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Episode 1: Round up on Salliche

Started by tomcat, Dec 30, 2012, 08:34 PM

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Farok's sudden revelation of their situation to the newcomer left her dumbfounded, and for a long moment she couldn't think of anything immediately to say. She watched the Jedi depart the ship, thinking seriously on his words. Was she willing to trust in this world? She would have to trust more, she realized, risk more, if she had any hope of starting what she had planned.

She listened to Abby's tale and as the arkanian turned to go back into the ship, Abby shook her head and touched Abby's arm. A part of her hoped she wasn't making a mistake. But she decided to do as Master Farok had so many times. She let go and decided to trust her feelings.

"No... please. Wait. I'm sorry Abby. I didn't know if I could trust you. Truth be told, I still don't know entirely, but I realize now I need to try. I can't pull this weight alone." She let out a breath. "It seems we both have a stake in this here little trip to Salliche." Her face grew grim. "So the Empire has your father? Well, some months back, they took over our planet, Commenor, killed my father and my brother, and imprisoned what was left of my family, relocating them to the stars know where. Political prisoners, you know. I received intelligence that they are holding my sister in a re-education camp in Salliche and we know when they'll be transporting those prisoners off world. But I mean to rescue them. If you are willing to help, we could use whatever skills and resources you have. Deal? But keep this among our crew here okay? A secret shared is a secret lost."

She held out her hand in friendship and trust. Trusting the arkanian certainly felt better.

"Come on," she smiled and moved towards the ramp. "You may as well come. You might be able to help with the negotiations."


:ooc: Hey Matt, is BIT a clone? I am thinking he is not, but I wanted to confirm.

Sam and Ardana watched as the bulk of the crew walked out of the Aegis' berthing to make their clandestine meet. The Twi'lek and droid had been given the orders to have the ship's engines warmed and ready for when they returned. They would stash the new gear and be on their way. The timeline, based on the prisoner manifest, would allow them five days to prepare once they were planetside on Salliche. Sam just hoped the meeting tonight was worth it.

The other five companions wound their way through the darkened streets of the city, heading towards the merchant square. Abby led them easily in the lamplight until at last they came to Old Herm's. BIT, ever vigilant, watched the night shadows for any shape that did not belong. The soldier did not come with his rifle and felt as if a part of himself were missing, but it was prudent for them not to be questioned. Still, the Clone Wars veteran felt the comforting weight of his heavy blaster pistol hanging off his waist in its holster. Beside him, Caden swaggered along with a different kind of confidence - sure of himself, but also at peace amongst the folk that haunted the streets. The captain was an 'every man' - he was like everyone around them and so felt no fear. Why would anyone hurt their own? That was the mindset of Caden Whitesun. BIT knew a different side of people - he saw what war could do to a person, a planet, a culture... he hoped his captain didn't swagger with too much confidence and get himself blindsided.

Walking beside Kaida, Farok moved in silence. The former jedi did not look around with his eyes, but he reached out before them with the Force. The waves of energy of both living and non-living things that returned to him were like a three-dimensional schematic. He could sense things in front of him, in the shadows, without seeing them with the naked eye. He plied this to assure that no one had set an ambush before them. Kaida watched him as she walked and wondered at what he was doing. She knew that the jedi was not being idle in his thoughts or with his skills, but she wished that she were more in tune with the Force and could understand its secrets.

There was a dim light shining deep inside the warehouse that was Herm's business. Abby went to the smaller man door and rapped loudly on the glass. She rapped again when no reply came, looking back at the others with a concerned brow. She raised her hand once more to knock when the door swung open revealing a sleepy-eyed Herm. The merchant saw Abby and recognition took over his face.

"Abby? Whatcha doin' out so late... and with these folk?" Herm was obviously concerned for the young woman. In truth, although he knew her and the merchandise she peddled, the old merchant was none too keen about Loryll Tanin. The thought that Abby had now involved herself in all of this made him sad. He liked her. He thought her a great engineer, and if he were a younger man, he might have pursued her.

The Arkanian shrugged and smiled, but gave no other response. Herm took that as meaning it was not his business and so went on to Kaida, "You sure did come with a larger crew. You all might cause Loryll a bit of concern." He grabbed a hat and a knit poncho off of a coat tree and settng one on his head and draping the other of his shoulders, Herm pushed them out from his door and closed. "Come on. No better time than the present to see this done. Understand that I am only introducing you to Loryll - after that, I am gone and you are on your own."

They continued their walk, but now instead of the taverns and nightclubs that lit the streets around the space port, the moved past small store fronts that were closed for the night. They crossed through a large square where a fountain sputtered over its reflecting pool. The fountain was in need of repair and the water clapped down loudly in the night. This was one of the merchant squares where tables would be set up during the day and wares would be bartered and sold. On the far side of the clear square, a high metal fence was built surrounding what appeared to be a large garage. The fence had strips of plastic running between its wires to block the view from outsiders. Cameras were swiveling in 60 degree patterns on top of tall poles at each corner of the fence line. Inside, also hanging off a high pole near the garage building was a large light that lit the business lot. Anyone who would try to jump the fence would be easily observed. On the signage that hung over the large garage door it said TANIN SERVICE AND TOW.

Farok could now sense a tension in the Force. There were cautious folk hidden around the building before them. He could not tell how many, or where they precisely were at the moment, only that they were there.

Herm walked to the gate and pushed a buzzer button on a beat up intercom that hung there. A crackled voice answered, "Yea?"

"It's Herm. We're here." Caden noticed as a camera inside the compound swiveled to look at them all standing there at the gate. It took a moment and then a buzz came along with a click of the gate bolt being electronically opened. "C'mon in," said the garbled voice.

The old mech led them inside the gate and across the business' lot until they came to the garage. A door opened before they could knock and the group entered a softly lit vehicle bay. An athletic woman sat on a stool. BIT thought her hard looking, having once been attractive but life toughening her up. Her hair was graying and pulled into a tight bun on the back of her head. It had the affect of making the rest of her face look as if it were also being pulled back, taut on the skull.

"So," the woman started, "I am Loryll Tanin and this is my repo shop. What is it that I can do for someone who has 4000 credits to throw around?" Around them all, the companions could see dimly lit figures on the periphery of the soft light.

:ooc: Remember, in the Prologue, Kaida gave Herm 4000 credits to arrange the meet with the understanding that it wasn't offeratory money but a down payment on anything they procured. This begs the question again... how much more money do you guys have with you now? It can be on a credit stick if you want.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


"Loryll," Kaida nodded and smiled confidently at the woman. "Nice to meet a man of business. I'll cut right to the chase. I need a few things. Some small odds and ends really. Herm said you were the best one to talk to. And don't get any ideas about those creds you received. They are a down payment only, assuming you have what I need." She paused and scanned the area then leaned closer. "For starters, I need an un-programmed Dorideka."

:ooc: As to my funds, I have all my remaining personal funds ready to transfer via a credit stick I have with me. I just need to give the key code and they can withdraw the money on the spot into whatever account on a datapad or computer they plug the stick into. Here's my shopping list again. I need to know how much she's charging on each of these:

  • A Droideka battle droid (new vs. used) - the benefits speak for themselves. She wants it reprogrammed to take orders from her. BIT is good with computers and might be able to do that. If an assembled droid is too much, she'll buy parts for a disassembled one and Abby and Sam can put it together. It'd be kind of fun to put a protocol droid head on one of those.  ;D
  • An Astromech Droid - It always helps to have a mobile toolkit around.
  • A jet pack - She's envious of BIT's mobility.
  • Portable anti-vehicle or anti-air missile launcher and prices for missles
  • Land mines?
  • Smoke Grenades - useful in various tactical situations, but she wants something that would hide from thermal sensors
  • Normal Frag Grenades

Is there anything else you guys thing we might need for this rescue op?


:ooc: Just a heads up, Jared - Loryll is a woman.  :shh:
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Loryll laughed out loud when Kaida made her first request and continued for a moment longer until she realized the noblewoman was serious.

"A droideka?!" she asked incredulously. "Seriously? Do you know what has been going on in the galaxy over the last six years? After the Clone Wars, you think all that hardware that the CIS used was just left laying around? The Emperor did a real good job at assuming control over all military forces and all that stuff was collected - at least I think. Now he is doing a real good job at bringing most Republic worlds under his complete control, which means even personal weapons are being taken from civillians. Won't be long until the only one with a gun will be those gruesome looking white-shelled troopers." Loryll stared at Kaida for a moment with an inquisitive look, "Why do you need one?"
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


Kaida shook her head in disagreement and eyed the other woman coolly. "Oh please. The Clone war hasn't been over that long, and that conflict raged across hundreds of systems in thousands of engagements. I doubt even the vaunted efficiency of this fledgling Empire would have found and recovered every single battle droid that was fielded. I would bet there are still thousands if not millions still in circulation, sold on the black market, whole or in parts, ready for reassembly."

Kaida approached slowly and raised a single finger. "As to why do we want one. Let's just say the strong-arm stooges of Emperor Papatine won't exactly be happy if you sold us one. We mean to start a little ruckus in the galaxy with the help of the weapons you'll sell. A ruckus that'll someday light a torch to rock the foundation of this empire. Is that good enough for you? Now, do you have one or not?"


Loryll sat quietly looking at Kaida. Farok could feel the tension build in the room around him - the thugs that guarded the black marketeer had increased their readiness.

A smile cracked on Loryll's face, "I like honesty! Well, good that makes our conversation a lot easier. Do I have one? No. Can I get one?... Maybe. What is your timeframe?"

Kaida explained that the ship needed to move within the next few hours. Loryll shook her head, "No, I can't get you that kind of hardware that soon. But, I could have it delivered to your next location. Just be careful, those droidekas were monsters when they were being used in the war, cracking their programming to make them tame watchdogs might be a challenge.What else do you need?"

The answer was to Kaida's liking - they were getting somewhere. She rattled off the rest of her list. Loryll listened quietly as she spoke, nodding as things were mentioned that could be easily obtained.

"All right," said the woman. "Here is what I got and I will see about the other things..."

:ooc: Cool. Good RP'ing!

I will take your list and add up what the base costs of each item are, but then I will have to add her fees (based on Black Market rules in the books). You may not like what you see, but I will have it posted in a little while. I want to go play some Xbox right now.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


:ooc:Hey Jared, here's a shopping list that you may want to think through:

Both of the below options are portable, shoulder launchers. Both are from the Rebellion Era Sourcebook.

Merr-Sonn PLX-2M Portable Missile Launcher: Costs 2250 cr, holds 6 missiles which do 8d6 damage in a 2 square radius. Missiles are sold in 6 packs for 350 cr.

Miniature Proton Torpedo Launcher: Costs 1500 cr, holds 4 missiles which do 10d6 damage in a 2 sq radius. Also has the option targeting only a single target for 8d6 damage and ignoring target's DR. Requires a standard action to reset between missiles. Not sure how much the missiles cost. The weapon is also usually part of a stormtrooper's armour, but the book mentions that some rebels have converted them into shoulder mounted launchers

Triangulation Visor [GAW]: Costs 1400 cr, and helps with aiming/targeting the missile launchers.


Here are some land mine options... the books they are found in are listed in the [ ].

Antivehicle [FU]: Costs 1500 cr, does 10d6 damage in a 2 square radius. Only triggered by a vehicle entering the space (or with a manual trigger)

Land Mine [FU]: Costs 500 cr, does 8d6 damage in a 1 square radius. Triggered by anything entering into the space.

Ion Mine [GAW]: Costs 800 cr, does 8d6 ion damage in a 2 square radius. Benefit – doesn't kill people... like the prisoners we're hoping to rescue.

Limpet Mine [GAW]: Costs 300 cr, does 6d6 damage in a 1 square radius. Require someone to actually "stick" the mine onto the vehicle.

Proximity Mine [FU]: Costs 1500 cr, does 6d6 damage in a 3 square radius. Is triggered when anyone/thing enters into a 3 square radius of the mine.

Antipersonnel Mine [GAW]: Costs 500 cr, does 6d6 damage in a 6 square cone.

Manual Trigger [FU]: Costs 100 cr, and allows any mine to be manually/remotely triggered rather than requiring someone/thing to enter into the space. Perhaps for more controlled damage.

I wasn't able to find any smoke grenades that conceal persons from thermo-imaging, though I did find this...

R-9 Flash Canister [JATM]: Costs 100 cr, targets in a 2 (or 3?) square radius make reflex save to avoid being blinded (and I think deafened as well). Gain total conceal vs targets that fail their saves.

We may want to consider some of the following items in order to conceal ourselves, our vehicles, and our gear while the prisoner convoy approaches our location...

Stealth Field Generator [KOTOR]: Costs   5000 cr and provides concealment while on the move.

Camo Netting and Camo Poncho [GAW]: Costs 2000 cr and 125 cr respectively. The netting would cover a speeder bike, or a couple people, or the Com Scrambler/Power generator (see below).

We may want to consider getting a Com Scrambler. The equipment disrupts communications in a 20 km radius and requires a power generator to keep working. While it would also disrupt our communications with each other, it would make it difficult/impossible to our foes to communicate with each other or their allies at the prison or ship port. Com Scrambler cost 6000 cr... not sure how much a power generator goes for. It would be interesting to see if we could connect it to the power supply of the speeder bike and make the equipment mobile?

Not sure if anyone has the Heavy Weapons feat... if someone does (I'm thinking SAM...), perhaps giving them a Rotary Blaster Cannon [GAW]? Costs 5500 cr, does 3d10 autofire damage to 2x4 square... always a good time.

Not sure what these prisoner transport vehicles look like, so I'm not sure what we'll need to get into them in order to free the prisoners... are they like armour trucks? We'll be need to weld our way through? Or will Farok use his lightsaber? Or do we need some Detonite Cord (1000 cr, 4d6 damage in a 1 square radius) or regular explosives with some triggers/timers?

Anyway... just some thoughts.


:ooc: Good thinkin' Scott. That equipment is perfect for spec ops missions. We'll see how many creds we have for this once GM gives us the markup on the previous order.


:ooc: Give me just a bit guys. I have all the numbers together, just been busy with home and work over the last two days.

I will also get PC sheets updated (I did get your PM, Jared), so give me a little more time on that, too. For those that have not picked their advancements, hurry up and get me that stuff.

Matt, I already took care of Durgil's sheet for your pick - so that is done.
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


When the group walks in, BIT slides to the back to keep on everyone and their surroundings, letting the talking heads do their thing as he worked better from the dark and with surprise on his side.  "Cracking a droid's brain and putting it back together? Hmm sounds tricky ... and a challenge," he thinks with a grin but he's not sure he'll have enough time to do it justice.  In the corner, he idly taps the butt of his pistol while scoping out the place.

Perception (to notice any potential dangers, keep tabs on portals to the room, etc.) - Roll(1d20)+12: 15,+12 Total:27

Ok, cool Doug, thanks!
Gwaithlim Weapons
Great Bow  Atk: 2d -- Dmg (0h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
Swords       Atk: 2d -- Dmg (1h): 5/11/17 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16
                                    Dmg (2h): 7/13/19 -- Edge: 10 -- Injury: 16


Quote from: tomcat on Jan 09, 2013, 11:13 AM
:ooc: For those that have not picked their advancements, hurry up and get me that stuff.

:ooc: Have I gotten you advancements yet? I forget...  :-[
LOTR Characters:Dirnhael, Vári
ST Characters:Stonn, Ramos
SW Character: Caden Whitesun


:ooc: Here is a question before I post these numbers - which kind of mines were you thinking about?
Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


ooc: Okay, the following is the prices for what you guys were looking for:

ITEMS base       unit    type        BM mu* license %    PC Cost    License    Total
droideka 21,000 each military x4 20% 84,000 4,200 88,200
mech droid 4,500 each licensed x1 5% 4,500 225 4,725
jet pack 300 each licensed x1 5% 300 15 315
missile launcher 2,250 each military x4 20% 9,000 450 9,450
missiles 350 pkg 6 military x4 20% 1,400 - 1,400
triangulation visor 1,400 each military x4 20% 5,600 280 5,880
frag grenades 200 each military x4 20% 800 - 800
smoke grenades 125 each military x4 20% 500 - 500
land mines 1,500 each military x4 20% 6,000 - 6,000
*BM mu stands for Black Market mark up

Esgalwen [♦♦♦♦♦○]     :<3: 10/12       :+~: 8       :<>: 16/18
Nimronyn [Sindarin Pale gleam] superior keen, superior grievous longsword - orc bane
Foe-slaying - when attacking a bane creature, reduce Edge of weapon by value of bearer's Valour

Shadow bane [when in Forward stance, add 1 success die to each attack]
Skirmisher [if carried encumbrance is 12 or less, increase Parry by +3 when in close combat stance]


:ooc: *cough* 88k for the Droideka *gasp*  :o . Wasn't expecting that. I only have about 35k on me. With my new level that'll go up by 25k but that takes time to arrange. Let the haggling begin...  B-)
I'm going to try using my persuasion skill to talk her down. First I want to try and do "Change Attitude" to shift their attidue to a more friendly posture. Then I want to do "Haggle" to talk her down on  my "desired item" (the droideka). I'd like any assistance any of you others can provide on my haggling skill roll. (page 71 on book)

Kaida flashed a winning smile and relaxed though she tried to keep the stress out of her voice. She didn't have that kind of money. Time to bring out her secret weapon. Words. Negotiations. The Truth. These she understood and wielded as effectively as Farok did his lightsaber.

Kaida laughed at the price and smiled easily, putting everyone at ease. "Oh please. Come on! You can't be serious! Really? Hundred thousand creds? This is quite the racket you've got going on. You're asking way more than they're worth. But I'll humor you. You want a heavier purse and I know you need to get rid of a product that causes nosey imperials to ask too many questions. Having that sort of thing is bad for your business. But I need your product. You need the creds. I can take it off your hands and put it to good use. And at the same time I'll stick a finger in the imperials eye and start a movement that'll increase your business by well over 1000%. I have, shall we say, some very powerful connections who would be interested in using your services if we can swing a deal here. I'm willing to pay full price for the other items we buy, but no more than 30% your asking price for the droideka. I'm sure we can reach some accommodation here."

:ooc: i'm deliberately starting low on my offer because I know she'll talk me up. Ideally, I'd like to talk her down by 50% as it says for Haggle. Anyway, roll dem bones!

Persuasion to Change Attitude 1d20+16 : 18 + 16, total 34

Persuasion to Haggle the price down by 50% on the Droideka 1d20+16 : 17 + 16, total 33

If I'm close, I'll throw in a force point.