranged attack against a target in your line of sight, apply normal range penalties, and if successful it deals normal damage - Core p.41] Riposte [as reaction once per encounter, may make a free melee attack against a being whose attack has been negated by the Block talent - KOTOR p.25]
Special Actions Telekinetic Savant [once per encounter as a Swift action, you may return one of the following Force Powers to your suite without having to spend a Force Point: Force Disarm, Force Grip, Force Slam, Force Thrust, Move Object - Core p.100]
Abilities Str 13 (+1), Dex 18 (+4), Con 10 (+0), Int 12 (+1), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 14 (+2)
Special Qualities Build lightsaber
Talents Block [as reaction, may block a melee attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive block in a turn - Core p.41] Deflect [as reaction, may deflect a ranged attack with an opposed Use the Force, -5 penalty for each successive deflect in a turn - Core p.41] Lightsaber throw [standard action, may hurl lightsaber as a thrown weapon all range penalties apply; targets within 6-squares, DC 20 Use the Force check as a Swift action to draw the saber back - Core p.41] Redirect Shot [once per round when you successfully deflect a blaster bolt, you make an immediate ranged attack against a target in your line of sight, apply normal range penalties, and if successful it deals normal damage - Core p.41] Riposte [as reaction once per encounter, may make a free melee attack against a being whose attack has been negated by the Block talent - KOTOR p.25] Telekinetic Savant [once per encounter as a Swift action, you may return one of the following Force Powers to your suite without having to spend a Force Point: Force Disarm, Force Grip, Force Slam, Force Thrust, Move Object - Core p.100]
Feats Force Sensitivity [you can make Use the Force checks and it is considered a class skill; also you can choose from Force Talents - Core p.85] Force Training (3) [gain a number of Force powers in your suite equal to 1 + Wisdom modifier (always at least 1) - Core p.85] Running Attack [may move before and after an attack as long as distance moved is not greater than your speed - Core p.88] Skill Focus (Initiative, Use the Force) [Core p.88] Strong in the Force [Roll d8's instead of d6's - Core p.88] Weapon Finesse [when using melee weapons may use Dexterity mod to attacks instead of Strength - Core p.89] Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons) [Core p.89]
Force Powers

battle strike (1) [Core p.96](swift; self) • n/a
DC 15: +17 Use the Force, gain a +1 Force bonus on next attack roll and +1d6 to damage if successful
DC 20: as DC 15, except you gain a +2d6 damage
DC 25: as DC 15, except you gain a +3d6 damage
Spend a Force Point to deal an additional 2d6 points of damage
force blast (1) [TFU p.86](standard; one target within 12 squares and line of sight) • n/a
DC 15: +17 vs. Reflex, 2d6 damage
DC 20: +17 vs. Reflex 3d6 damage
DC 25: +17 vs. Reflex 4d6 damage
DC 30: +17 vs. Reflex 5d6 damage
Spend a Force Point to add a bonus of 5 damage
move object (1) [Core p.98](standard; one character or object within 18 squares and line of sight) • Telekinetic
+17 vs Will if target resists, hurl or drop object vs. target's Reflex, both take damage according to DC below
DC 15: Move up to medium object, 2d6 damage
DC 20: Move up to large object, 4d6 damage
DC 25: Move up to huge object, 6d6 damage
DC 30: Move up to gargantuan object, 8d6 damage
DC 35: Move up to colossal object, 10d6 damage
Moving or hovering target opposes Use the Force with a grapple check
Spend a Force Point to increase max size of object one category and +2d6 damage (max 12d6)
Spend a Destiny Point to increase max size three categories and +6d6 damage (max 16d6)
rebuke (1) [Core p.100](reaction; force power used against you) • n/a
+17 Use the Force; if roll equals or exceeds the check result of the power directed at you, it is harmlessly redirected; it your roll exceeds the check result of the power directed at you by 5 or more, you may choose to direct it back on your attacker; special – originator may attempt to rebuke their own power directed back at them once more towards you
Spend a Force Point to eliminate all effects of a force power that has been rebuked twice – once by you and once by originator
vital transfer (1) [Core p.100](standard; one creature touched) • light side
DC 15: +17 Use the Force; target heals hit points equal to 2x its character level
DC 20: +17 Use the Force; target heals hit points equal to 3x its character level
DC 25: +17 Use the Force; target heals hit points equal to 4x its character level
Each time you use Vital Transfer, you take half as much damage as you heal (round down)
Spend a Force Point to avoid taking any damage from your vital transfer
Spend a Destiny Point to move the target +5 on the condition track as well as healing it normally
draw closer (1) [JATM p.30](standard; one creature enemy within 6 squares and line of sight) • lightsaber form, telekinetic
DC 15: +17 Use the Force; target must be medium or smaller in size and not grabbed or grappled, draw it into the nearest unoccupied space near you and make a single melee lightsaber attack (if no space is available, power fails)
DC 20: same as DC 15, but target may be Large or smaller
DC 25: same as DC 15, but target may be Huge or smaller
DC 30: same as DC 15, but target may be Gargantuan or smaller
Spend a Force Point to pull the target into any adjacent space
Force Techniques: Extended Move Object [may use Move Object up to 18 squares away - JATM p.36]
Primary Skills Acrobatics +14, Initiative +19, Perception +11, Use the Force +17
Secondary Skills Climb +6, Deception +7, Endurance +10, Gather Information +7, Jump +6, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +6, Knowledge (galactic lore) +6, Knowledge (life sciences) +6, Knowledge (physical sciences) +6, Knowledge (social sciences) +6, Knowledge (tactics) +6, Knowledge (technology) +6, Mechanics +6, Persuasion +7, Pilot +9, Ride +9, Stealth +9, Survival +6, Swim +6, Treat Injury +6, Use Computer +6
Possessions 5,000 credits, lightsaber (tech specialist mod; +2 damage), utility belt (3 day food supply, 3 medpacs, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, 3 glow rods, comlink, liquid cable dispenser), all-temperature cloak [+5 to Fortitude Defense against extreme heat and cold effects], aquata breather, 2 FastFlesh medpacs, long-range comlink

Notes:- Korf Tau was a human male that had been abandoned as a youth by his mother in the shadowy sub-levels of Coruscant. Left to perish, he instead was taken in by a family and raised among the other children as one of their own - but it was for a dark purpose. The man and woman he would call his mother and father had taken many children with the ultimate goal of creating a band of pick-pockets and thieves. His earliest memories were of running, ducking, dodging and jumping through the infrastructure of the city sub-levels. He was good at it, too. His body was thin and dexterous which made him a favorite to his 'father' and always granted him the task of cutting purses from unsuspecting commuters. There was something else about Korif that separated him from his 'siblings' - he had a knack for foresight and extreme luck. What he nor his family knew was that the Force moved through him, and so destined him for something better.

When he turned six his world changed. Korif returned home in the early evening (yes, even at his early age he was put on the streets to 'work') to find his house full of city police; his parents in binders outside the house and his brothers and sisters gathered near. When he was seen, he tried to run but he was bested by a young woman, not of the city officials, but a padawan from the Jedi Temple. Her name was Breya and she had been made part of the City Criminal Division, by the Temple, to help in rooting out the sub-level crime and children bondage.

The fact that she had countered his every move made Korif marvel and he instinctively opened his mind to learn more, only to find that she was aware of him within the Force and responded, "You cannot get away, little one. Stop. You have potential beyond this place. Come to me."

Korif did as she said.

His life after that had been a whirlwind of training and adventure, as he was inducted into the Jedi Temple as a padawan. His assigned master was a Kel Dorr, named Val Orn, and Korif spent the next sixteen years under his tutelage. It was Val Orn who gave Korif Tau his name from the Kel Dorr language, which meant unchained one, describing his early life in bondage. Korif worked diligently to meet his master's expectations and to exceed them. He trained his body into a fit, athletic build, and his mind in the ways of the Force. He learned his master's speech. He learned the ways of the Jedi.

The lightsaber became his passion and he displayed exceptional skill with the weapon. When he finished his  search for his crystal, Korif introduced a new design that allowed his cycling field energizers to amplify the blade and increase its cutting capacity. He was held out as an example to his fellow padawans for his creative thought. Val Orn quickly taught him lessons to quell any personal pride that could stem from Korif's achievement and the young man took the teaching well - speaking no further of it.

In his restive state, Korif smiled to himself as the memories moved through his mind. These were the things that gave him strength. They were the things that eased the pain. They were the thoughts that staved off the bitter anger he felt at the Sith and Lord Kaan. It was on Ruusan that Korif's master had been slain. It was due to the new Sith Wars that Korif Tau had attained Jedi Knight, but the loss was grievous. Save for Breya who had taken him out of his dark youth, Val Orn was the only true family Korif knew and he had been killed at the hands of the Sith.

When the mission orders had come up for a team of Jedi Knights to travel to Qi Lozar to eradicate any Sith presence, Korif had quickly volunteered. He was not here for revenge, he told himself. He was here to honor his Master.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]